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@beunice I’ve wished for a few years there were a Duolingo course for Kurmanji (the most widely spoken of the Kurdish languages), and there’s a campaign to try to persuade Duolingo to provide one, but alas, such tongues of only a few million using English instructionally would not become priorities for such corporations. Whatever we can do in projects to allow people to collaborate and contribute openly is promising. @lutindiscret @fullfathomfive

Benjamin Eunice

@jotaemei @lutindiscret @fullfathomfive You're hitting the nail on the head. This kind of thing is why we so desperately need an open solution that isn't driven by maximizing shareholder wealth. There are something like 4,000 living languages today, and a tremendous number of them are dying out due to the forces of colonialism, homogenization, and a number of other forces generally perpetuated by those in power. I think the fact that a language like Kurmanji with something like 15 million speakers (from what I can find online) is a difficult pitch to make to Duolingo is indicative that this organization is not worth anyone's time anymore, we need to divest and re-focus attention on sustainable projects.

@jotaemei @lutindiscret @fullfathomfive You're hitting the nail on the head. This kind of thing is why we so desperately need an open solution that isn't driven by maximizing shareholder wealth. There are something like 4,000 living languages today, and a tremendous number of them are dying out due to the forces of colonialism, homogenization, and a number of other forces generally perpetuated by those in power. I think the fact that a language like Kurmanji with something like 15 million speakers...


@jotaemei @beunice @lutindiscret @fullfathomfive At the same time you can "learn" Klingon with Duolingo. Klingon is a fictional language...

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