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Devine Lu Linvega

I've been thinking about the Oquonie release, and while we're hoping to package it within an emulator that will work on modern operating systems(so people don't have to go looking for an emulator and the pains of loading a rom each time they want to play), I'd love to also have the rom itself available with the exe file, and a little sort of implementation guide text that explains how to build an emulator to run that rom for the future.


@neauoire zip file with the emulator + rom tacked on to the end of the exe + just rom as well? it would double the size, but if you zip it should compress quite well.

Devine Lu Linvega

@jonbro I'm not too worried about the size of 80kb emulator + 100kb rom. The tricky part is writing the implementation guide

Louis Merlin

@neauoire how about an αcτµαlly pδrταblε εxεcµταblε that includes the rom and the UXN source?

Devine Lu Linvega

@merlin the emulators are already pretty small(~80kb range), but yes, I was thinking about putting a source along, but I've been wondering about what the source code should look like, it'll have to be heavily documented, and which language to choose.

Louis Merlin

@neauoire your original choice of ANSI C feels to me like the right long-term play. More documentation would definitely help.

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