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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Ох, а ведь сегодня ровно год, как я поселился на Лампочке. ​:foxDance:​

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Great, so #chatcontrol was not moving forward today thanks also to various interventions from folks around the fediverse .... In particular thanks @Mer__edith for the clear take from Signals side. But it's clearly not canceled and Hungary will retry getting it through, and France, having elections soon, might drop out of opposing it? Let's stay vigilant about #chatcontrol and help eg @netzpolitik_feed and @edri and other groups to help us working against authoritarian #chatcontrol fantasies.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

If you work in cell biology, you need to come to terms with a lot of death... most of it your fault

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Специалисты Ноттингемского университета с помощью 3D-принтера создали вакуумную систему, чтобы «поймать в ловушку» темную материю. Физики будут использовать ее в новом эксперименте, чтобы уменьшить плотность газа, а затем добавить в него сверххолодные атомы лития. Таким образом они попытаются обнаружить доменные стены.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Одна птичка нащебетала: в честь своего 10-летия магазин ассетов Blender Market за бесплатно раздает Auto-Rig Pro - аддон Blender для риггинга, ретаргетинга и экспорта в совместимые форматы. Без триала, без ограничений, без подвоха.

🪛ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ🍹
@th3rdsergeevich мне кажется тут есть нюанс: возможно гифт предоставляет доступ только к конкретному снэпшоту, без гарантии на последующие обновления.
Dr. Quadragon ❌
Linux community losing their minds over a single badly named command in systemd.

And you know what? Imagine if something like that would be made not by systemd but by GNU? They would also keep stupid legacy with bad UX, refuse to change it and probably be dicks about it. And I imagine most linux users would be completely fine about it and even argue it's logical and better in some way.

Yes, it's an issue, and possible indicative of larger issues with developments of systemd, but it's not the actual main reason behind the outrage, it's an excuse for it.
Linux community losing their minds over a single badly named command in systemd.

And you know what? Imagine if something like that would be made not by systemd but by GNU? They would also keep stupid legacy with bad UX, refuse to change it and probably be dicks about it. And I imagine most linux users would be completely fine about it and even argue it's logical and better in some way.
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@untsuki Oh, believe me when I say, there's a LOT of stupid legacy GNU is carrying around.

POSIX in general also. I love it, but there's a lot of stupid legacy in there still, back from the times when computing was done using typewriters and stuff.

And it's not like it's much of a choice. The thing about stupid legacy is, when you change it, something critical breaks very fucking swiftly. Everybody hates it, but that's why it's still in there.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

If you're taking sides in geopolitics, rooting for some country to win in some war over some territory somewhere, while claiming to be an anarchist, you are not actually an anarchist, you're just pretending to be one because you think it's cool.

No state shall win. Everybody has already lost.

No war but the class war, fuckers.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

You know what? There's actually no such thing as Russia. Or Ukraine. Or Israel. Or Palestine. Or any nation state for that matter.

All of these are imaginary concepts built on top of centuries of slavery and exploitation and generational wealth of those on top, designed to pit you against one another, so they extract money from your blood and bones and misdirected hatred and mindless obedience, also known as "patriotism".

All this geopolitics bullshit is basically feudalism on a larger scale, nothing more.

I'm not gonna bash on foot soldiers who have no choice, or civilians who fight for their homes, but if you are willing, on your own volition, to go and kill people for a line in the sand and a coloured rag, or worse, send other people into this mess, or sit on the sidelines egging people who have nothing to do with this on, you can go die in a fire. I don't give a shit about you.

You know what? There's actually no such thing as Russia. Or Ukraine. Or Israel. Or Palestine. Or any nation state for that matter.

All of these are imaginary concepts built on top of centuries of slavery and exploitation and generational wealth of those on top, designed to pit you against one another, so they extract money from your blood and bones and misdirected hatred and mindless obedience, also known as "patriotism".

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I want more history videos from Bill Wurtz.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

привет, !

кидаю клич о редкой возможности расхламиться: у кого-нибудь в Москве есть ненужное рабочее компьютерное кресло? а то сидеть на массивном кресле за компом неудобно, особенно учитывая, что оно царапает насквозь линолеум и потом неприкольно будет объясняться с лендледи

цена: сами мы неместные и бедные, поэтому за самовывоз (и шоколадку)

спасибо! ​:blobfoxfloof:​

Dani Polani

Кстати подписывайтесь пожалусто на мой творческий канал

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Вот вам на сон грядущий: ученые проанализировали семь миллионов парламентских речей и пришли к выводу: политическая риторика сильно зависит от повышения температуры воздуха. В большей степени это касается пожилых деятелей и мужчин.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@Chia Блэт, ну... Политики-то тоже люди, ми тоже мозги напекает.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@ «Дмитрий Бурдуков»

🔵 []

Я жду этого буквально с момента появления канала. И вот он, ролик о Даррене Корбе и «Supergiant». Да ещё и большой... с другой стороны, а как иначе то.

#DarrenKorb #SupergiantGames

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