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Sheril Kirshenbaum

Just a reminder that we don’t have to argue with people on the Internet when they’re wrong.

Mary Ann Horn

@Sheril I’ve been getting attackers today too. The Israel issue. I just block.

Omar Antolín

@Sheril Same goes for when they're right, actually. 🤷🏽


@Sheril But "The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer(Cunningham's Law)."

📡 Daan Berg

@Sheril Exactly this! It's so relieving to not participate in the outrage machine any longer.


@Sheril but where's the pain and suffering in that?



Also...An opinion is just a window into what a person thinks. It's neither right nor wrong.

The Other Brook

@i_understand @Sheril That very much depends on the opinion but it would be too ironic to argue with you about it.


@Sheril It can be fun sometimes. But with the really pig-headed ones, there's no point. You can never change their minds or even make an impression on them.

Mike P

@Sheril But isn't that what the Internet is for? ;)


Neither out of the internet also.

It is a basic rule to surviving, for instance if you're ten years married 😅.



but what if we're wrong and don't know it yet?


I can't believe no one offered this response:

Classic XKCD cartoon.  "Someone is wrong on the Internet."

@BlueDot @Sheril I was just coming in to post this! 🥳🤣


@Sheril True. Evolution takes care of it automatically, particularly when they don't have any wider metaphysical context they get to reference.


@Sheril Indeed. Block and mute are our friends here.

A. Rivera

@kristen_d @Sheril Agreed, that is what the block button is for.



@kristen_d @Sheril

"Block and Mute", sounds a bit like a pair of children's cartoon characters...

Mark Burton

A reminder that I do sometimes need.

VegDC 🦣

@Sheril How will we distract ourselves from our unhappiness and boredom otherwise?

Onceoday 🩺🕊🏕

If you MUST say something, remember that repeating disinformation has been shown to only make things worse over time.

Stick to stating factual reality, backed up by evidence whenever possible. You won't convince the True Believers, but you might reach some who are watching.


@Sheril ah, if only there were some way to rub their noses in it. Try as we might, we lack the rhetoric to impose shame online.

mercurial idiot

@Sheril thank you for the reminder 😭 I needed it

Kenneth John Bardsley

If nobody tells them though, their ignorance will be confirmed and reinforced.


@Sheril The internet exists because people are wrong


@Sheril Give them a free pass for misinformation...


@Sheril We should try to understand where they come from and why this is their belief. Then with evidence show that there are other ways to view the world.

Matt Hodgkinson

@Sheril Quite right. We can argue in person too.


@Sheril Well, you've just reminded me of the ad nauseam "raise your hand if X" tweets from certain political activists on Twitter, and I think all attempts to form a consensus deserve adversity.

Caption of photograph from Wikipedia says, "1936 photo, in which a man alleged to be August Landmesser is conspicuously not giving the Nazi salute"

@Sheril If you don't enjoy it, if it's gonna make you stressed and bring the anger home, don't.

Pete Zicato


Against those advocating evil, I think we do. Silence is taken as passive assent. There are good and bad ways to respond, of course, but I think we have a duty to respond to evil statements.

Louis A. M.

@Sheril “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” — Elie Wiesel

Of course, no ad hominem attack is acceptable.

Mercurius Goldstein

More a case of “want to” than “have to” 😈

Ed Yerke-Robins

@Sheril Yes! In a medium of manufactured outrage, it's much more meaningful to try to comfort the afflicted than afflict the comfortable.



I’m getting this tattooed on my forehead.

B.I.L.L. the Alien


That's like reminding moths that they don't have to fly towards the light.


@Sheril Personally, I just don't feel the need to be 'right' all the time. (and quite often I am wrong anyway :) )


@Sheril "Don't feed the trolls" came from the 1990s or possibly before!

Leigh Silvester

@bytebro @Sheril
Trolls predate the internet.

Back in the 80s there were Usenet groups. Sort of like bulletin boards that worked via distributed servers.

Every now and then a troll, or sometimes a hoard of them would flood Usenet groups with posts rendering normal use impossible.

Even then there were the main two types; vandals who just wanted to trash a usenet group, and the windup merchants who just wanted to annoy people.

Either way, trying to reason with them was pointless.

@bytebro @Sheril
Trolls predate the internet.

Back in the 80s there were Usenet groups. Sort of like bulletin boards that worked via distributed servers.

Every now and then a troll, or sometimes a hoard of them would flood Usenet groups with posts rendering normal use impossible.

Even then there were the main two types; vandals who just wanted to trash a usenet group, and the windup merchants who just wanted to annoy people.


@leighms @Sheril Yup, you're right of course. I was on Usenet in the very early 90s, and even before the "September That Never Ended" in 1993, there were trolls-aplenty.


@Sheril can I still argue with them when *I'm* wrong?

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