Вашими стараниями, я попробую. Надо ж что-то пробовать в этой жизни.
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Interesting history. Not just about W and X, but the email. They were likely on bleeding edge SMTP and POP. The use of the X logo is interesting also. OpenStreetMap is a map that everyone can edit and improve, and that's how we've created the best map of the world. 😍 🗺 💪 🥇 Alas, some people just want to vandalise things 😭. If you've seen weird things on the map (e.g. lots of crossing white lines), that could be vandalism. Here's what to do if you see this: https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/have-you-spotted-vandalism-on-openstreetmap-org/114684 with thanks to @SomeoneElse.
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It is NOT the best map in the world @openstreetmap a simple filter that checks if the distance between a changed node to it's neighbours has increased dramatically should help with one type of vandalism @SomeoneElse @openstreetmap since last two versions my current location is showing with some offset. the version i got is Organic Maps version: 2024.06.02-11 on ios 17.5.1. the apple apps shows correct location. any hints how to debug this? @skobkin Авторы — люди, порой неидеальные. Порой… всякие. Как говорится, это вам не архивы КГБ и вот это вот всё 😅 One of the big reasons why getting people off Windows is so hard is that they keep pushing it into schools and universities. It's the tobacco industry's "start 'em early" approach, just applied to software. This needs to stop. @drq you say free software is losing the competition to a proprietary product and it needs to be stopped? «Институт российской истории и социального управления» попросил суд обязать всех россиян соблюдать правила варки макарон @mnnwvn Психологический хоррор: "Кошька и эффект Даннинга-Крюгера". :blobcatshocked:
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@hannah Fun fact: systemd (the daemon program for starting up the subprocesses of a linux system, not unlike launchd or the init script, which many other distributions refuse to use because in their opinion it does too many things) was actually named that as a pun on the French concept of Système D(ebruiller), (I.e., skill of improvisation). |