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Devine Lu Linvega

After 4 weeks away, we're only half-way through our water tanks.


@neauoire wow! Did you collect a lot of rainwater?

Devine Lu Linvega

@lilletale In the first week it rained a lot so we filled every extra container we had lying around and we used it to do dishes with. We ran out of that extra water only yesterday, which is the first time we had to wash with our own fresh water since we left.


@neauoire how much water does Pino carry plus how much in jerry cans?
I'm currently 1/3rd of water capacity on Irie, need to get new bladders.

Devine Lu Linvega

@nomand Our main water tank carries 170 L (45 US gal), our secondary has 50 L (13 US gal), while an additional 100 L (26 US gal) is stored in jerry cans.


@neauoire we have 3 100L compartments for water, but only have 1 100L bladder currently in one of them. One empty and one has spare chain.
Want to fill at least 2 of them with water. The other is a perfect cooler for fermented goods, right by the keel, below the waterline in the dark ^^

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