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Sheril Kirshenbaum

One of my favorite #birds is the endangered southern cassowary.

These shy birds donโ€™t fly, but run fast & swim well. They have a dagger-like middle claw up to 12cm giving them a reputation as the most dangerous bird alive.

The female is larger & more colorful than the male. He incubates the eggs & raises chicks.

Cassowaries play a vital role in Australia by spreading seeds. They are among the closest living species to dinosaurs. Photo: David Clode #nature #SharedPlanet

Close up of a southern cassowary in Kuranda, Queensland. Credit: David Clode, Unsplash


"i will cook & eat the next person who calls me shy, i am the next-gen T. Rex...:"

PS-- great photo!!!

Nancy Baym

@Sheril We saw one in a creek bed in Northern Queensland near Daintree. Major life highlight.

Da' Tura Doc

@Sheril I'll never forget seeing a chick once in The Daintree. It looked like a giant duckling with dinosaur feet ๐Ÿค

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