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Devine Lu Linvega

After 4 weeks away, we're only half-way through our water tanks.


@neauoire wow! Did you collect a lot of rainwater?


@neauoire how much water does Pino carry plus how much in jerry cans?
I'm currently 1/3rd of water capacity on Irie, need to get new bladders.

Devine Lu Linvega

To add onto the food preservation thread, which is unfortunately private.

If you're hoping to keep oats for a while, don't stock up on the rolled oats, instead get whole oats, and process(grind/roll) them as needed, they take half as much space that way, and will last a lot longer.


tired blip

@neauoire I remember when you got (or were gifted?) that grinder; do you happen to have a model number or other documentation available for it if I were to look for a similar on the second hand market? This is one of those things I probably *could* find a higher-tech solution for, but don't *need* to

(Though I guess a burr-style coffee grinder, like the one I have, actually probably works for grains in a pinch. It's just a motor and blades, eh?)

Devine Lu Linvega

Finished revamping the graphical desktop calculator.rom(5537 bytes)


Devine Lu Linvega

Added a little easter egg to the calculator, pressing `@` transforms the calculator button theme to that of the Macintosh System 7 calculator.

Devine Lu Linvega

It's really nice to see everyone organizing and making plans to face what's coming. 🌻

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua


I'm planning to connect the gutters of my workshop to a couple of pallet tanks, to have decent water to grow some potatoes inside buckets in the backyard.

There is a well, but it's pretty brackish, so I prefer not to use it.


@neauoire was just walking through london thinking the opposite. i don't know what will become of cities. can only imagine them stratifying to greater extremes.

off to the valleys and the forests and the seas for me and mine...

Devine Lu Linvega

An anchorage full of tiny sailboats, not a single engine running, a nice sunset.

Devine Lu Linvega

The application I use most of all besides Left has got to be the crappy little graphical calculator that I made way back, it's time that I made a better one.

Devine Lu Linvega

I love that depending which project I'm working on, the entire computer's look adapts to that project's theme.

It's a bit jarring sometimes, but otherwise it's been nice, I always know where I'm at when I open a source file.

Devine Lu Linvega

Loving this keyboard layout for a calculator ☎️

Devine Lu Linvega

I've always wanted to try implementing a segment display, where each bit in a byte is a segment being turn on or off.

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@neauoire if there ended up being tools using this as their interface, i think it'd be super useful in gur case of using a machine made from salvaged parts, if you can't get your hands on an lcd + ascosciated parts and don't have / can't power a monitor (or dont have video generation circuitry), you could build a basic terminal as a grid of 7 segment displays.
you could even wire gur LCDs yourself and put a basic stencil over it to make one from scratch.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

I remember playing with 7-segment displays in HyperCard way back in the day.

Fun stuff

hkc (Carbonated)

@neauoire two questions: what is that language&environment and why it's cdef89ab45670123 and not 0123456789abcdef?

Devine Lu Linvega

The book I'm reading talks about a word I hadn't come across before: "usufruct"(use the fruit)

The right to enjoy the use and advantages of another's property short of the destruction or waste of its substance.

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external quantum efficiency

@neauoire apparently different property systems distinguish the right to use, the right to benefits from, the right to modify, and the right to destroy. And maybe others as well ! So I think a farmer might have the right to use and modify a pasture, but not the right to destroy the pasture, because the community has an interest in farming continuing after the current farmer had passed on.

Elinor Ostrom touches on some of this in Governing the Commons iirc.


@neauoire the Spanish version of this word means, instead of "short of the destruction...", something like "with the obligation of taking care of them as if they were you own".

Devine Lu Linvega

Someone just "Oh, hell, I'm just too lazy to write my own programming language" at me.

I always thought that THAT was the lazy option, it seems to be infinitely more work to learn some insane build toolchain, navigate vestigial compiler flags, jump through the hoops of using and learning some framework so that after weeks of sifting through documentation you can build some half working thing that will have to be maintained across the temperament of some maintainer somewhere.

How's that lazy

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@neauoire using someone else's language for sure feels like gur path of least resistance compared to writing one's own, i don't think it's quite lazziness, but i recon some of gur early bumps in gur road are enough to deter allot of folks, especially in gur case of people wanting to use [LIBRARYGOESHERE] in their projects.
i do also wonder if people don't always realise it's a viable option? if they dont kno someone who's done it, maybe they think of it as harder than it really is?

Yiming Wu βœ… Use OurPaint

@neauoire but ughhh.... Then you'll need to learn the assembly/binary for the target architecture...? And if you use llvm to handle that you'll still need that ir building blocks and write them in c or something...

Often to me if I needed to use a lightweight script I just use some lua and call it a day

Darnell Clayton :verified:

@neauoire That’s akin to inventing a speaking language with all the grammatical rules to go with it! Plus letters, slang, getting a keyboard (virtual & physical) designed & made, etcetera.

Both take up far more resources & time than people realize. Just as it is more efficient (time & energy wise) to use an established language to communicate, so it is more efficient to use an established programming language.

Devine Lu Linvega

It has been more than 10 years since I last had a job. If each of our cells is remade over the course of 7 years, then not a single cell of my body has known what working was like, I have a faint memory of hating the whole thing, but physically I've never worked.

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AeΓ‘ro, a SeaWyrm :elfstar:


I think it's vitally important that people know that this is possible.


@neauoire It's not true that none of your cells have been around that long. Neurons in particular can be as old as you are.

Visions Mind

@neauoire I don't want to be intrusive and I know this might be a bit ignorant, but I'm genuine when I ask how have you been subsisting? I've been freelancing for some years and I've had some rough times. Do you mean job as in fixed/9-to-5? Do you guys get your income from your products? Crowd funding? or freelancing/remote projects?

Devine Lu Linvega

Rekka and I just finished our submission to #fantΓ΄me zine. We went for playful/meta/clever. I hope you like what we've cooked up πŸ‘»

Devine Lu Linvega

GIMP's default shortcuts:

- B, for the Pen tool
- P, for the Brush tool

What even the fuck

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feli Pinsel and Bleistift ​:blobcatgooglyfingerguns:​
(pen is usually not Bleistift, but it doesnt work otherwise)

Devine Lu Linvega

Just stumbled on the most fascinating little graphics drawing bug from accidentally recording position offsets instead of absolute positions for the vertices of a stroke.

I can see myself playing with this for hours.

Devine Lu Linvega

It's raining today, wasn't sure what to do so I went ahead and finished the #uxn implementation of minesweeper.rom(3.2kb). Then I thought maybe adding theme support might be fun, and yes, I should have had it from the beginning.


@neauoire i haven’t played minesweeper in years, but these suddenly, really made me want to again

bird girl

@neauoire ..where is the artwork in your background image from...?


@neauoire What's up with the edge tiles that lack a number? Is it a limit on recursion depth, or just a bug?

Devine Lu Linvega

We're packing to trek across the forest, beyond the sign that reads "It's not the bears that you should be worried about in this area, it's the wolves."

"Do you have the tambourine?"
"Yep, it's with the shakers, the bell, and the cymbal."

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Helvetica Blanc

@neauoire I'm imagining y'all walkin through the forest sounding like Dick Van Dyke at the beginning of Mary Poppins. πŸ˜‚


@neauoire Actually, I believe that's one of the theories how music and song begun: from people making noise to scare animals and other "bad spirits". Never thought of his so vividly and picturesquely as after seeing your post :D

Devine Lu Linvega

Total spending for the months of June and July: 33$

- a bag of onions
- a bag of sweet potatoes
- 6 beers

Milo 2600

@neauoire that's like a twentieth of a beer per day, good rationing!

Gerrit Niezen

@neauoire when are you going to start fermenting your own beer? 😝


@neauoire you've just described my lifestyle fantasy

Devine Lu Linvega

Added the WAIT operation to Adelie, so you can automate switching slides, it's ideal for creating little animation sequences, transitions between slides, etc..


@neauoire maybe add footer too? wih timestamp? modifying way to control presetation (letters and numbers only for security ;p )

Devine Lu Linvega

Wow, one in 5 site of the webring has a /now page, that's a lot.

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@neauoire Are you planning to add a "show now page" filter for the ring? Admittedly I haven't looked to see if it's still active but maybe it could replace the twtxt filter?


@neauoire I should add a /now page, but I'll give it a mode that shatters it if I'm in a rut.

Like a more dramatic version of Livejournal's "current mood"

Yiming Wu βœ… Use OurPaint

@neauoire my homepage is basically a "now" XD so don't need a dedicated "now" page

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