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Andy Lundell 🙄


This feels like half of a a change intended to mimic facebook, and then they just didn't do the other half.

Mike Flugennock

@Gargron @darius
Ah, yeah; the big string of numerals, one of my criteria for whether or not to report an account as fake — along with not having anything in the bio, less than 100 followers, a join date less than a year ago, and a default generic avi.

Mike Flugennock

@Gargron @darius

That's as may be, but usernames with big strings of numerals at the end are still pretty much a sure sign of a troll/bot/other fake account, and I nuke 'em from orbit accordingly.

Why take chances?
WHOOMP, problem solved.

Satsuma [moved]

@Gargron @darius that is.....a bizarre UX decision

Like I know finding unique usernames on the internet is getting increasingly difficult, but this doesn’t feel like its actually solving that problem—if anything restricting people to the FirstLast12345 format is reducing the total number of learnable usernames

Hyperlink Your Heart

@Gargron @darius Interesting, but people with these kinds of usernames generally only get dismissed as "bots" after also exhibiting disagreeable behaviour or opinions.

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