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Ursan Marius Bogdan :mastodon:

@Daojoan i dont have time for multi-player sessions these days, but i have encountered both type of players in the past. Personally i dont have issues with having a girl gamer in my session. From my side i noticed that rage is at a lower level when loss is imminent, good chat and some good points in game scenario.

So to every girl gamer that reads this: chose the right session of gaming, try to have fun as much as possible. đź‘Ť

Maggie Maybe

@bogdanmarius_ursan @Daojoan how about instead of expecting women to know which gaming session to choose that won’t be full of misogynists, that you push back against the misogynist instead?

Or are you suggesting that women shouldn’t game because men can’t help themselves?

Ursan Marius Bogdan :mastodon:

@maggiejk @Daojoan good morning, i am actually neutral, both sides have their ups and downs, i was in sessions with girls that behaved bad just as much as boys do. In the it boils down to education, the family environment, because if that is difficult the person will behave in the same way in any other circles, imho.

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