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@fullfathomfive there’s levels of disability too: my daughter has very high support needs, so activities and facilities that claim to cater for disabled people often don’t cater for her: we need hoists for toiletting, swimming, using beach chairs, etc. she needs a mashed/liquid diet. She needs to avoid infection

I did my best to “manage” for many years, to give her the best life and involve her in the community, but now I have long covid, and I no longer have the energy


@oftencalledcathy I'm so sorry you have long covid. It sounds like an impossible situation for you as a carer.

It's so shitty that our society decided it was fine to destroy the lives of so many people, because people who have no concept of our interdependence on one another didn't want to be mildly inconvenienced.


@fullfathomfive thank you, luckily I’m a lot better than I was

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