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Edwige de Dood

@CStamp @Daojoan i mean it...several of those men are already attacking women disagreeing with them on this topic alone...


@girlnamedwar @Daojoan And they wonder why they can't find dates...

Edwige de Dood

@CStamp @Daojoan i followed along before responding to you, but to see the same group of 3-4 people attacking users because their pic is a "pretty woman" is quite telling of their views on women...and their general behavior....

Edwige de Dood

@CStamp @Daojoan also their circle jerk of "must be men"

Shows that some types of men really get angry when women wont do as expected...

I hope squirrels get less violent reactions....although i am quite a "pretty squirrel" and squirrel comes awfully close to sounding like Girl....

Edwige de Dood

@CStamp @Daojoan i mean...its telling...they go "must be men" is so that they can excuse they know its toxic behavior, but by tellinv themselves it must be a man, they give themselves an excuse to behave the way they did....

But...if its not ok to do to a woman...its not ok to do to a man either...

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