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Inara :therian:

@fullfathomfive making things accessible for those like wheelchairs also help with scooters and bikes and other wheeled things


@fullfathomfive there’s levels of disability too: my daughter has very high support needs, so activities and facilities that claim to cater for disabled people often don’t cater for her: we need hoists for toiletting, swimming, using beach chairs, etc. she needs a mashed/liquid diet. She needs to avoid infection

I did my best to “manage” for many years, to give her the best life and involve her in the community, but now I have long covid, and I no longer have the energy

Finnian Gilliosa 🦄

@fullfathomfive the Nation State hides it's insufficiencies in duties to citizens it can't fulfil, poverty is the same template.


From 2015 to 2022, I spent hundreds of hours on Duolingo, translating articles, answering language questions on the forums, and helping to improve the smaller courses by reporting mistakes.

There are thousands of volunteers who donated their labour to Duo: the course creators who wrote their courses, the volunteers who created grammar guides (some smaller languages had an entire second course in the forums), the wiki contributors, the native speakers who answered questions in the sentence discussions.

All of their work made Duolingo the powerhouse it is today. Duo was built by a community who believed in its original mission: language learning should be free and accessible.

Bit by bit all of our work was hidden from us as Duolingo became a publicly-traded company. And now that work is being fed into their AI as training data.

Well, I've learned the true lesson of Duolingo: never give a corporation your labour for free. Don't ever trust them, no matter what they say. Eventually greed will consume any good intentions.

From 2015 to 2022, I spent hundreds of hours on Duolingo, translating articles, answering language questions on the forums, and helping to improve the smaller courses by reporting mistakes.

There are thousands of volunteers who donated their labour to Duo: the course creators who wrote their courses, the volunteers who created grammar guides (some smaller languages had an entire second course in the forums), the wiki contributors, the native speakers who answered questions in the sentence discussions.

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Greg Harvey 🌍

@fullfathomfive That's really disappointing and sad, but thank you for sharing.


@fullfathomfive We have been burned over and over, which is why we're playing with self-hosted solutions of things. We contribute out of good will, and then someone else makes billions from that work. Facebook, Twitter, Waze. It encourages people like me to play with PhotoPrism, Nextcloud and other tools, to move away from the trillion dollar companies like Apple. Duolingo is one project, of many.


@fullfathomfive ☹️☹️☹️☹️ Duolingo genuinely is an amazing resource. I’m really sad it’s not true to its origins any more.

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