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@Gargron this is one of the funniest toots of all time, but the context has been lost to the sands of time

Eugen Rochko update: Much-hated "regex filters" are gone. Click on the cog icon and navigate to Filters, where you can add keywords or phrases to mute.


@Gargron Can a “keyword” filter also contain a RegEx? Because then I'm in filtering heaven! Then I only need native clients ti implement a UI to configure that. \o/

David McCormick

@Gargron any chance of them coming back? I love them in Ivory, but would like them to be set on the server for when I’m using a different client

10원 Tips


I'd love to see regex filters at least be an option. It's difficult to manage a huge list of >50 muted terms.

Additionally allowing Regex could let people "share" filter lists easily.

Eugen Rochko

Draft: How to become a successful artist on Mastodon 👀

Do you think I included sane advice? Anything important I missed? Some other toots I should embed?

Eugen Rochko

On one hand I could probably write a blog post detailing how to build a basic ActivityPub server... On the other, it will do nothing to attract a non-tech audience 🤔

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@Gargron Is this blog post still relevant today? I tried following the steps however I couldn't get them to work. Therefore I created this issue here:


@lamp @bill I see but did the webfinger step work for you?

I didn't receive any GET requests when I tried to look up my @user@homeserver on several Mastodon instances. I was expecting that to work because the post says:
"...available under your domain with a valid SSL certificate, you could already look up your actor from another Mastodon by entering into the search bar."

Maybe it will start working after I post a message 🤔


@Gargron I'm having a lot of trouble getting this to work still. I get an HTTP error 503 when I try to search for my user through I have an nginx virtual host running with a JSON file named 'actor' and the webfinger static file at .well-known/webfinger. When I look through the nginx logs I don't see anything that gives any information on what could be going wrong.

Eugen Rochko

you: installing mastodon is hard
gitlab: hold my beer

@Gargron :comfysip: this is why Gitea
Eugen Rochko

What happens once I have more followers than Lance Ulanoff has on Twitter?

Eugen Rochko

I've made a deliberate choice against a quoting feature because it inevitably adds toxicity to people's behaviours. You are tempted to quote when you should be replying, and so you speak at your audience instead of with the person you are talking to. It becomes performative. Even when doing it for "good" like ridiculing awful comments, you are giving awful comments more eyeballs that way. No quote toots. Thank's

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@Gargron That feature is what makes Twitter toxic, in my opinion

The Cadence Collective

@Gargron and because you have made this deliberately impossible, others find ways around you. congratulations.

Eugen Rochko

i used to be an avid hn reader but at some point the takes grow stale, i already know what the comments are going to say, so it's boring to read

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