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@cbt Most co-ops suffer from these dynamics because they exist under capitalism. They do not exist in a vacuum free of capitalism’s pressure. Likewise, the concept of “human nature” cannot exist outside of a social context. It’s not something hardwired that causes us to behave a certain way. What we see and observe in fellow humans and assume to be our nature cannot be isolated from socialization, particularly under the capitalist order. @fullfathomfive



Most people believe that its impossible for there to be a human that is 0% egoistic. It is a intrinsic part of human nature.

But it is also not healthy to not be egotistical at all. To be a healthy human being you need to selfserving in a balanced way.

This was the reality in the stone ages, under faudalism and now in any current cultural landscape or political thought

You are entitled to your opinion, but most people are simply not going to accept your assertions



@cbt Social traits like egoism cannot be isolated from social influences. That means a reason we behave the way we do is because of our experiences and what we’ve been taught and internalized. You cannot know what is “intrinsic” of those you observe, as you have no way of isolating the societal context variable.

Regarding what most people believe, I believe you could benefit by becoming familiar with something called the appeal to popularity fallacy.

@cbt Social traits like egoism cannot be isolated from social influences. That means a reason we behave the way we do is because of our experiences and what we’ve been taught and internalized. You cannot know what is “intrinsic” of those you observe, as you have no way of isolating the societal context variable.


@jotaemei @fullfathomfive then I guess love is a social trait we can live without too. Good to know.

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