You know what? There's actually no such thing as Russia. Or Ukraine. Or Israel. Or Palestine. Or any nation state for that matter.
All of these are imaginary concepts built on top of centuries of slavery and exploitation and generational wealth of those on top, designed to pit you against one another, so they extract money from your blood and bones and misdirected hatred and mindless obedience, also known as "patriotism".
All this geopolitics bullshit is basically feudalism on a larger scale, nothing more.
I'm not gonna bash on foot soldiers who have no choice, or civilians who fight for their homes, but if you are willing, on your own volition, to go and kill people for a line in the sand and a coloured rag, or worse, send other people into this mess, or sit on the sidelines egging people who have nothing to do with this on, you can go die in a fire. I don't give a shit about you.