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35 posts total
Sheril Kirshenbaum

Verification on #Twitter was sought after because it conveyed status. Now a blue check is meaningless or even suggests that those paying for it have fallen for a scam.

The Verge explains:

“The basic truth of cool, as anyone can tell you, is that trying to be cool is not cool, and paying to be cool is for suckers.”

Sheril Kirshenbaum

Stressed #plants ‘cry’ — and some animals can probably hear them

Fascinating new research using microphones captured ultrasonic crackles from plants that are water-deprived or injured. #nature #science

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@Sheril Sounds like an episode of Tales of the Unexpected from the early 80s.


@Sheril You know what else makes the same sounds? Rivers, rain, and waves: literally anywhere that air bubbles form in water and collapse.

If you want more clickbait, however, then you may rightly claim that stressing a river by trying to divert the water, causes it to make *more* sounds. Which must be significant, right? 🙄

Leigh Silvester

I was very sceptical about the interpretation of this report.

This is a physical response to dehydration manifesting as popping air bubbles.

A 'cry' can only be considered as such if other plants have a mechanism to receive it and act on it. AFAIK plants do not have any audio receptors.

My knees crack when I stand up. Is that a cry?

Sheril Kirshenbaum

Once upon a time, ~40M years ago, there was a species of penguin that was 6'8" (2m) tall & 250 lbs (115kg) called Palaeeudyptes klekowskii, also known as the ‘mega penguin’ #science #history #nature #SharedPlanet

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@Sheril Wow, I didn’t know that, thanks for sharing. I think there are so many lovely names of Penguin that I’ve heard from decades of Attenborougj shows; Mega-Penguin feels a bit on the lazy-side, more like a brand extension than a suitable name. They could have at least named it after a famous mythological giant.


@Sheril why do awesome creatures always go extinct😭

Sheril Kirshenbaum

Published in 2016, this brilliant comic by artist Joe Dater somehow feels even more timely in 2023. #art

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Improving People NOT only Tech

This pic works for me in the way that 'we' all...
● give / have given too much respect to many bad hosts / platforms.... including games run by whole countries run by state & bank partnering up!
● people (the other contestants) also need to not accept the game and HALT IT!.. So in my company I tell the customer what has happened / is happening or somehow get everything to stop (though this loophole they might seal up etc).

The meek or humble also need to know how to kick ass or they allow steamrollering. Gotta up the ante or show / do more sometimes (not just acting as consumer or contestant).

This pic works for me in the way that 'we' all...
● give / have given too much respect to many bad hosts / platforms.... including games run by whole countries run by state & bank partnering up!
● people (the other contestants) also need to not accept the game and HALT IT!.. So in my company I tell the customer what has happened / is happening or somehow get everything to stop (though this loophole they might seal up etc).

PJ Coffey


I'm just going to put #ChatGPT and #ChatGPTSearches against this because this is the future of searching things on the Web with the confident BS generator machine.

Sheril Kirshenbaum

One of my favorite #birds is the endangered southern cassowary.

These shy birds don’t fly, but run fast & swim well. They have a dagger-like middle claw up to 12cm giving them a reputation as the most dangerous bird alive.

The female is larger & more colorful than the male. He incubates the eggs & raises chicks.

Cassowaries play a vital role in Australia by spreading seeds. They are among the closest living species to dinosaurs. Photo: David Clode #nature #SharedPlanet

One of my favorite #birds is the endangered southern cassowary.

These shy birds don’t fly, but run fast & swim well. They have a dagger-like middle claw up to 12cm giving them a reputation as the most dangerous bird alive.

The female is larger & more colorful than the male. He incubates the eggs & raises chicks.



"i will cook & eat the next person who calls me shy, i am the next-gen T. Rex...:"

PS-- great photo!!!

Nancy Baym

@Sheril We saw one in a creek bed in Northern Queensland near Daintree. Major life highlight.

Da' Tura Doc

@Sheril I'll never forget seeing a chick once in The Daintree. It looked like a giant duckling with dinosaur feet 🐤

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Experts aren't the only ones gifted with critical thinking and the ability to research and form logical conclusions. Such over-confidence is close to arrogance.
“Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In the Press and Encyclopaedias, in Schools and Universities, everywhere Error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having Majority on its side.” ― John Wolfgang Goethe

Sheril Kirshenbaum

For thousands of years, fermenting beer was considered a household task for #women.

By the Middle Ages, some sold beer at English markets. Female brewers wore tall, pointy hats to be easily spotted. They stood by cauldrons & often had cats to keep mice away.

Sound familiar? It should.

You see, when male brewers felt threatened by their success, they accused the women of witchcraft. These rumors may have led to some witch iconography we still recognize today. #history

For thousands of years, fermenting beer was considered a household task for #women.

By the Middle Ages, some sold beer at English markets. Female brewers wore tall, pointy hats to be easily spotted. They stood by cauldrons & often had cats to keep mice away.

Sound familiar? It should.

You see, when male brewers felt threatened by their success, they accused the women of witchcraft. These rumors may have led to some witch iconography we still recognize today.

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@Sheril anyone know why I get toots as a notification? This came in like that. #notifications

Scott Kirvan⚜️ FAM 🎥🌕👩‍🚀


Brewing and the sale of beer pre-dated the invention of signs and flags. Brewsters sold their excess beer, but it would go bad quickly, so it wasn’t always available. Simply posting a stick or post outside, or attached above the door, was a way of saying you had something “for sale” right now. Decorating the stick was a way of showing what you had for sale, and in some regions, a bundle of barley stalks tied to the pole meant you had beer available. It resembled a broom.


t harvey

@Sheril love this Sheril - do you mind if I share it on Twitter etc?

Sheril Kirshenbaum

“We've arranged a society based on #science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology. This combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces.”

- Carl Sagan, in his last interview to Charlie Rose

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PJT North

@Sheril I am a scientist and, yes, ignorant arrogance does dominate our constructed society’ behavior. The resistance I’ve seen firsthand toward simple constructive dialogue is a consistent source of bitter disgust for me.


@Sheril Thank you for sharing this. It made me watch the video, then read Sagan‘s Wikipedia page, from there on to some awe inspiring Voyager photos and finally to this beautiful Planetary Radio podcast episode with his partner:
#CarlSagan #science

Sheril Kirshenbaum

This week, the world’s human #population is expected to reach 8B. About 109B people have lived and died. Each grain of sand represents 10M.

Spectacular #data visualization of human life on Earth by Max Roser #science

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Koos Looijesteijn

@Sheril that's amazing—I was wondering about this distribution just the other day. Like, assuming life's better now than before people could talk and reliably harvest food, are we lucky to born at this time instead of in the time before agriculture or language? Looking at this, people before agriculture were just super unlucky: the chance to be born today (or in a wealthier, more comfortable future) seems to be much higher.

jonathan w. y. gray 🐼

@Sheril curious about the origins of this visual model!
A similar one is used in this animation:
which I wrote about here:

Sheril Kirshenbaum

Curiously I can no longer change my name on #Twitter. I had temporarily switched it to this #Mastodon handle so folks would find me here during the #TwitterMigration.

Now when I try to change it back to my full name & hit save, a little blue rectangle pops up that says "Deny."

It seems odd choices are being made over at the bird site. I guess this one's okay - if it serves to send more people here.

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Spare a thought for the Australian comedians from @chaser who where playing music chairs with their name when the music stopped on this gem:


@Sheril 😃 Just relax and forget Twitter. I’m also totally new here on Mastodon and I have to say it looks good and every day I get more familiar with it. It takes some time like all new things in life but I like/appreciate #mastodon every day more and more 😊

Amanda Carson

@Sheril From what I've heard, verification went as well as all its critics expected and said it would, and so that's probably Twitter's way of dealing with the inevitable and very much pointed-out problems. But yeah if your Mastodon name is now your Twitter name that just means more people over here, so win.

Sheril Kirshenbaum

As a woman with a blue check & Jewish name on #Twitter, the network stopped being fun long ago. I had reasons to stay, but in recent years, people or bots who disagreed with my posts increasingly responded with sexism, antisemitism, disturbing Holocaust imagery & creepy DMs.

Say what you will about free speech, but the toxic environment there discourages a diversity of voices & ideas.

Is #Mastodon better? So far, there’s no question it is for me. I hope it stays that way. #TwitterMigration

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Evil Bee 🦕🏳️‍🌈


It is absolutely better if you're on the main servers (or ones with good moderation policies), but we have to work to keep it good here too. Welcome and hope it's comfy here for you x


I hope it continues this way for you.
For me, where I live, I would never think religion or ethnicity from your name, maybe German. And that it sounded nice (Cherrybranch)


@Sheril Uhg, a day after Elon's takeover "National Justice Party" and "No White Guilt" folks just started crawling out of the woodwork. They weren't flaunting their usual dogwhistles either -- their posts were full on fasc. (twitter did end up suspending most of the accounts I reported, but it did take a bit longer than normal)

Sheril Kirshenbaum

In recent years, we became too comfortable letting #Twitter define journalism & media. Algorithms often dictated the narratives we collectively paid attention to.

Absurd trends were covered by news outlets & ballooned into major stories while we missed so much real substance. And the quick takes of uninformed politicians & bad actors were forced upon anyone participating in the network.

It was bad for democracy. The #Mastodon model makes me hopeful we can do better. #twittermigration

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@Sheril Some years ago I watched a documentary about how the goverment of West Germany went to the Soviet Union to negotiate about the last german WWII soldiers in soviet captivity. There was a story about one frustrated german politician who ran out of the room and said "The negotiations are canceled!". That wasn't published in the news back then because he went back very quickly, but I don't want to think about how this would play out in today's world.

Josef Úlehla

@Sheril Democracy is not something provided by big corporations. It resembels more a comunity open source project.

meghnad :dab:

@Sheril truth has been spoken!

Been trying to figure out how to best engage with news content here. Learning to use CW feature more.

Sheril Kirshenbaum

After 1 week on #Mastodon, the biggest difference I notice compared to #Twitter is the way each network makes me feel.

Open, scroll…
“Why are people so horrible to each other?”

Open, scroll…
“Wow! There are so many interesting people in the world! I want to know more of them.”

I sense being here is changing my perspective of social media. #TwitterMigration

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@Sheril i have the seem feeling. It is a “calmer”, “humane”, place. The outrage tweets are not amplified. I love this place and keep finding very interesting people to follow

#fediverse #hopeinhumanity #twitterexodus


@Sheril I had this as my pinned tweet for awhile:

Commenting on how initial #UserBase can have a dramatic impact on the experience on a #socialNetwork, but that it is also very hard to predict future trends.

I think #Twitter normalized anonymous harassment. I haven't encountered it on Mastodon yet but I don't think Mastodon would be immune if it became a large target.

Lyndall Thomas

@Sheril this has been my experience too. Really enjoying it so far.

Sheril Kirshenbaum

After a couple of days on #Mastodon I’m very impressed & excited to be part of this growing community! #mastodonmigration

My only humble suggestion is that it needs more #tardigrades aka "water bears."

Tardigrades have survived every mass #extinction on Earth since they evolved about a 1/2 billion years ago. There are ~1,300 known species. And millions of years from now, they won’t even notice we’re gone.

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Hispa ♻️

@Sheril In fact, we are the tardigrades of the social networks. :troll:


@Sheril fair comment.

If you host your own server you can make custom emojis though.

There's nothing I can't express with these...

:808: :arp: :boe: :C__: :cr78: :flwr: :_k: :mpc: :ns10: :pcx1: :simon: :sm58: :sn: :sp1200: :tny: :u67: :verified:


@Sheril Come for the relinquishing of private tech interfering in social affairs; stay for the tardigrades.

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