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Janet Vertesi


so here is where I have an honest question : how did they ensnare you? What did you think you were doing? Because I remember watching all that BS go down and opting out, and warning people who were like, nah you are crazy paranoid. But I was the teeniest minority, and just like they didnt get me, I did not get why people donated their time and energy to training someone else's content farm, ad tech, AI in development.

So honestly --what sucked you and everyone else in?


@cyberlyra Honestly, after they pivoted away from crowd-sourced translations and into paid subscriptions, I started to see through it. By the time they fired all the volunteers some of us were encouraging people to leave.

But the community was so big - it was like FB or Twitter. If you were passionate about languages, that was where your community was. Platform inertia made it really hard to leave.


@cyberlyra Duolingo also did a lot to keep the ruse going, like deleting critical comments from the forums and subreddit, then denying they were ever there. Luis did AMAs where he claimed the sentence discussions were only being locked temporarily and would be back soon, and nobody used them anyway so who cares?

The majority of Duolingo users are casual and new. They didn't see any of this stuff, so to them it just looks like a company making iterative improvements. They have a lot of fierce defenders, even now.

@cyberlyra Duolingo also did a lot to keep the ruse going, like deleting critical comments from the forums and subreddit, then denying they were ever there. Luis did AMAs where he claimed the sentence discussions were only being locked temporarily and would be back soon, and nobody used them anyway so who cares?

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