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Sheril Kirshenbaum

Published in 2016, this brilliant comic by artist Joe Dater somehow feels even more timely in 2023. #art

Caption: "I'm sorry, Jeannie, your answer was correct, but Kevin shouted his incorrect answer over yours, so he gets the points."

Description: Three contestants on "Facts Don't Matter" game show.
Credit: Joe Dator, December 5th, 2016, The New Yorker
Bill Day

@Sheril Hate to say it, but it is just possible that sometimes I have gotten the points by shouting out the incorrect answer. Sigh.


@Sheril Oooooo……sends shivers down my spine….

Scott Danzig

@Sheril @mmasnick eh, it was supposed to be in the form of a question anyway, so no biggie.

Zorro Covid

@Sheril Yup. Tedros on one side saying pandemic is still emergency, CDC on the other saying we need to protect vulnerable now more than ever, Biden in the middle yelling over them that the emergency is over without a fact to back.

Moof is on Sabbatical

@Sheril isn’t this the basic premise of Netflix’s new game show “Bullsh*t”?


@Sheril ngl I read it as “farts don’t matter”.

Juraj Maťaše

@Sheril People need to learn how to use the internet and work with informations.


Yes we are indeedly living in shoutier times!


@Sheril … sigh is not a big enough word …


@Sheril “The best lack all conviction while the worst are filled with a passionate intensity.”

Improving People NOT only Tech

This pic works for me in the way that 'we' all...
● give / have given too much respect to many bad hosts / platforms.... including games run by whole countries run by state & bank partnering up!
● people (the other contestants) also need to not accept the game and HALT IT!.. So in my company I tell the customer what has happened / is happening or somehow get everything to stop (though this loophole they might seal up etc).

The meek or humble also need to know how to kick ass or they allow steamrollering. Gotta up the ante or show / do more sometimes (not just acting as consumer or contestant).

This pic works for me in the way that 'we' all...
● give / have given too much respect to many bad hosts / platforms.... including games run by whole countries run by state & bank partnering up!
● people (the other contestants) also need to not accept the game and HALT IT!.. So in my company I tell the customer what has happened / is happening or somehow get everything to stop (though this loophole they might seal up etc).

PJ Coffey


I'm just going to put #ChatGPT and #ChatGPTSearches against this because this is the future of searching things on the Web with the confident BS generator machine.

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