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Fleur Vervenne

@EverydayMoggie @JoeChip @Daojoan we need to adjust what success means...
Right now it seems that "success" getd equated with "winning"

And that's not right...

We only see the big winner as a success,
And not the oanting man that came in last at the marathon ... people will say "well, he failed" but he didn't...what if his goal was finishing a marathon?

Did he still fail?


@Fleurvervenne @EverydayMoggie @Daojoan

He did not fail in following his internal compass. Some will fight to be someone even though it may mean nothing to anyone else.

But we actually do live in a society. Those devalued by society or without support have only their internal compass to guide them and it is often not enough. Those that eventually give up become existential failures.

Their lives mean nothing to them. A kind of depression that is based on a sense of personal illegitimacy.

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