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@Sheril "Don't feed the trolls" came from the 1990s or possibly before!

Leigh Silvester

@bytebro @Sheril
Trolls predate the internet.

Back in the 80s there were Usenet groups. Sort of like bulletin boards that worked via distributed servers.

Every now and then a troll, or sometimes a hoard of them would flood Usenet groups with posts rendering normal use impossible.

Even then there were the main two types; vandals who just wanted to trash a usenet group, and the windup merchants who just wanted to annoy people.

Either way, trying to reason with them was pointless.

@bytebro @Sheril
Trolls predate the internet.

Back in the 80s there were Usenet groups. Sort of like bulletin boards that worked via distributed servers.

Every now and then a troll, or sometimes a hoard of them would flood Usenet groups with posts rendering normal use impossible.

Even then there were the main two types; vandals who just wanted to trash a usenet group, and the windup merchants who just wanted to annoy people.


@leighms @Sheril Yup, you're right of course. I was on Usenet in the very early 90s, and even before the "September That Never Ended" in 1993, there were trolls-aplenty.

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