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Sheril Kirshenbaum

I'm preparing a public talk & just popped my #Mastodon handle on the first slide.

It's a good look & I hope to see more of these logos at conferences & events.

Screenshot of Mastodon handle on a slide.
Aram Sinnreich

@Sheril At #ICA23, @nik and I had our handles on our presentation.

Seth Goldstein

@Sheril I agree. I got #WordCampUS (aka #WCUS) to include Mastodon handles on the attendee list.

Bri 🚴✨🇨🇦✨🏳️‍🌈✨

@Sheril the red zigzag line is telling me there's a typo in 🙃

Peter Practice 🇨🇭 🇨🇦 🇩🇪

@cargot_robbie @Sheril right-click and add to dictionary will make the red line disappear. I guess you knew that….😏. What’s your presentation about?

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