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Sheril Kirshenbaum

After a couple of days on #Mastodon I’m very impressed & excited to be part of this growing community! #mastodonmigration

My only humble suggestion is that it needs more #tardigrades aka "water bears."

Tardigrades have survived every mass #extinction on Earth since they evolved about a 1/2 billion years ago. There are ~1,300 known species. And millions of years from now, they won’t even notice we’re gone.

Getty Image: Tardigrade


Yes! You can never have enough Tarde...Tagegiden....Tagigrades
....what you said.

Em :official_verified:

We are truly on *their* planet, and I'm totally here for this!

Mike McHargue

@Sheril I didn't know I was missing some water bear content until I saw it. Thank you!


@Sheril Here's a song by Muuan Mies about tardigrades and how they'll survive despite everything that's going on! (Lyrics unfortunately in Finnish, though.)


@Sheril Well that HAD to be an immediate follow. I had heard that cockroaches would survive everything. I had no idea about the tardigrades. :) NB Having lived in India, cockroaches give me the heebiejeebies. ;) I would much prefer tardigrades - especially if they are such pretty colors.


@Sheril tardigrades were part of some of my earliest research (light research tbh) when coming up with a story idea that is really close to my heart

Also hello 👋

C. Chase Bolt

@Sheril that is amazing. I also find it amazing that the same mechanism that produced tardigrades, produced an intelligence that can know about the existence of tardigrades.

Jeff Haluska

@Sheril I am surprised more people don't have Tardigrades as micro pets. Ever see them "walk" through an environment? Nothing that small should be that cute!

Kelly Newcomer

@Sheril indeed! Here is a tardigrade I created a while back as a linoleum print. And now it’s a digitally printed greeting card.
Also on my Etsy #MastoArt #Tardigrade

Blue and white cute skiing tardigrade. This lumpy invertebrate also known as a water bear or moss piglet can be found all over the earth in wet environments, back yards and gardens. It can also survive getting dried out. It even survived going to outer space on the space station.
Ben O’Matic

@Sheril A couple of years ago, my kid was a Tardigrade Cowboy for halloween. It's hard to tell, but in his holsters hanging next to the costume legs draped over his saddle, those aren't six-shooters, but rather, salmon.

I'll definitely take more #tardigrade content. #Capybara content, too!

A picture of my kid trying out his Tardigrade Cowboy costume. Worth noting: that's not a stetson, but rather a bowler. Bowler hats were much more common than the stereotypical 10-gallon wide-brimmed hat, which afforded more protection from the sun, but was also far too likely to get blown off in the wind.
Ben O’Matic

@Sheril Thank you thank you! We always tried to do creative projects. Roman soldier one year, ghost pilot another, backhoe-loader another...

This year was the first year he insisted on doing his own. He was The Ghost of Potatoes Past.


@Sheril you mean "decades to centuries" 😅

Mark McClelland

@Sheril They might not notice we're gone, but I hope they say "thanks for the lift" as we cart them around the solar system and beyond. :)


@Sheril Agreed. I made a LARP inspired by a real life space accident involving Tardigrades.



MORE TARDIGRADES! I've been using them as prompts in AI art generators. It usually produces fun results. Not usually scientifically accurate, though.

Another tardigrade song. by Cosmo Sheldrake:

Petra van Cronenburg

@Sheril Yes! I'll never forget discovering #microscopy with these fascinating guys at school, with a raindrop from #moss.

fabian wohlgemuth

@Sheril Really sad, this isn't the official mastodon mascot...

@Sheril Tardigrades have a similar body shape to a mastodon so I agree.
Kris Mitka :java: :rust:

@Sheril here’s a musical one. Handy when my kids complain about chores, heh.

Kathryn Hedjasi MA, MBA, LMFT

@Sheril cute little guy. Kind of a cross between a cabbage and the worms from Dune. Nice change from the kitten/cat posts. Definitely could use more tardigrades posts when THAT cute! He looks like a “Sam” to me.

Flash Mob Of One

@Sheril These critters are endlessly fascinating.

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️

@Sheril I second the motion for more tardigrades.

Tardigrades for all! 🎉

Steven Zekowski

@Sheril at the risk of sounding low-brow in such erudite company…

I immediately thought of #StarTrekDiscovery

If you don’t get the reference, I’m happy to explain.


@Sheril is it wrong that I think they look adorable?


@Sheril They're probably already here if we look hard enough :)

Adam Ierymenko

@Sheril If we want to try to make sure life survives we should put a railgun in orbit and fire tardigrades toward other star systems with habitable planets for as long as our civilization lasts.

Steve Sawczyn

@bdunnette I'm also very impressed to be part of this growing community, nice to see so much positive. Also, I had no idea about #Tardigrades, so already learning new and interesting things. :)


@Sheril Do paintings of #tardigrades count? (Mixed-media, by Amy Ashbaugh.) #collection

A mixed-media painting of a Tardigrade.


1.300 known species of tardigrades?

Incredible, never thougt it might be as many!

Obrow :unverified: :bloblurk:

@Sheril we can clearly see on the picture that it's laughing at us.


@Sheril I only hope they’ll be around to not notice our absence. Humans can be very enterprising in their devastation of other cohabitants of our pale blue dot.

Hispa ♻️

@Sheril In fact, we are the tardigrades of the social networks. :troll:


@Sheril fair comment.

If you host your own server you can make custom emojis though.

There's nothing I can't express with these...

:808: :arp: :boe: :C__: :cr78: :flwr: :_k: :mpc: :ns10: :pcx1: :simon: :sm58: :sn: :sp1200: :tny: :u67: :verified:


@Sheril Come for the relinquishing of private tech interfering in social affairs; stay for the tardigrades.

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