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Eugen Rochko

I feel awful. I’ve cycled through like 5 different things that I need to work on without making progress on any of them, quickly getting distracted by the other thing.

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Coyote In Green

@Gargron You and me both, brother. It sucks. Soldier on.

Arisu 🏳️‍🌈

@Gargron can relate :blobcateyes:

you'll handle this better tomorrow! :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

Gracious Anthracite


Been there.

That's usually a cue to do my self-care checklist (thirsty? hungry? had pills? exercised? etc, etc, you know what works for you) and go do some of that, and maybe do some household chores for a bit. Or just get the hell up and go outside for a while.


@Gargron I suggest finding a menial chore "you've been meaning to do". Once you accomplish that, while still procrastinating, you set yourself up to continue on with doing things.


@Gargron Being an adult sucks sometimes. One thing I've done is create a task list on my Nextcloud server and manage it with OpenTasks on my phone. Helps keep me on track because sometimes it's easy to get frustrated and just say, "Fuck it, I'll do this other thing and come back to this later." but then 6 months go by and I forget about the first thing.

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