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Eugen Rochko

Probably not a lot of people know this now, but Mastodon's web app started out with "Publish". In 2016 a famous YouTuber jokingly offered to support Mastodon's Patreon forever if I changed the button to say "Toot" instead. Needless to say, this was a really early, and not very informed decision. The first glimpse of attention and financial support. As a non-native speaker I had no idea there was another meaning.

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Eugen Rochko

I like that I was able to go back to "Publish" in the official iOS and Android apps. It may be less whimsical, and less branded, but after using the platform for such a long time, I'm perfectly happy with a button that just describes what it will do without trying to be cute (not that I dislike cute, I'd never part with our elephant illustrations). I have seen enough "Dr. Doom toots as he pleases" quotes in the first two years of Mastodon to last me a lifetime.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

With the greatest of respect, sir,
I will be calling them toots forever.
🐘 💨


@Gargron That's a funny story actually :blobcatgiggle:

And ofc this was a logical decision back in the day! :toot: Personally I really don't mind how the button is being called as long as it makes sense, and in this case it totally does!

I have had nothing but positive replies from people online and AFK about it :blobcatgiggle: It uh.. takes the edge off or something :mastolol2:


@Gargron Sorry to cut your posts off with a question but will Mastodon have a "repost" button that we can comment on, something like a retweet with quote?

Mark W. Gabby-Li 🐌

@Gargron Free software has traditionally had a major issue with off-putting names.

I've been very impressed with the prudence of your leadership of this project, and I would like to say that I 100% support you in this decision.
It's a solid choice that I think will help lead the project to wider adoption.


@Gargron Toot is going away?
Well, I guess I know what rewrite rule I'll be applying.
I happen to *love* the "Toot!" button. It's quirky and much better than the boring "publish"


@Gargron settings-> “replace publish with toot”

Now Dr doom gets to be satisfied :lul:

tom h

@Gargron fwiw I always found the word toot a little embarrassing. Not because of the other meaning but just because it felt a bit too jokey. Is there a reason you chose "publish" over "post"?


@Gargron I think a better alternative would be “Post!”, especially for non-public posts and direct conversations.

M. J. Wolfe

@Gargron, this might sound weird, but I liked that it said “toot”. It made it seem different from other platforms.

“Publish” is so generic. “Toot” was very on-brand with the whole Mammoth theme.

I thought it was fantastic.

sky⁉️ :heart_genderqueer:

@Gargron I think "post" would be better. "Publish" is a little heavy for a tiny 500-character piece of text, it sounds more like you're putting out a book or an academic paper or something.

Ben Adrian Sarmiento

@Gargron I hope all software engineers think the same way

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@Gargron what a great history to the name. TIL.

Yes, likely a good decision to take away friction. And I've seen countless HN discussion where people took offense, while others defended the name.

"Toot" will live on in the Urban Dictionary of the fediverse and people say it affectionally.

I am no sociologist but I feel that that simple "dare to be different" name might have contributed a lot to the current Fediverse culture we have, and which we like so much.


@Gargron So kurz ich auch im Fediverse unterwegs bin, ich nutze Mastodon gerade wegen der anderen Begrifflichkeiten. Man versuche dem geneigten Nutzer zu erklären, warum man auf deutsch bei anderen Plattformen zwitschert, (ver)bucht, aufstellt oder abschickt und doch immer *to post* benutzt. Wer weiß denn, dass "Google" sich von Googol ableitet, einer Bezeichnung eines neunjährigen für eine 1 mit hundert Nullen?


@Gargron Wer im SocialMedia-Umfeld trötet oder tootet, der erntet sofort Aufmerksamkeit und wird, nach eigener Erfahrung, gründlich ausgefragt. Aber wer fragt schon nach dem *Wo*, wen vom Posten die Rede ist?
Bei Twitter tweetet/zwitschert man eine Tweet.
Bei Mastodon trötet man einen Post/Beitrag?
Bei Facebook postet man einen Eintrag?


@gargron I'm English and any potential disparaging connotations associated with "toot" hadn't even occurred to me. I just took it at face value and its cuteness is appealing. I hope you make this change configurable so that instances have the option to stick with toot if they wish.

Tantz Aerine :kafeneio:

@Gargron A bit of self-sarcasm never harmed anyone. Tooting might be a way to remember not to take ourselves too seriously and be open to the opinions of others rather than just smell our own. Bottom line, tooting is a-ok. Puns intended and I'm sorry.

bob :fediverse:

@Gargron You know, I kind of read it as "I shall now toot my own horn", which is a lovely little English idiom grounded in a simpler, quainter past I miss very much.

Keep up the great work. The 4.0 candidate looks killer.

Better Days 💪🏾🏀 🗑️🔥

@Gargron Losing "toots" seems like a good change. What about swapping the term "instance" to "server(s)" to describe other.... servers. 💿


I... hadn't even thought of the Dr. Doom meme... But that is brilliant and perfect.

Erica Brooks

@Gargron Ironically this is actually winning me over to "toots".

phillip :sonicteam_verified:

@Gargron I think Publish is much better than toot fwiw!

Also, I think we should reevaluate the term "Reblog". I know I'm just one person, and this isn't a huge deal so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but the prefix Re means to do something again, and none of the other language used insinuates there was ever and initial Blog. I think Boost is still fine, but also Repost and Republish are better options, with my money on Boost and Republish. There's my unwarranted opinion for the day lol

Az_The nicest of the damned.

@Gargron There is always the bravado method of making it your own. More than one social group has turned a negative label into one they fully owned and defined.

Beatrice Marovich

@Gargron i think it would be a service to flatulence, generally speaking, if everyone started to think about toots as something more whimsical. but i’m actually glad to hear that it’s actually a contingent feature for you!

James 🦉 #FBPE :europe:

@Gargron Posts and post, or publish, are more neutral/transparent/unassuming too, like good prose. "Post" has my vote.
Edit: Heh - Metatext provides this option, right?


@Gargron I was so very confused with the concept of 'toots' because I happened on and it says publish.

I had heard the story about the YouTuber and while it was funny, I'm very glad the decision was made to move away from it.

Óscar Morales Vivó

@Gargron Please don't misquote Mr. Von Doom, PhD, it's "DR. DOOM TOOTS AS HE PLEASES".

pancake :radare2: 🌱

@Gargron some apps let you choose that word, not sure if the web does too


'Publish' makes sense for Public posts. 'Share' would make more sense for Unlisted or Followers-only posts. 'Message' or somesuch would make more sense for Direct posts. If it could change like this, it could help guide people to make sure their posting level matches their intentions.

Daniel Appelquist

@Gargron personally I’ve embraced the “toot” but I understand where you’re coming from.


@Gargron I guess @Gargron should have gone with something proper, and dignified, like "tweet"


@Gargron I think toot is iconic, and you did the right thing

Russ Sharek


The toot button is charming, and I suspect the silliness encouraged me to give the platform a chance.

Sometimes not too serious is a good thing.

Xucaen ✖️📺✌️

@Gargron I do prefer "publish".
"Toot" sounds likeI eat too much fast food. 😅😉✌️


@Gargron 第一次发现 toot 除了「发嘟文」外还有「吸食可卡因」的意思 = =


@Gargron I mean, you’ve no doubt seen this, but just in case.

Joan // Stay apart, Mask up

@Gargron Ah, well. I think that other meaning is a kind of Americanism, more than anything, so it doesn't really matter.

Hunter Gough 🍦🌹

@Gargron "toot" is fabulous and never let anyone tell you otherwise.


@Gargron toot is fine. Tooting your horn is a thing in English. Yes it can mean to pass gas but that's just one meaning.


@Gargron Do they still support the patreon though? I have been, well, not liking the whole toot thing but this story kind of makes me love it just a little bit.


@Gargron And as they say, the rest is history.

Gabriel ☕️

@Gargron that was a very charming piece of information! Toot is fine :notsimple:

Ted :pmgpurple:

@Gargron We staunchly stand by our decision to change every string to “Post” 🤣

Paul Neave

@Gargron It could have been worse. You could have used “Trump” 🙈 Toot is fine 👍


@Gargron to be fair there are people who sound like they are talking out of their arse sometimes (even though I've yet to find someone like that on here yet), I like it. 😂

𝔗𝔲𝔩𝔲𝔩𝔞 𝔗𝔢𝔫𝔞𝔫𝔱

@Gargron Thanks for offering us SM refugees a new home. We are so grateful.

jojowiththeflow :coffefied:

@Gargron This is kind of cute, though. And I like the (alternative meaning of the) term "Toot" if only to remind us not to take ourselves too seriously.


@Gargron as someone with chronic GI issues, 'toot' makes me feel seen (or heard???)

Tim Bray

@Gargron eh, I think Toot is just fine. Its *major* meaning is to blow a musical note on a horn.

Cyber Yuki

@Gargron I miss the Toot 🙁

Can you make it so it can be customized?

(Matthew)=> return 🏳‍🌈🇿🇦🎮💻📖

@Gargron I respect your decision but there's a part of me that wishes you stuck with toots. It's just too fun and cute! Hmmm... I wonder how hard it would be to make a browser extension to change the publish button to toot...

Magess :heart_ace:

@Gargron When I first got here many years ago, I thought it was childish and meant the platform wouldn't be taken seriously.

Now I think maybe not taking ourselves too seriously is a good thing to be reminded of.

Pedro Machado Santa

@Gargron I bet you wrote a "Comedy is now legal on Mastodon" toot right afterwards. Right? No?

Okay, I'll see myself out.

Khurram Wadee ✅

@Gargron If you'd called it Roadrunner then they could have been Meeps instead.


@Gargron Honestly IMO that's an example of one of the best things about FLOSS though. Every screen isn't processed and sanitized through some corporate PR team or focus group. Things evolve chaotically. Decisions get made just because someone thought it was fun. It's *human* :)

Betsy Bee

@Gargron toot is hilarious. I love this story.


@Gargron does the famous youtuber still support you


@Gargron Thank you for explaining the actual history behind "toot". But I rather like it, and now there are millions of people who are experiencing all the jokes about it for the first time, so ... : )

Boris Barbour

@Gargron I am a native speaker and I just had to look up the second meaning...

Daniel Taylor

@Gargron well, considering the definition of "twit" (at least in US English), I'd say that it isn't the worst thing I've seen in this context.


@Gargron I go with a toot any day, instead of a poke.


@Gargron I can almost hear the sound of this toot 💨

xChaos 🐧🚀🚲

@Gargron In Czech language, "tůt" is just fine, cute, sounds same, so everyone understands and has no second meaning. So don't worry. Lot of us are not native speakers. In fact - most of us. Who cares about Anglo's slang anyway 🙂

Robin Martijn :verified:

@Gargron Can we at least agree on the fact that the first toot should be called the root? I’ll support your patreon?


@Gargron Getting a huge kick out of the fact that I just get here, and see that I'm going to "toot", and wondered if I was the only one to know it as another thing entirely, discover that I'm not at all alone in that, and now discover the actual origin story from the creator himself.

I love this place

Douglas "revdjenk" Jenkins

@Gargron I learned in my German class in high school, "Don't accept a Gift from a German!"
hee hee


@Gargron Ha! Ha! Ha! Let's all toot away!!!!!!😁


@Gargron 🤣🤣
This is a great place to be, well done! Thank you !
In just a few days I have so many wonderful people I follow. 💙💙

David Alexander McDonald

@Gargron Namor wants a word with you!


@Gargron I think for the UI a default of Post might be better but idc as long as the official name for the posts are toots. Instances Will change their buttons to say toot but we should never try to distance ourselves from that term. I believe that YouTube might have done this platform one of the greatest services by planting the word toot


@Gargron Maybe the button text could be a user defined option :-)

Sara Reine

@Gargron this is a really charming story. I’ve been dying over “toots” since I joined, but I feel weirdly defensive of toots now that I know how it happened. Sorry you kinda got trolled with that a bit. I love the software ♥️♥️

Masa 🙇🏻‍♂️

@Gargron love that, and that's how history is made sometimes. Toot toot! Und danke!


@Gargron as a refugee from that bird place I quite like tooting.
It gives this place a slightly whimsical feel which suits me

Jesse Liberty


How does one get a green check? I assume it means some sort of certification that you are who you claim to be? Or is it just a joke? I am a stranger in a strange land.

Gerard Braad

@Gargron it is not the only place where it shows up ;-)

James Slezak

@Gargron “Post” is really what is most in common parlance for microblogging i think - twitter even will use that in place of “tweet”. “Publish” has connotations of an article or even book



I like "toot"


I imagine taking a solid xxxx on Musk's site and each toot gives me a little satisfaction. 💩

Scott Ellison

@Gargron 😂

Thank you for the info.

I'm so glad to hear there was a financial aspect to it, because the term was suspiciously childish to a middle aged USA user.

Had me wondering if Mastodon's were extra flatulent. And NO I was not going to Google it.

Christina Binkley ✅

@Gargron So I'm dying to know -- does this Youtuber still support Mastodon?

Andres "🧠🐛✊" Salomon

@Gargron The most internet story ever. Could've easily been something like, "And that's how we ended up with a platform called #PostyMcPostFace"

Aziz Poonawalla

@Gargron thanks for this explanation - personally I never used the word, and likewise appreciated that the button says "Publish!" and the word isn't ingrained anywhere formally. I'm sticking to "Posts" because, in my mind, #Mastodon is a lot like self-hosted #wordpress

Markus Werle

@Gargron can you please overcome your hesitation and explain the other meaning? I only found a snort of cocaine. So what’s the problem?

Jacob Moena 🇩🇰

@Gargron I honestly think "toot" is genius. It means "to blow a horn". That some people equate that with the letting of wind can't be our problem? 😁
The word "toot" is a community builder, part of our collective identity. "Post" is very common place, and vanilla boring ...

Karen E. Lund 💙💛

@Gargron I just hope you got a generous donation for making the change.

As for me, I prefer to toot my own horn on Mastodon rather than being a twit for a multi-billionaire who thinks free speech can be bought.

Charles Harris Bruce

@Gargron I toot in your general direction…thanks for creating a safe place for artists and enthusiasts to exchange ideas and information.

progress of pauline

@Gargron Origin story! I do like elephants but maybe our server will merge in a bit early.


@Gargron I really like the fact that it hast an unique name instead of (post, publish, etc.)
May it be toot - or ( in german) tröt !

Shifty Cow

@Gargron I love the 'Toot!' button, it always makes me giggle. 😆

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