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Johannes Ernst

Walked the dog in a t-shirt. Came home sweaty. Dog had his tongue out most of the time. What will it be in 10 or 20 years?

#january #globalwarming

Johannes Ernst

Is there a geographical boundary to the use of plural for the term "software"?

In other words, do "softwares" exist outside of Europe?

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James M.

@J12t (US) I've always thought of the word "software" as a collective noun, like "water".

Tanguy ⧓ Herrmann

@J12t in french, software has been named "logiciel". It would roughly translate as "logic system".
As such, it can be pluralized as it is a unit of logic system, which would correspond in a way to an "app".



I remember years ago, someone made the point that the EFF had fought to prevent intelligence agencies getting hold of data via routine surveillance, but had been conspicuously silent when it comes to those same agencies simply buying that same data. They joked that Google funded the EFF and in return the EFF ensured that Google got paid for its data rather than having to give it away for free.

It's a conspiracy theory, of course. I don't think it's true. The EFF doesn't have that sort of power. But it does illustrate the strangeness of fighting for data privacy in a world where the company holding the data will just sell you out anyway.


I remember years ago, someone made the point that the EFF had fought to prevent intelligence agencies getting hold of data via routine surveillance, but had been conspicuously silent when it comes to those same agencies simply buying that same data. They joked that Google funded the EFF and in return the EFF ensured that Google got paid for its data rather than having to give it away for free.

Johannes Ernst

Congratulations to @ben, he now gets to lead technology at ProPublica!

No pressure, Ben, but you do know the world needs changing right? :-)

Erik Moeller

@J12t @ben

Congrats Ben!

FPF (my org) has worked with ProPublica a bunch, if we can help with DigiSec, SecureDrop, or just kicking around ideas (stronger fedi presence for nonprofit media?), don't hesitate to reach out.

Ben Werdmuller

@J12t Thank you sir! Lots to do, and lots to talk about.

Johannes Ernst


Who is using #WebAssembly in production? What for?

Ed: typo


@J12t you mean, Fastly, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Shopify,.... that kind of thing? Because they all do.

Johannes Ernst

OH: The Al-Gorithm.

I like it. Not only did he invent the internet but also …

Coincidentally the pronunciation of the thing by that Stanford machine learning prof whose videos I’ve been watching.

Johannes Ernst

Sci-fi plot: if you stare blankly in the air, it creates a wormhole.

Alternatively it’s the core idea of a blockbuster game on the Vision Pro.

Johannes Ernst

I'm an organizer, and need to hold things lightly, but there are sooo many things I really think we need to talk about at the next #FediForum. The biggest:

Just what in the world are we building here in the #Fediverse?

First: is the fediverse today more or less what we want it to be? I don't think many people would believe that, I certainly don't.

But if it isn't complete, just what is it we are building beyond today? Can we put it in words? Pictures? A vision? I have one. What's yours?

I'm an organizer, and need to hold things lightly, but there are sooo many things I really think we need to talk about at the next #FediForum. The biggest:

Just what in the world are we building here in the #Fediverse?

First: is the fediverse today more or less what we want it to be? I don't think many people would believe that, I certainly don't.

Johannes Ernst

Security peeps:

If some company says they send you "secure e-mail", what is the minimum you'd expect here? In this case, it's medical information covered by HIPAA.

I'm not expecting e-mail from Microsoft Exchange to my Gmail account. Am I wrong?

Of course "secure e-mail" is not a technical term.

Internet Rando


Unless you exchaged PGP keys with them, and they sent it encrypted, I'd doubt any email is "secure".

Dave Peck

@J12t I’d expect an email with a link to a web-based messaging service (and I’d expect that link to require a login).

Johannes Ernst

Why is that web browsers, after 30 years, still cannot properly format HTML pages for printing?

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My guess is the HTML standard and browser development speed are orders of magnitude faster than printers and printer drivers.


@J12t because there is no need to print anything

Guilherme Ranoya

@J12t knowing printers for the last 40 years, I assume it's because of the printers! 😂.

You know... Rage Against the Machine never told us "the Machine" is a printer... But we all know It is.

Johannes Ernst

Sometimes, with my "sole developer" hat on, I skip best practices that I'd insist on with my "software architect" head on. And it bites me every time. Darn, I should know better -- well, I do know better!

Gabe Wachob 🐵🐴👨‍💻👨‍🎤🐮


Software Architect Hat: I need to be able to show this to other people and defend my decisions and describe what I did.

Sole Developer/Hacker Hat: I need to grab a beer/bourbon/whatever and get this shit done.

Johannes Ernst

Look at this, #IoT hackers:

Moddable Display. Just introduced by my friends at Moddable.

This is the kind of product that should have existed a long time ago. Open Source, hackable, touch screen, WiFi, BLE, programmable in Javascript with high-level libraries, and best of all: in a beautiful case!

Johannes Ernst

Password dialog on website.

Enter password here. I type it in.

Error: Use only the special characters on your keyboard.

Just how did you think I just entered this thing?

Johannes Ernst

Has #Medium done any Fediverse integration so far other than standing up their own Mastodon instance? And, I think, integrated their user database somehow?

(I might be terribly underinformed.)

Johannes Ernst

So why is it that Fediverse-based software development projects all need to have a Discord or such?

Actually, I know why that is. What I don't know is whether anybody is working on bringing Discord-like functionality to the Fediverse and if not, why not.

Thoughts? Pointers?


@J12t That was the direction I was urging Firefish to move in. Most of these forks don’t see any kind of real time chat as important.(I do.) And Matrix may soon be more suitable as a chat protocol,, now that the Vector folks are taking over the moribund Synapse server (always ponderous and buggy). And it would solve the DM problem, too.


Isn't #matrix touted as the federated version of discord..not #activitypub of course

Johannes Ernst

“…although 94Zr is predicted to undergo double beta decay (not observed experimentally) with a half-life of more than 1.10×10^17 years”

You gotta be one hell of a committed scientist. Merely founding a scientist dynasty won’t cut it.

Johannes Ernst

Mark Gurman gives 4 reasons why developers aren't creating many apps specifically for the #Apple #VisionPro. I think he's missing a 5th, which I would put at the top of the list:

It implements a radically different interaction model from keyboard/mouse and touch. A very different medium than PCs and handhelds. Nobody that I've heard of has a conceptual model for how to use this new medium well. Good apps will likely look *very* different from what we're used to. So how?

Mark Gurman gives 4 reasons why developers aren't creating many apps specifically for the #Apple #VisionPro. I think he's missing a 5th, which I would put at the top of the list:

It implements a radically different interaction model from keyboard/mouse and touch. A very different medium than PCs and handhelds. Nobody that I've heard of has a conceptual model for how to use this new medium well. Good apps will likely look *very* different from what we're used to. So how?

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@J12t I’ve seen very little of how user input with the Vision Pro is meant to work.

Will we have to learn to wink-and-drag?

Will we get people walking down a hall reading things, using a head twitch to turn pages?


@J12t a lot of us *are*planning apps for it. But at least for me this is it exactly. I can’t ship something I’ve only ever tried in a weird cut down 2D simulation of the device. Until I’ve got real hardware in my hands for an extended time, everything is notes in a notebook

Shreyan Jain

@J12t to me, it's actually too similar to the traditional computer

Johannes Ernst

Sunday chores. Sort the new seeds for the hydroponics setup and get them organized, spring is coming. Rebalance a brtfs setup. No, wrong plumbing part, back to sender. Figure out which old toys get donated. 3D print two things.

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