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From 2015 to 2022, I spent hundreds of hours on Duolingo, translating articles, answering language questions on the forums, and helping to improve the smaller courses by reporting mistakes.

There are thousands of volunteers who donated their labour to Duo: the course creators who wrote their courses, the volunteers who created grammar guides (some smaller languages had an entire second course in the forums), the wiki contributors, the native speakers who answered questions in the sentence discussions.

All of their work made Duolingo the powerhouse it is today. Duo was built by a community who believed in its original mission: language learning should be free and accessible.

Bit by bit all of our work was hidden from us as Duolingo became a publicly-traded company. And now that work is being fed into their AI as training data.

Well, I've learned the true lesson of Duolingo: never give a corporation your labour for free. Don't ever trust them, no matter what they say. Eventually greed will consume any good intentions.

#duolingo #languagelearning #enshittification #capitalism

Clara Sohet 🍉J-2💕🌈

@fullfathomfive I'm so sorry it turned out like this for you... and us "consumers". I'm happy I didn't subscribe long to Super Duolingo.

Lorraine Lee
@fullfathomfive I rage quit Duolingo after about two weeks because of the combination of gamification and monetization. It made me very uncomfortable. Your account confirms my worst suspicions about it.
Lutin Discret

@fullfathomfive this! If only people became aware that's the same for Google Maps, video game mods, etc.

I only contribute to project when the project is legally designed to be a common. Maybe you could find such a project about learning langage? Like, I don't know or 🤔


@lutindiscret @fullfathomfive Librelinguo definitely needs more attention! And I'd love to see them use audio pronunciations by native speakers from @lingualibre 😍

Bärchelor of Science

@lutindiscret @fullfathomfive thank you for sharing. I was hoping someone starts a community driven alternative, which only needs contribution.

Benjamin Eunice

@lutindiscret @fullfathomfive I would absolutely love to start contributing to one of these projects. I think getting a truly FOSS alternative up and running is exceptionally important to do in this moment to offer people a viable alternative to Duolingo. It also could be the objectively better option as it would make it easier to get an implementation up and running for smaller languages such as Choctaw, or rarer dialects of more common languages such as Louisiana French (my second language).


@beunice I’ve wished for a few years there were a Duolingo course for Kurmanji (the most widely spoken of the Kurdish languages), and there’s a campaign to try to persuade Duolingo to provide one, but alas, such tongues of only a few million using English instructionally would not become priorities for such corporations. Whatever we can do in projects to allow people to collaborate and contribute openly is promising. @lutindiscret @fullfathomfive

Benjamin Eunice

@jotaemei @lutindiscret @fullfathomfive You're hitting the nail on the head. This kind of thing is why we so desperately need an open solution that isn't driven by maximizing shareholder wealth. There are something like 4,000 living languages today, and a tremendous number of them are dying out due to the forces of colonialism, homogenization, and a number of other forces generally perpetuated by those in power. I think the fact that a language like Kurmanji with something like 15 million speakers (from what I can find online) is a difficult pitch to make to Duolingo is indicative that this organization is not worth anyone's time anymore, we need to divest and re-focus attention on sustainable projects.

@jotaemei @lutindiscret @fullfathomfive You're hitting the nail on the head. This kind of thing is why we so desperately need an open solution that isn't driven by maximizing shareholder wealth. There are something like 4,000 living languages today, and a tremendous number of them are dying out due to the forces of colonialism, homogenization, and a number of other forces generally perpetuated by those in power. I think the fact that a language like Kurmanji with something like 15 million speakers...

LBeaudoux @fullfathomfive Tatoeba is a great platform for language learners. You can search for words to find sentences that use them, and curate your own lists of sentences for later review.

Sky Leite

@lutindiscret This is completely different from video game modding. Modding is making changes to something you own. The company might benefit from it indirectly, but it's an entirely different situation from submitting your free labor to the company's cloud or whatever, which is the case for Duolingo




You may as well pay for a project that hires people for wages they can live off of.

Jener 🖖 :demiromantic_flag:

@lutindiscret @fullfathomfive
I sent a few corrections to Google Maps, and I always move its messages to my "Commercial" folder. I always remember myself that any help I give to Google is free, while it's a company that has a huge profit, and I don't like this difference.

Regarding maps, I do prefer to put my efforts and time on Openstreetmap, where I did hundreds of updates and inclusions.


@fullfathomfive I was already mad at how much worse Duolingo's become lately, but this is downright enraging.



Yes, 100%.

"I've learned the true lesson of Duolingo: never give a corporation your labour for free. Don't ever trust them, no matter what they say. Eventually greed will consume any good intentions."

Rich Holmes

@Greengordon @fullfathomfive For a short while some years ago I was contributing avidly to Waze. And then Waze started showing the location of the nearest Taco Bell or something. I asked myself: Why am I working for a company that is selling ads and isn't paying me? Suddenly I realized I'd been conned.

Alex Haydock

@fullfathomfive So while on this topic - as someone who was just about to start using Duolingo to learn German - does anyone have any recommendations for alternatives?

Nudeln Al Dente

@alexhaydock @fullfathomfive I've found #Babbel really good for both Spanish (beginner - advanced) & German (beginner). But it is expensive so definitely keep an eye out for half-price deals. They pop up every once in a while on their website. Also if you're likely to use it long-term for multiple languages, they have a lifetime sub which is good value when their half-price sales happen.


@NudelnAlDente @alexhaydock @fullfathomfive
I use Babbel after having taken Spanish in school (a long time ago), and it's been pretty good. Definitely just buy the lifetime version on sale (they might send you that deal if you do their 14 day trial). I just can't keep up with it sometimes, so being able to have the platform for life and not having to worry about monthly subscriptions is totally worth it to me.
It's not nearly as game-ified as Duo, but you get a lot of extras like podcasts, articles, cultural tidbits, actual games that help you learn words, etc.

@NudelnAlDente @alexhaydock @fullfathomfive
I use Babbel after having taken Spanish in school (a long time ago), and it's been pretty good. Definitely just buy the lifetime version on sale (they might send you that deal if you do their 14 day trial). I just can't keep up with it sometimes, so being able to have the platform for life and not having to worry about monthly subscriptions is totally worth it to me.
It's not nearly as game-ified as Duo, but you get a lot of extras like podcasts, articles,...

Rin :v_trans: :v_enby:

@NudelnAlDente @alexhaydock @fullfathomfive i personality can highly recommend memrise, it have a lot of features and a lot is more or less free(like, you can technically start a course and keep progressing without hitting a definite hard limit in advancements), if you pay a small amount a month you get access to a lot more tools and such to help you and for a little more you can get a annually subscription and for little more you can get a lifetime subscription :bunhdhappy:

Lynda Delph

@alexhaydock I found Babbel way too hard as a complete beginner for German. But after over 400 days on Duolingo I got tired of typing Entschuldigung...At that point Babbel worked okay for me.

Blake Leonard

@LyndaDelph @alexhaydock I've used Babbel since I started and it's worked great for me. I might have an advantage as I took a Latin course (which taught me some linguistics, including words like "accusative") and I did the one free course on a site my friend recommended that I don't remember
Babbel isn't free though which is where Duolingo really shines, even though as you said it's not really meant for serious learning.


@alexhaydock @fullfathomfive I found making an Anki deck from scratch to be the most effective free route, but it's work.

Find a list of common words and search for images in your target language. Put those images on the front of the flashcards and audio from Forvo plus other relevant info on the back. Stuff like the word itself, gender notes, and a very simple example sentence.

Once you know a few words, make cloze cards from your example sentences to test your reproduction skills.


@amateur_ninja @alexhaydock @fullfathomfive There are some good pre-made decks for German too, with example sentences and speech.


@alexhaydock @fullfathomfive IMO the old school route is still valid. Get a German-English dictionary, some German language children's books, and start translatin'. Watch German-language movies/TV and imitate the characters' pronunciation.

Salguento :llama_rainbow_roll:

@alexhaydock I've tried Deutsche Welle's course 15 years ago, full PDF and audio lessons completely free. Don't know how it is nowadays though.


@alexhaydock @fullfathomfive Mentioned in this thread: LibreLingo and Tatoeba.
I haven't used either but might check out.

Tushar Chauhan

@fullfathomfive As far as startups go, duolingo sounds like a home run. A successful business built on crowd-sourcing, deception, and greed. What's not to like.


@tchauhan And they started it all with a National Science Foundation grant and publicly-funded research. What a con.

Tushar Chauhan

@fullfathomfive Didn't know that. Makes it even more disgusting :( Appropriation and theft of the commons (public funding and public labour) for the personal gains of shareholders.


@fullfathomfive do you have an alternative you'd recommend? I've been on Duo for 3 years and have watched it "evolve"


@tayfonay Not at the moment. All of them seem to be falling prey to the siren song of AI.



I agree with you with "many seem to be falling prey to the siren song of it" — I'm sorry for your unpleasant experience I hope you'll have something beautiful to replace the disappointment. The world will even be more flooded with blinded mind and heart people so be safe.

Bennolius 😷💉⁴ | ☀️💨🔋| あ-Я

@tayfonay @fullfathomfive I've been using Busuu for a few weeks. Seems OK. Certainly it gives much better explanations than Duo. I don't think it uses any AI garbage - it seems to be all human recordings so far (I'm doing the French course)

Mastodon Migration


Money quote: "Eventually greed will consume any good intentions."

dodgy theories

@mastodonmigration @fullfathomfive

Not always. We have Wikipedia and Mozilla. And many other charities that feed people etc.

dodgy theories

@mastodonmigration @fullfathomfive

And we have Mastodon..... all the mastodon servers run by volunteers...


@dodgytheories @mastodonmigration @fullfathomfive encourage you to look at the recent uproar over Mozilla’s executive salaries as well as its business plan which did not mention Firefox

Not David Beckham

Never, ever, ever give a corporation your labor for free. A corporation is an entity of greed and nothing more. They call it “business decisions” because we’re all accustomed to living within systems that fuck us over. But corporations only take. Even their giving is because someone proved that the giving will eventually lead to more taking.

Jon Awbrey



Slavery Is The Original Form Of Capitalism
And It Always Everywhere Reverts To Type


@fullfathomfive when I heard about them laying off people and moving to AI I immiediately deleted my account, deleted the app, and requested a refund to my subscription. I got the news literally the day after my subscription went through. Thankfully I was able to get the refund.


I recently ended my pay level at Duo basically because it's recent changes seemed counter to learning the language. The second major change I've seen that had that characteristic. I kept thinking whenever I had a problem, why isn't there some popup to clarify/refresh? Now, w/o pay level, learning seemed intentionally blocked.



@fullfathomfive I think its more than capitalism or corporations. Its human nature. Same things happens in coops as well. Not that coops are inhenrently bad, because corporations aren't either.

But no donation or contribution is free. Always make sure to state your ownership, and dont give anything away without getting something of equal value back

There will always be those that are happy to give away, and those that are happy to take. But its in the balance of the two where you stay happy


@cbt Most co-ops suffer from these dynamics because they exist under capitalism. They do not exist in a vacuum free of capitalism’s pressure. Likewise, the concept of “human nature” cannot exist outside of a social context. It’s not something hardwired that causes us to behave a certain way. What we see and observe in fellow humans and assume to be our nature cannot be isolated from socialization, particularly under the capitalist order. @fullfathomfive



Most people believe that its impossible for there to be a human that is 0% egoistic. It is a intrinsic part of human nature.

But it is also not healthy to not be egotistical at all. To be a healthy human being you need to selfserving in a balanced way.

This was the reality in the stone ages, under faudalism and now in any current cultural landscape or political thought

You are entitled to your opinion, but most people are simply not going to accept your assertions



@cbt Social traits like egoism cannot be isolated from social influences. That means a reason we behave the way we do is because of our experiences and what we’ve been taught and internalized. You cannot know what is “intrinsic” of those you observe, as you have no way of isolating the societal context variable.

Regarding what most people believe, I believe you could benefit by becoming familiar with something called the appeal to popularity fallacy.

@cbt Social traits like egoism cannot be isolated from social influences. That means a reason we behave the way we do is because of our experiences and what we’ve been taught and internalized. You cannot know what is “intrinsic” of those you observe, as you have no way of isolating the societal context variable.


@jotaemei @fullfathomfive then I guess love is a social trait we can live without too. Good to know.


@fullfathomfive thing is, I already had the idea that duolingo wasn't the best source for learning a language anyways, and really just a big help towards the right direction, nothing more.

was a big fan until now, now i just don't know anymore... i don't trust ai to ever be good at anything, and I don't trust a company who would lay off people for some shitty autocorrect to replace them...



I'm so sorry to read this. It sucks to have your good work misused.

I used Duolingo for several years, and enjoyed so many aspects of it. I deleted the app several months ago because the ads I was seeing set off alarm bells. They were so accurately targeting me that I suspected my privacy was being violated through the microphone or in some other way that I couldn't identify.

Stewart Russell

@fullfathomfive This enshittification might explain Welsh Duolingo's near-legendary obsession with parsnips

David Nash

@fullfathomfive Eh-yup.

I started exploring Duolingo in 2017 to brush up on some rusty Spanish and also just take a look at some other languages quite cheaply (both in time and in money). It was actually useful for both of those, so long as I kept up with reading and listening to actual Spanish (if at a fairly introductory level) from other sources.

If you were using Duolingo at about that time, you probably remember how the "choose a language" screen showed an interesting cultural artifact from the part of the world that the language was widely spoken in. For example, French got the Eiffel Tower, German the Brandenburg Gate, English the Statue of Liberty (ok, fine, it's an American company), and a whole bunch of ones for less-widely-spoken languages that I had fun looking up online to figure out what they were.

These went away after another year or two, when they started going for simpler, more cartoony graphics.

That should have been a warning sign.

Because, soon, everything else worthwhile started to go away as well, while even more gamified junk showed up. I was already largely ignoring things by 2021 or so. The last straw for me was when they axed the forums in 2022 -- if you haven't seen the forums, you may not realize just how valuable they were for detailed discussion about each language in general, not just clearing up confusion about tricky sentences that showed up.

So I am not surprised they have jumped full speed into AI nonsense and continued to throw away whatever else was good about them.

@fullfathomfive Eh-yup.

I started exploring Duolingo in 2017 to brush up on some rusty Spanish and also just take a look at some other languages quite cheaply (both in time and in money). It was actually useful for both of those, so long as I kept up with reading and listening to actual Spanish (if at a fairly introductory level) from other sources.

Charlie. Probably.

@fullfathomfive Never give anything to "anthropomorphised equity." (I wish I could remember where I first found that epithet.)

Conversely: nothing feels as gratifying as helping another HUMAN BEING.

Charlie. Probably.

The challenge of the moment is this: how do we tell the difference?



I am really sorry they have taken advantage of you, and others, like this.

I resisted paying for Duolingo for various reasons, but this confirms all my suspicions.

The loss of the forums is tragic, unforgivable really, all those wonderful posts - gone!

I know it became a bit nasty at times in various ways, but that's a tech/management problem that needed to be solved, rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I should probably work on my addiction to Duo?

David - Forking Mad awful. I will be letting my subscription lapse when it is up for annual renewal



It is not enough to NOT trust a corporation
Active warfare is needed

eg all those people who work on open source and put their hard work under a GPL ?

the GPL should be modified so that corporations can't use the software without some payment

being passive isn't enough; you win battles by attacking


@fullfathomfive And always remember: The moment a company goes public, they lose all incentive to act ethically, and are in fact contractually and legally OBLIGUED to become an enshittified money mill catering to their shareholders, and only to their shareholders. The day of the IPO, their former customers become the resource to be squeezed so shareholders can have the juice. And they don't want some juice, they want ALL the juice. Always.

Fuck the stockmarket.

Marcel_Gehlen (he/him)

@cheetah_spottycat @fullfathomfive Or the moment they touch venture capital money. Which for a lot of tech companies is during its founding days.

Phil M0OFX

@fullfathomfive I wouldn't just say that about corporations - anything large enough to be organised as a company - LLC, LTD, PLG, no matter how small. The answer should always be "fuck you, pay me".

I have known many people who helped these groups, no matter what they were doing, the same pattern played out. Take whatever they could, destroy the people doing it, and repeat. Greed and the chase for numbers (attendees, users, engagement) always destroyed it. None can be trusted.

Dawid Rejowski


Similiar how donating free time contributing to Google Maps is a bad idea when OpenStreetMap exists.


@fullfathomfive Corporations can be owned by good people, and run by good people, and have the best of intentions, and genuinely believe and mean that they are doing the absolute best things possible, and keeping up with morals and standards and all good will.

But will the next owners, or board of directors, agree with that once it is against their fiscal incentives? Not only do you have to know that this company is good, but that everyone in charge will remain good.

Fuck corporations.


@fullfathomfive Looking forward to my future as a very human and very effective #ESL instructor.


Unfortunately that's a hard lesson but as you said never build a community of volunteers based on a company's platform. It's always a matter of time that they will exploit it for financial gains.

Joanna Czechowska

@fullfathomfive I watched a Ted talk with the founder of Duolingo. He seemed genuine but obviously sold out.

Pare :pace: 🚲 🌞

Before contributing (specially for free) to any project, read the license!
That's why I sometimes contribute to #Wikipedia and I never contributed to #duolingo...

Julien Avérous

@fullfathomfive @Gargron And it's why, in another area, I'm not contributing anymore to Waze, and contributing only to @openstreetmap 👍

teledyn 𓂀

@fullfathomfive @smallcircles

The Duolingo story doesn't surprise me. I couldn't justify DONATING my 'content' to the glory (and obscene ROI) of walled gardens owned by billionaires demonstrably incapable of even imagining 'content' (cf metaverse or xitter) haplessly spending billions on AI vainly hoping their machines will be clever on their behalf.

And yet, to date, I have not convinced anyone to follow suit! Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Musk, these are their MCU heroes.


@fullfathomfive I'm sorry this happened to you. Duolingo has gone downhill and I've stopped using it.

Andreas K


1.) never trust a corporation.

2.) contracts with corporations are only worth so much the paper they are written on as long they are in the interest of said corporations. (Yes, they will break them, they do have their attorneys on retainer and huge legal departments, not using them would be wasting money, so if the contract makes no sense to BigCorp, they'll just break it. Fines, etc usually do not get them.)

Andreas K

Given the imbalance of power, and the fact that you cannot force BigCorps to behave themselves (the only thing that seems to work for a moment seems to be "light", as in PR, shining publicity on their "bad" behaviour, but that seldom changes their behaviour, they just pretend to behave different for a moment) even with a written contract and the law, the safe approach is never to rely on them for important things, if you can help it.

Eric the Cerise


It breaks my heart that people keep having to learn this lesson.

I still remember back when Netflix had this glorious user-centric forum and rating section, where regular people gave reviews of stuff, and rated stuff, and you could chat with people about "why did you like X, but thought Y sucked" ... stuff like that. And Netflix had a fantastic recommendation system based on your ratings and reviews that really, successfully suggested stuff you'd never heard of, that you (usually) loved, based on the stuff you'd already watched and rated.

And of course, as their catalog got crappier over time, they had to deep-six all that and start force-feeding people whatever halfway-not-sucky-crap they could ...

And the entire user-contributed forum was deleted, and the rating-and-recommendation system got turned into the crap system they've got now.

Reddit is in the middle of doing this now. Every word you write into any subreddit is going to feed the beast and they will use it to screw you over, one way or another.

And, yeah, pretty much every other for-profit company that pretends to respect and support its user-base will do exactly the same thing, sooner or later, when the need for profits bubbles to the top.


It breaks my heart that people keep having to learn this lesson.

I still remember back when Netflix had this glorious user-centric forum and rating section, where regular people gave reviews of stuff, and rated stuff, and you could chat with people about "why did you like X, but thought Y sucked" ... stuff like that. And Netflix had a fantastic recommendation system based on your ratings and reviews that really, successfully suggested stuff you'd never heard of, that you (usually)...


@fullfathomfive ALL CORPORATIONS behave similarly. They #Whitewash, and #Greenwash, and #Healthwash so you believe they have your best interests and the good of all at heart. You have to remember #CorporationsAreNotHuman.


@fullfathomfive BTW
"Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.
Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
Hark! now I hear them,—ding-dong, bell.
--William Shakespear--
I've known that piece since I was in 3rd Grade.

Jeffrey Fisher

@fullfathomfive i loved the idea of DuoLingo's mission.

That's the other message: "non-profits" often change their minds and go public. or in some cases, keep a non-profit but move the core business to public. they will sometimes spin this as funding the non-profit, but the fact that they could use the money to fund the non-profit is cover for all the checks the execs are cashing.

there's no safe space, I think.

and, as with so many things, I really don't know what the answer is.

Carrie Shanafelt

@fullfathomfive This is the biggest reason I quit Duolingo a year ago. There was a translation in the Chinese lessons that was so convoluted and ridiculous that I and every other user who got that far wrote to complain about. I got pinged almost every day from someone else getting to "My toothbrushing habit is three times a day." Over a year went by and not one person noticed the hundreds of comments saying "I was stuck on this for a week"? Users had to make their lessons legible for them.

Oliver Mantell

@fullfathomfive This reminds me of writing book reviews for a new online community and bookseller in the 90s called ‘Amazon’…

Health Is Wealth

@fullfathomfive First of all, thank you to you & everyone else that volunteered your time & effort to helping the language learning communities around the world! Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!! I've benefitted to a certain extent by paying for a Duolingo Family account but I don't think I will renew my subscription! There are plenty of other ways to learn (free & paid for) & there have been some good recommendations posted here. I may curate & post a list of my own one day. Thanks again!


@fullfathomfive this happened to a lot of people, from a lot of companies. It’s a painful lesson to be careful when contributing to any platform: in private platforms, your contributions will most likely be used for shareholder value, not in the betterment of humanity

Wikipedia is a bastion for this, i hope it never falls

ZYKLΘP 🧑‍💻 🌲🖤❤️✊🌳

@fullfathomfive thanks for the insights. I did not know anything about the community driven part. Right from the beginning I thought it is just a ‚normal‘ company.


@fullfathomfive OMG.. this is a horrible experience for you and devastating for ppl like me that believed in what Duo was trying to do. I was on it daily for 6mths brushing up my dismal Spanish and so happy it worked. What a shame good intentions behind this project went so sour. Capitalism. The scourge of our times.

I left incidentally bc of the constant ads (and also the babyish use of animals: the horse likes wearing the new yellow shoes. )


Especially when the quality is getting lower now they are using LLMs rather than human translators and teachers.
I've a number of error screenshots , any point in reporting them?

I paid for a course, what am I getting for that over the free users? If it's ad-free, I'm happy with that.

Amandine B (She/Her)

@fullfathomfive I've contributed a lot to Google maps. I would like to contribute to open street maps but I think it's less intuitive. I definitely have to read to figure out how.

Rihards Olups

@eco_amandine @fullfathomfive Go for OpenStreetMap, in case of any questions ask around here, OSM mailing lists and forums - and there could be a local community in your area.


My rule is to only contribute to open source copyleft products, such as Wikipedia or OpenStreetMap.
This way, your contributions stay open source, and other products using this data must be open source too.
Else, some companies can — and will — use your work and sell it back to you with a proprietary license.


@fullfathomfive And it's use for free gets more cumbersome with relentless exhortations to buy premium features.

Steve S

I'm not proficient enough in any other language to have donated labor. Lucky me. But I contributed a lot to pre-Amazon IMDB (and even pre-enshittification Amazon era IMDB), so I know the feeling. Now IMDB is so clogged with ads that it's barely usable. If I want to look up movies, I use Wikipedia (and contribute), and IMDB only in desperation.


Steve S

Duolingo has stiffed its labor donors, which stinks. It's gamified, but hasn't it always been gamified? That's its basic learning model: keep users learning by bringing them back every day with the game, even if that means users don't learn as much per hour. The philosophy is better to do fun lessons every day, even if they teach less, than to provide really strong lessons that users abandon. Great for weakly motivated users, but wasteful for highly motivated users.


Duolingo has stiffed its labor donors, which stinks. It's gamified, but hasn't it always been gamified? That's its basic learning model: keep users learning by bringing them back every day with the game, even if that means users don't learn as much per hour. The philosophy is better to do fun lessons every day, even if they teach less, than to provide really strong lessons that users abandon. Great for weakly motivated users, but wasteful for highly motivated users.

Steve S

My observation is that Duolingo works really well for refreshing stale language skills, but pretty poorly for a new language. It works well for keeping my Spanish and Norwegian fresh, it's not bad for learning Latin with knowledge of Spanish, and it's very slow going for Mandarin.

I don't resent Duolingo for commercializing volunteer labor. But I think it's bad practice that they don't reward volunteers in some way, such as free "Super Duolingo"


My observation is that Duolingo works really well for refreshing stale language skills, but pretty poorly for a new language. It works well for keeping my Spanish and Norwegian fresh, it's not bad for learning Latin with knowledge of Spanish, and it's very slow going for Mandarin.

I don't resent Duolingo for commercializing volunteer labor. But I think it's bad practice that they don't reward volunteers in some way, such as free "Super Duolingo"

Daniel Bohrer

@fullfathomfive thank you for this post. I am on the other side but somehow yet still on the same; as an avid languague learner for almost a decade, I could profit so much from the lesson notes, the forums, and the community in general, and it helped tons to learn a language! But today Duolingo is just an empty shell.



Yeah that's what upsets me about it. I don't feel like I wasted my time on Duolingo, because I learned two languages while contributing and met a great group of people.

But that incredible knowledge base we created, which was unprecedented in the history of language learning, is gone for future learners. It's completely contrary to Duo's original mission of making learning free and accessible.

The web is getting more and more closed off and we are losing communal knowledge now, instead of gaining it.


Yeah that's what upsets me about it. I don't feel like I wasted my time on Duolingo, because I learned two languages while contributing and met a great group of people.

But that incredible knowledge base we created, which was unprecedented in the history of language learning, is gone for future learners. It's completely contrary to Duo's original mission of making learning free and accessible.


@fullfathomfive The same exact thing happened with the original which was fed by a network of thousands of global weather station volunteer operators, they had a free and open weather api, then a corporation bought it, everything was shutdown for public access, and that was it for true free open weather apis.

It's always this way, if the organization is not free and open by its charter, this WILL happen. Thus @Mastodon @Codeberg Corporations MUST do this as for profit entities.

VK Nask

@fullfathomfive is there a good open source/crowd sourced alternative? I want to get back to language learning but would prefer a community option if possible.

Marcel Waldvogel

@fullfathomfive @paul4kant Apparently, there seems to be an initiative to start again open-source. But I presume your hundreds of hours will be "lost".

Liminal Fiction

@fullfathomfive I feel like you could take out "DuoLingo" and substitute the name of almost any big tech company today, and the message would be the same. Hugs...

Peter Gainsford

@fullfathomfive For those like me who are also upset and disillusioned, you can delete your Duolingo account by logging in in a web browser, then go to and scroll to the bottom. There's a great big red button labelled 'erase personal data'. You will then need to confirm the deletion via an e-mail that they'll send you.

ikt 🇺🇦

@fullfathomfive did you miss this?

basically the corporation has become big enough that it doesn't rely on volunteers because it makes enough money to pay people to do the work, this is a good thing... why would you want a profitable business to rely on volunteers?

this has been pretty clear for years as they've phased out the "community" in every way possible so they can focus on making a great app



Because Duolingo sold itself as a crowd-sourced, semi-open social platform in the beginning, one where we could use Duo's tools to create a course for almost any language (including reviving dying and niche languages). It attracted some of the top language experts in the world who created courses for free.

For some of the smaller languages, those volunteers even donated their voices to the program - for example in the Esperanto course you will hear many sentences read by volunteers.

Then Duolingo changed tack, fired their volunteer workforce and locked them out of their course. The contractors they hired to replace them were often not language experts. Some of them didn't even speak the languages they were working on. All the language experts are gone, because they're expensive.

Many of the smaller languages got no paid workforce at all to replace their volunteer team, because those languages don't make money. Some of the smaller languages haven't had a course update in years and have glaring errors with no one to correct them, because it's not profitable to pay someone to maintain them. A couple that were in the incubator got ditched unceremoniously after 5+ years of work from their teams.

I never "wanted" Duolingo to rely on volunteers, that's how Duolingo built it, with misleading claims about crowd-sourcing and making language learning free and accessible to all ... then they took that free labour and turned it into profit.

More importantly, they hid that knowledge. Now they're using it to create an inferior product by feeding it to an AI, instead of giving it to people to use as it was originally intended.


Because Duolingo sold itself as a crowd-sourced, semi-open social platform in the beginning, one where we could use Duo's tools to create a course for almost any language (including reviving dying and niche languages). It attracted some of the top language experts in the world who created courses for free.

ikt 🇺🇦

@fullfathomfive I see you're looking at it from a completely different way to me, I just saw it as a gamified way to learn french, it did that in 2012 and still does that today

> ... then they took that free labour and turned it into profit.

Well yeah, they weren't making money, now they are, it makes no sense to continue using volunteers, thanks for your time and service 🫡

Duo is still amazingly free (considering every other language learning app BEGS for money before you've even signed up)



And you and I will have to disagree about the quality of the app. It's very sticky (Duolingo's main metric is now engagement), but IMO it doesn't do much for actually learning a language.

Janet Grootebroeder

@fullfathomfive I just requested Duolingo to delete my account. I learned on Duolingo since December 2016.

#duolingo #ai

Ben Rosengart

@fullfathomfive @so_treu Oof, yeah, you're reminding me of the way CDDB (which let your computer figure out what CD you were playing/ripping) was "enclosed" around the turn of the millennium.


@fullfathomfive 😢 😞 but anyway, I want to say thank you! ❤️ You have done a good thing.
I am learning french for free yet.

Meadhbh Dhommnail

@fullfathomfive Yeah, just seeing this today. Immediately deleted Duolingo, I’ve been using it to learn new languages (and practice those I already am fluent in so I don’t get rusty) for years, but this is awful.

Kritik Pedas! :verified: 🏴‍☠️ big companies and government want ditch humans for AI. which was not good idea.

Also, workers will replace by AI in the future..

Ruby Jones

@fullfathomfive I'd heard bad things were happening, but not about AI. That sucks so bad. I'm very glad I cancelled my subscription in December.


@fullfathomfive this is why I'm committed to keeping free of any corporate or VC involvement. Some things other to belong to everyone, especially when they've been instrumental in building it, they ought to own it. #freeSoftware

Jörg Seidel

The invention that lead to modern capitalism is separation of ownership and operations. Even if you fully trust whomever operates a company, the ownership can change anytime and all prior trust may be gone.

#duolingo #languagelearning #enshittification #capitalism


@fullfathomfive Hence why I have a staunch policy against free work. If you do not pay in cash then do not expect any work from me. I make all my charitable donations with organizations that I choose to donate to but I will not work for anyone for free. I also do all my charitable works in person so as to ensure that the people I’m supporting are actually getting whatever I donate (no online events with organizations that have shady practices and or immoral/unethical policies).


@fullfathomfive {{{ hugs }}} Very sorry this is happening to us

Dr. Angus Andrea Grieve-Smith

@fullfathomfive Thank you for sharing that! I've been trying to build an open source language learning platform - much more narrowly focused than Duolingo, but with advantages that it doesn't have. If a few people spent hundreds of hours with it, it could really be a valuable resource!


@fullfathomfive , After one year on Duo and dodging adverts and rubbish I find that it's designed to string you along as long as possible, ie no info on grammar bar what you figure yourself is a major shortcoming to learn a language properly within a shorter amount of time.
I'm glad there are suggestions in the thread for open source language learning, I will definitely check these out.
Thank you for your major effort to help people learn new languages.
It is a huge foundation for peace & love.


@fullfathomfive Yes, best to only contribute to open source stuff. That way even if it collapses or goes bad someone can fork it and continue it elsewhere. And even better if it's an open standard that it can easily be exported/incorporated somewhere else.

Sandro Santilli

@fullfathomfive check #LibreLingo out:

LibreLingo's mission is to create a modern language-learning platform that is owned by the community of its users. All software is licensed under AGPLv3, which guarantees the freedom to run, study, share, and modify the software. Course authors are encouraged to release their courses with free licenses.

Janet Vertesi


so here is where I have an honest question : how did they ensnare you? What did you think you were doing? Because I remember watching all that BS go down and opting out, and warning people who were like, nah you are crazy paranoid. But I was the teeniest minority, and just like they didnt get me, I did not get why people donated their time and energy to training someone else's content farm, ad tech, AI in development.

So honestly --what sucked you and everyone else in?


@fullfathomfive only opensource projects cat get free time. After using duelinguo, I started an small app to help me learn deutsch (and the nightmare declinations), I will publish at some moment. It's really sad what happens with duolinguo.

WhichOne'sPink 🇫🇮

@fullfathomfive Hey! Thanks to DuoLingo, I know the every day Finnsh words for "wizard", "shaman", "viking" and "I am a bear", but not "yes", "no" or "thank you".
I won't hear a word against them!


@fullfathomfive I provided similar free work on a different language site. Later, monetization placed my work behind a pay-wall. When I created the content, it was available for general access.

Another reason to support open-source solutions.


@fullfathomfive unfortunately that's so true. In fact it is a small minority of people with greedy, selfish intentions that's poisoning "the whole".
We have to keep reminding ourselves that there are many around us and everywhere who are acting and thinking in positive ways. And: I realize we must fight more: by telling such sad experiences, including names. By cooperating with people of good will. By buying from those we want to stay around. By sharing positive stories etc. etc. (500 char lim



I would suggest that what you really learned was to ALWAYS "License" your contributions to any crowd-sourced project under CC-BY-SA, the #FSF #GPL or #AGPL, or some other #Creative_Commons or strong #Copyleft license.

Again: "License" your contributions - do not "ASSIGN" your copyright to any project. It's a common technique used by tricksters to steal your intellectual property for their own diabolical, ulterior motives like you just described

#tallship #FOSS #crooks




Best minimise ALL contact with the corporate world. Use public services, local small businesses, open source, commonly-owned and co-operatively produced software, etc, non-profit-owned media, buy secondhand, repair and re-use, grow your own, etc, etc...

Andrew Elwell

@fullfathomfive yeah, the first example i got bitten by this was CDDB. Happily used to contribute CD track listings until oh look, we're commercial now and all your data belong to us. (

Greg Harvey 🌍

@fullfathomfive That's really disappointing and sad, but thank you for sharing.


@fullfathomfive We have been burned over and over, which is why we're playing with self-hosted solutions of things. We contribute out of good will, and then someone else makes billions from that work. Facebook, Twitter, Waze. It encourages people like me to play with PhotoPrism, Nextcloud and other tools, to move away from the trillion dollar companies like Apple. Duolingo is one project, of many.


@fullfathomfive ☹️☹️☹️☹️ Duolingo genuinely is an amazing resource. I’m really sad it’s not true to its origins any more.

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