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Eugen Rochko

I posted a Firefox screenshot on Mastodon's Twitter and it's been compressed to hell... What the hell

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@Gargron It might get better? 🤷 afaik, Twitter's initially available content is compressed to hell, then later a higher-resolution one is available

idk for certain though... closed code 'n' all

Dangit, Stonehaven

@Gargron Twitter compresses most pics to hell and back. They had to program some kind of special “we don’t compress this” shit for PNGs under a certain filesize or whatever so pixel artists could post their work and not have it annihilated by the compression.

Five Element Ninja

@Gargron yeah they compress the hell out of images. GradientBot's thumbnail images on there are terrible, although occasionally they get an interesting texture to them. It's annoying because someone might see the super compressed thumbnail and think that's what the full size image looks like.

Mr. Snrub from far away

@Gargron I blame ceph. While it has inline image compression and scaling it's not the most elegant.

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