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tired blip

@neauoire I remember when you got (or were gifted?) that grinder; do you happen to have a model number or other documentation available for it if I were to look for a similar on the second hand market? This is one of those things I probably *could* find a higher-tech solution for, but don't *need* to

(Though I guess a burr-style coffee grinder, like the one I have, actually probably works for grains in a pinch. It's just a motor and blades, eh?)

tired blip

@neauoire oh that's cool. nice high-leverage crank by hand... and also looks easy to chuck a drill onto for lazy days 😂 (joke inspired by an Amazon review for my JavaPresse manual handheld coffee grinder I've screenshotted here, and also by those goofy drill winch handle adapters for sailing)

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