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Eugen Rochko

Wait so Blahaj is the IKEA product line name, I thought it was a specific name someone here gave their plush shark

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🌈✡️ Rochesters First Wife ✡️🌈

@Gargron several Ikea stuffed animals have gone viral and people have a lot of fun posting theirs doing everyday things. I want the dunskog.

Steinar Bang

@Gargron it's Swedish for "Blue shark".

(I understood where the name came from but still thought it was funny...:-) )

Eugen Rochko

Honorary Astronaut - E. K. E. #np

(Casey Crescenzo’s new band)

Eugen Rochko

I kinda slept on Haken's Virus album when it just came out but now I'm coming around on it :catjam:

Eugen Rochko

I want to get back into reading so I'm easing myself in with something I already know. I tried Equal Rites first but it didn't take. I've begun re-reading Artemis Fowl again.

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Nate Cull

@Gargron Oh no please don't give up on Pratchett

but maybe start with Guards! Guards!, that's when the 'modern Ankh-Morpork' really started and it's a solid wassname, metaphor for the human condition, and if that's not bad enough, it's also a bloody huge fiery flying thing.

Or Pyramids, because it's filled with Ancient Egyptian AND confectionary name puns.

(The warring kingdoms of Hersheba and Djelibabi are awesome)


@Gargron man I haven't thought about Artemis Fowl in years, but I remember reading it voraciously. Thanks for reminding me!

Eugen Rochko

Probably a good time to mention that the next version of Mastodon will finally make account suspensions reversible (with a separate option to delete data when needed). Been working on that for a few weeks (among other things)


Eugen Rochko

My eyes are so tired all the time, like it's exhausting to focus on the screen...

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Pedes the Eevee lover

@Gargron You won't like it but the solution may be looking a bit less at the screens

Deadly Headshot

That's because it takes physical effort to retain a fixed focus instead of constantly changing focus as you would if looking around...

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@Gargron I miss the days when I had a Chrome extension that turned all pictures of Tony Abbott into pictures of kittens. I also used that extension as a way of checking whether Drupal sites were using a common extension with broken Alt tags and therefore not accessible.

Jan v/d Broek

@Gargron At a quick glance it looks like the same method which is used to keep the seawater out of lakes and rivers.


@Gargron i am very disappointed that those two white los angeles police officers who were ambushed a few nights ago did not die!! I HATE THE DAMN POLICE IN AMERICA!!!


@Gargron i want to know why the germans bombed pearl harbor on dec. 7th 1941!!!

Eugen Rochko

I finally bought green tea but the tea making process is such a reflex at this point I always fill it with boiling water instead of waiting a bit like you're supposed to with green tea.

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@Gargron Und bitte, sage mir doch mal, warum ich nicht meine Instanz gestartet bekomme. Ich verstehe das immer noch nicht mein guter. Also das ich die nicht fertig machen kann. dazu muss ich mal allen, wenn ich das weiß was Posten. Da ich das schon öfters gehört habe von anderen. Nicht jeder will und kann Englisch. Ich muss immer mit dem Übersetzer arbeiten. Deswegen schaue ich immer nach guten Büchern meiner Sprache gut schreiben. Dass man ein was lernt & mitkommt. Code bleibt ja der gleiche.

Deadly Headshot

@Gargron We had an odd smell fill the kitchen yeasterday and later found out that a teabag had fallen in the toaster just before we used it for bread. I don't know what kind of tea that would be...

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@Gargron Are you tired because I was banging two pots together over and over outside your house all night?

Sitrom Rogir

@Gargron Perfect mood for relaxing listening to Mastodon, Tool, Volbeat...

Eugen Rochko

The world is unraveling and I don't know how anyone is supposed to cope with it all

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Dag Ågren ↙︎↙︎↙︎

@Gargron It's going to be a weird decade after all of this. I wonder what it'll be like for those going through their formative years now...

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@Gargron Radical self-care, combined with radical care for others.

Activists often are self-sacrificing to a fault, which is understandable given the stakes, but holding civilization together will be a marathon, not a sprint. We'll be dealing with climate change, racism, fascism, etc. for the rest of our lives. We need to make sure our contributions are sustainable, and avoid burnout. People who are already overwhelmed and burned out need to start by putting their oxygen mask on


@Gargron you should come to the usa! THIS COUNTRY UNRAVELED A LONG TIME AGO!!

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