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Sheril Kirshenbaum

Do you have a favorite species?

Mine is currently the wombat.

A wombat grazing. Cradle Mountain, Tasmania Australia

Photo: Sheril Kirshenbaum

@Sheril Echidnas for me, but woobar (wombats) are pretty good too!

A short beaked echidna pausing to sniff the air as it waddles through some native grasses

@Sheril oh wombats are the best, they always look grumpy but that doesn’t take anything away from their cuteness!




Off the top of my head, the platypus.

David Hopeward

@Sheril Who are we kidding here, all evidence in my life says cats!

Nihl L'Amas

@Sheril Wombats are very cool. I also like capybaras, pacaranas, and the mysterious bosavi woolly rat.

One World One People

@Sheril TWW: The world is a child's paradise. *My grandfather told me once that our ancestors spirits are transferred to crows until needed for a child. So since than I’ve had an affinity for those corvus. OWOP

Green Roc Thoughts

@Sheril My favorite critter is the Ring-Tailed Lemur!
My mom's favorite was Okapi.


@Sheril Do you know about ? It's on IG, but you should be able to see it not logged in.



Mine is the Maned Wolf 👇 ☺️

Alan Wolf

@Sheril tough call mammal: quokka or capybara, reptile: blandings turtle, amphibian: green tree frog.


@Sheril Is that a huge one? I thought they were smaller.

Climate change is real

@Sheril Not as noisy as the constantly barking neighbour’s dog. Added bonus no mice indoors.

Chris Williams

@Sheril Constantly obsessed with rabbits, especially my four at home. But always been a fan of wombats and koalas as well.


@Sheril manatees! the fluffy cow of the sea

PandaChronicle Resists

It would be very hard NOT to love wombats! Cube poops! Iron butts! And that face! What’s not to love?


@Sheril A lot of good ones mentioned already, mine is (besides cats) musk ox.

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