@jawarajabbi @Daojoan its funny to me that this is pissing men off here, and that start to attack women...just as described... @PirjaPaa @Daojoan actually, now that i think about it.. the more i learned about actual 'nether-anatomy' (not the surface level bs u get from a private catholic school's bare minimum sex-ed), the more progressive in my views i became.. tho... i think the causality might have been the other way around🥴 (i'm a silly goofball and refer to genitals as the nether region) @CIMB4 @PirjaPaa @Daojoan learning how the various parts corresponded to each other was such a revelation and a relief
(also there was that diagram that people have been sharing on tumblr that shows how the ovaries sit inside the body cavity with the uterus and it looked startlingly like a flaccid dick and balls) @Iwillyeah @Daojoan I'd say the social issue we need to solve is looking at things through the lens of success vs. failure. For most things, that's a false and utterly unnecessary dichotomy. @EverydayMoggie @Daojoan In a way, this is what I mean. People should not have to earn "being worthwhile." If you exist, you're worthwhile. @EverydayMoggie @Daojoan @EverydayMoggie @JoeChip @Daojoan we need to adjust what success means... And that's not right... We only see the big winner as a success, Did he still fail? @Fleurvervenne @EverydayMoggie @Daojoan He did not fail in following his internal compass. Some will fight to be someone even though it may mean nothing to anyone else. But we actually do live in a society. Those devalued by society or without support have only their internal compass to guide them and it is often not enough. Those that eventually give up become existential failures. Oh great. @n_dimension @Daojoan @JoeChip @n_dimension @Daojoan @girlnamedwar @JoeChip @n_dimension @Daojoan @NicholasLaney @JoeChip @n_dimension @Daojoan might have to loom him up as i still dont know who that is... @n_dimension @JoeChip @Daojoan going to??? We already went there, we've been there so long, we already send postcards home... @Fleurvervenne @JoeChip @Daojoan I'm stealing that phrase and there is nothing you can do to stop me! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! @Daojoan This also explains racism, culture wars, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and more... Educated people who are doing well are difficult to manipulate into blaming the people around them (and especially below them on the socioeconomic scale) for their lack of success. @JustinDerrick @Daojoan I believe it’s a bit more complex than that. Personality types play a strong part too. There are many rich, well educated people who are also racist & misogynistic. They might just live in social groups where they learn how to hide it. @Muiris @JustinDerrick @Daojoan ingroup favoritism is strong there... The smart wealthy people mostly fear loss of something... Besides...smart doesnt mean "good at everything" forget that "the big bang theory" propaganda... I have needed to teach people who have doctorates...how to use e-readers... Interesting. It's a normal (yet shitty) human behaviour to irrationally apportion blame to external factors to explain one's bad performance (It's part of a theory called "locus of control" if I remember well). It's a self defence mechanism. What I wonder is what comes first: internal unconscious misogyny coming up when one's self esteem is threatened, or the low self esteem makes one's more prone to believe misogynistic ideas coming from others? 1/2 Also, it makes me realise that perhaps one of the best way to eradicate misogyny (and all the other prejudices such as homophobia, transphobia and racism) is to foster greater self-esteem through education? Education in the amily, education at school and also education at all levels of society. Just thinking out loud. 2/2 @Daojoan press the funny star button if you're a higher-skilled male player but still behave submissively to players with a male voice
I wonder if it's occurred to anybody to investigate whether the bad behavior toward women & the poor skill levels spring from a common source: i.e., a sense of entitlement, instead of a commitment to levelling up? @livinghell @Daojoan evolutionary psychology is a real science. @Fleurvervenne @Daojoan See, that's why it isn't. If it were a science it wouldn't have to justify itself by explaining its detractors. That's what religions do. It would be explainable to its detractors. That's what science whose function is not merely to exert social violence but to explain reality, does. @livinghell @Fleurvervenne @Daojoan but it is science...actual science...you with your tiny fick, are rwaction exactly like described in the artivle...you dumb motherfucker...are the proof its true @Chesi @livinghell @Fleurvervenne @Daojoan I'll just leave this here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_evolutionary_psychology @dngrs @Chesi @livinghell @Fleurvervenne @Daojoan all science has criticism...thats why its fucking science....now go play in traffic @noortjevee @dngrs @Chesi @Fleurvervenne @Daojoan You fucking, stop flooding this with alts! No, not every field born from a science itself is not a science. You need to earn your meal. @livinghell@kolektiva.social @dngrs@chaos.social @Chesi @Fleurvervenne @Daojoan i only have this account bitch... @livinghell @Fleurvervenne @Daojoan now go fuck off and jerk off to pics of your mom @livinghell @Daojoan know what incel bitch @Daojoan i have experienced this...both personal and work related... @Daojoan i mean...i can take trash talk...i do it too... But there is a diffrence between abuse...and trash talk... It is funny to see how underperforming men react to this article...with the OP having a female picture... The exact same way as they'd respond in games... @Daojoan Back in the 2006-2009 time frame my favorite past time was playing Battlefield 2142. As a team based game with squads its good to have an SL with a head for the game. My favorite SL was a woman that went by the gamer tag of Arithea. Those were the best times I've had playing a team based MP game. I miss those days. @Daojoan "poor performing males who stand to lose the most status" seems pretty damn apt
(cf. also how racism perpetuates among lower-class whites, or even upper-class whites who were born into wealth and have very little in their own personal achievements) @Daojoan Reminds me of what I’m experiencing in the California Sierra Club. Older male NIMBYs who have been parting the same old shit about people bring pollution so don’t build more housing are threatened by me (a she/her). Younger ones with more policy chops about density helping cut CO2 are encouraging and responsive. Yup.
Misandry is too. We have a lot of low-skill people promoted above the level of their incompetence in the Western world today. @Daojoan Eh, i'd say that's true across the gender board. Did they get a baseline for comparison by seeing how female gamers reacted to other female gamers of different skill levels? I'll bet a similar action is at work that crosses genderlines, though it may express somewhat differently. Woman can be just as vicious at undercutting another female they're jealous of. @Beggarmidas @Daojoan female gamers usually aid lower skill females in games... In games like back 4 blood the female groups i play in are more supportive then in make dominated groups @Daojoan i wish it didn't came from bs evolutionary psychology but the findings themselves are funny @Daojoan There's a Venn diagram here where bigotry and the Dunning-Kruger effect collide. @Daojoan I don't think this does show it as a skill issue. If your only reason to be positive towards women is because you don't feel threatened by them due to your own high skill level, how is that any better than those who are negative towards them because they feel threatened due to their own low skill level. I'm not giving out stars for good behaviour that stems from a feeling of superiority. @Daojoan Donald Trump beat two more skilled women, I think that’s all the proof anyone needs for that theory! @piofthings @Daojoan elections arent games... And he was beaten by them in debates and went nasty....so there is that... @Daojoan many years ago my wife was a helluva Counterstrike player. She was even part of a team that had a pro division. Though she never was quite good enough to qualify for the pros, she “pwned n00bs” regularly. This was always the case for her. The skilled players (including the pros) were always respectful to her. The scrubs would be very likely to use misogynistic and transphobic slurs against her. @Daojoan adressing men about misogynistic behavior in gaming... Cue the misogynistic men saying this isnt a thing or cry about pseudoscience...while demonstrating the described behavior verbatum @Daojoan All other context and detail aside, the one thing that is always true of misogyny is that it's borne of fear and insecurity, like so many other malignant behaviors. For the interested reader, the study in question is: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0131613 @Daojoan I'm playing #huntshowdown together with really good female teammates. I was far as I know the issue is not only in halo 3. But the really sad part is that #crytec doesn't really care when you report such behavior... @Daojoan i dont have time for multi-player sessions these days, but i have encountered both type of players in the past. Personally i dont have issues with having a girl gamer in my session. From my side i noticed that rage is at a lower level when loss is imminent, good chat and some good points in game scenario. So to every girl gamer that reads this: chose the right session of gaming, try to have fun as much as possible. 👍 @Daojoan Just like chess and shooting becoming sex-segregated after a woman won or got close to winning. @Daojoan Pssst! The alt text for this image contains HTML entities. Would you mind fixing? Doing a search for ‘&10;’ and replacing it with a space would already be an improvement. Thanks! @Daojoan "But let's describe the different characteristics between men who are sexist! Can we please keep this about men? " @Daojoan I'd say it's also connected to intelligence, as has been shown with studies regarding hostility. The lower intelligence the higher risk for hostile behaviour, not only misogyny but also e.g. racism. Note that education is not the same as intelligence. uhhh...? Idk. That doesn't mean the higher skilled dudes are being kind to chicks. They were just being 'nice'. I don't think the difference is "git gud and get better at inter-gender social interaction." I think the difference is "feel secure and get better at non-hierarchical social interaction." @Daojoan "evolutionary psychology" is not a scientific approach of psychology though https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_evolutionary_psychology#Other_overall_areas_of_criticism @Daojoan Basically the entire deal with incels--those who lack merit end up pulling rank within the gender-based dominance hierarchy. Just like poor southern whites being the most overt racists. Although it must be said that successful males and whites have their own less overtly personal ways of oppressing those on the lower rungs of their respective hierarchies. For successful males it might be a patriarchal marriage, while for successful whites it's the prison-industrial complex. @Daojoan What do they mean by "Higher-skilled male players" who "behaved more positively". How did they determine the behaviour wasn't condescending and I wonder what would happened if they were challenged by an even higher skilled female player? @Daojoan Never seen this study, but I've definitely made the same observation in office culture. @Daojoan I noticed this myself a lot. In games and IRL. Enough boys/guys can’t handle that a female is better then them in games or STEM jobs. @Daojoan I wonder if the theory is applicable to racism also? I trained my last but one work partner (who was a woman). I think she was surprised that I was supportive. I need a confident partner who knows what they're doing regardless of their gender. Being supportive is the only way to achieve that. @Daojoan Really interesting. I wonder if those same poor performing males engage in suppressive behaviour more broadly? If they are that worried about losing whatever status they do have to others then it might come out in other ways too - like bullying. |
You know, we've all really known this but seeing it stripped down so clinically is a little chilling.