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Devine Lu Linvega

"Hopefully, eventually, a small compiler implemented in Uxntal for a statically typed functional language running on #uxn."


@neauoire Thanks for the boost! I'm plugging away at this at a rate of ~half an hour first thing in the morning; and sadly I am not a morning type. So it will be a while before there is anything tangible.

Devine Lu Linvega

« C’est cet ensemble des tentatives modernes pour perpétuer le colonialisme sous couvert de “ liberté ” que l’on appelle le néocolonialisme »

Devine Lu Linvega

Everyday we have freshly sprouted legumes. We love it because we can carry them dried and rehydrate them months later. Today's mixtape is lentils, radish and fenugreek.

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@neauoire funny, "legume" in French just means "vegetable", so this read a bit confusing to me (not that my french is that good).
But types of beans, peas, etc apparently. TIL.

Jack Rusher

@neauoire The radish ones are my favorites. We use them as toppers on all sorts of dishes 😋

Anaëlle Overlin

@neauoire it looks so cool (in addition to it looking delicious and interesting to me since I have never had any)

Devine Lu Linvega

@ccl Wonderful presentation on patchwork computing and autonomous infrastructure, thank you 🌻

Devine Lu Linvega

So, @cancel is teaching me how to write file decompression schemes by sending me compressed files and I implement a decompressor.

This is the result of the decompression XD

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@neauoire That is really cool. I've never seen a wobble engine that uses flex lines to the cylinders instead of a wobble plate, but this is a cool idea for reducing pressure loss. What a fun project.

Spacewizard! (Ed H)

@neauoire @rek terrifying.
100% expecting that to fall over, a leg or arm get caught in the wheel, resulting in mayhem.


@neauoire wow! Is there an application in mind?

Helge Rausch

@neauoire Nice! Not the most efficient, but if you actually need compressed air, wind is free...

Devine Lu Linvega

Skateboard weather is near, I can smell it


oh yes, feeling it too... just a couple more degrees up and a bit less humidity, and I be carving back to work \m/

Devine Lu Linvega

We've managed to port almost all of the Oquonie game to Uxn this week. It looks, and feel as good as we had hoped. I've also tightened the puzzles a bit. I'm looking forward to share the finished game with you all soon.

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@neauoire I don't have a Playdate, but this version seems perfect for the beautiful screen.


@neauoire Hah, wow, it's been a long time coming, I'm blown away!

Devine Lu Linvega

Oh cool! Folk practices with Omar Rizwan(@omar)
It's so good to hear on there 🙏

Devine Lu Linvega

@omar did Adam just spell niche as "nichy" 👀

Devine Lu Linvega

GSA is hiring a Clean Marine BC Coordinator, who will be responsible for leading our CMBC marina eco-certification and clean boating program.

The work involves supporting marinas, yacht clubs, boatyards, fuel docks and harbour authorities in implementing and improving upon their environmental best practices; assessing their operations through the criteria of our Clean Marine BC scoring, conducting site visits, and providing recommendations for improvement.



GSA is hiring a Clean Marine BC Coordinator, who will be responsible for leading our CMBC marina eco-certification and clean boating program.

The work involves supporting marinas, yacht clubs, boatyards, fuel docks and harbour authorities in implementing and improving upon their environmental best practices; assessing their operations through the criteria of our Clean Marine BC scoring, conducting site visits, and providing recommendations for improvement.

Devine Lu Linvega

Started implementing animations, I never tired of looking at @rek's idle animation for Necomedre.

Devine Lu Linvega

I've been thinking about the Oquonie release, and while we're hoping to package it within an emulator that will work on modern operating systems(so people don't have to go looking for an emulator and the pains of loading a rom each time they want to play), I'd love to also have the rom itself available with the exe file, and a little sort of implementation guide text that explains how to build an emulator to run that rom for the future.


@neauoire zip file with the emulator + rom tacked on to the end of the exe + just rom as well? it would double the size, but if you zip it should compress quite well.

Louis Merlin

@neauoire how about an αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε that includes the rom and the UXN source?

Csepp 🌢

@neauoire Could you please put the link in the post body? Having to dig into the HTML to copy it is not great.


@neauoire the kandy video is just (°.0) and therefore i love it!

Maša Kepic

@neauoire "Water that is running, we try to make it walk". So important. Thanks!

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