39 posts total
“If more of us valued food & cheer & song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” J.R.R. Tolkien Fields by Purity always makes me laugh.
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@Sheril love this, the only ones (a long way) further to the right are astronomers, perhaps cosmologists 😸 @Sheril I was at a college tour with the kids yesterday, and a professor at the physics table commented that he felt math was given too much importance in physics. And I immediately thought of this comic. Artist Chelo depicts what we see - and what we don't see - on social media. I like the full-circle nature of this comic. Source: https://www.instagram.com/monero_chelo/related_profiles/?hl=en #art #socialmedia
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Yes, our phones are ‘listening’ to what we say. “In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone’s Microphone to Serve Ads for Stuff You Mention” https://futurism.com/the-byte/facebook-partner-phones-listening-microphone #tech #AI
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@Sheril Google smart speakers also do this. I have twice had Google services present me with information for things that were talked about in front of the speaker but never searched for, in one case by someone else without my phone present. Google denied it, even after I sicced the UK Information Commissioner on them, but it's the only possible explanation. Africa is bigger than China, the US, Eastern Europe & India combined. Since Earth is a sphere, flat maps dramatically distort the size of continents. Source: Bryan Christie & Kai Krause for Scientific American #SharedPlanet #science
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@Sheril I am such a dumbass. It took me too long to notice that the countries had been overlayed on Africa. I've literally spent 30 seconds looking for Africa for comparison. @Sheril I ran into this equal-area projection and I really like it: https://equal-earth.com/ @Sheril TWW: The size or speed you observe is based on your perspective and that is the only thing you can change. *When I was young…. So it always begins but in case it’s yesteryear as today…. I loved globes because they are 3d maps. Today as multi projection becomes the norm that map on your phone will pop out into a view where relative size, depth and distance will be an actual representation. Technology is part of the modern human condition to be shared for Peace. OWOP “Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow.”
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Whenever I’m feeling down or scared by the world, I look to Vonnegut for words that are if not comforting at least insightful…and I come away most of the time with a grin and my field of view expanded.
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Wow! Purple and green are gorgeous, together. I love the way watching the skies brings communities together. I see we’re sharing #SuperbOwl photos on Mastodon tonight. Alrighty then! I met this gorgeous barn owl last year.
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@Sheril @Sheril DO they really chat? My cats are monumentally unimpressed when I speak to them over Zoom @Sheril as a New Zealand born and raised ex budgie owner, this brought just so many feelings… First - naming an Australian bird Kiwi is just such a beautiful chirp at the Ozzies (I love my cousins in Melbourne but I also love taunting them) Next - Budgies are gorgeous, fun, insane little birds who will talk to a reflection in the mirror. I can just imagine the craziness of a zoom call. Lastly - how do you keep the bird shit out of your keyboard? A good list of questions we might ask ourselves before commenting on social media by whimsical #artist @elisegravel (Printable at http://elisegravel.com/en/blog/questions-to-ask-yourself-before-commenting-on-social-media/ #art)
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Love this! I wish we didn't have to write how-to's to treat people with respect, but I suppose that is the way of the world anymore.. Jamie I’ve now been on #Mastodon for one year & it’s a nice online neighborhood to be a part of. I’m glad you’re here too.
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I'm a few days shy of my one year anniversary here too. I agree, it's a terrific community. @Sheril https://volutic.com/register.aspx?u=1284616 earn money but just click add on email and withdrawal any time. Just a reminder that we don’t have to argue with people on the Internet when they’re wrong. “I've always tried to present a positive view of the world in my work. It's so much easier to be negative & cynical & predict doom for the world than it is to try & figure out how to make things better. We have an obligation to do the latter." - Jim Henson
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@Sheril Ahem. I bought two packs of the Lego minifigurine Muppet sets. I got two Rowlfs. I got zero Fozzie the mofo Bears. I'm out $85. I can't even tell you how disappoint I am. The Muppets can send me a Studebaker instead as I am, in fact, a mambear in my natural habitat. I adore this comic by @elisegravel. “So, yeah, YOU can be a scientist, too!” #science #art #education
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@Sheril @elisegravel @Sheril @elisegravel I like that comic. I'm a scientist and everything is true for me. 🙂 12
Aaaw. First snow?
@Sheril #dog #love it