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Johannes Ernst

When your stuff doesn't work because some other party X has a bug in something you depend on.

When you finally find a workaround, only to discover that party Y, on which your workaround depends, has an entirely different bug that nevertheless prevents your workaround from working, too.

Sigh. It's a marvel that anything ever works at all. #dev


@J12t likewise - happens all the time. Too frequently, I start a new project wondering *maybe I should write my own library* - opt not to, then end up doing it weeks later when the available dependencies become too much of a fudge.

Johannes Ernst

"There is a real future to the Fediverse. It might not be instant, but there is this vibe of: are we at the end of platform monopolies?"

Said by CEO of Medium, @coachtony, on @mike's podcast.

#fediverse #medium #platform #monopoly

Johannes Ernst

So @mike is "looking around corners that @coachtony can't see yet".


Johannes Ernst

BASIC! Those were the days.

I had forgotten that : (the colon) was the statement separator.

Johannes Ernst

Or: to the amateur guitar player. What about you play virtual Wembley stadium in front of 90,000 cheering AI fans. #visionpro

Johannes Ernst

Apparently Apple’s Keynote presentation app is gaining a 3D rehearsal mode on the #visionpro.

That is an entire market right there! Now imagine in the future Keynote rehearsal comes with “heckler mode” and “crying kid in the second row mode” and an “AI” audience that responds to you through movement and sounds … it will be the single best way of preparing for The Big Speech on the planet. $3500 is a steal for that.

Johannes Ernst

Listening to @mike’s interview with @coachtony on his podcast. If you want an extremely well articulated view on how social media can look like that’s not driven by the attention economy and its ads, listen to this one. #medium #flipboard

Johannes Ernst

A special kind of hell should be reserved for this syntax:

for i in "${strings[@]}"; do

#bash #geek

Johannes Ernst

@pluralistic says: “In the 1930s, the top 0.1% of US companies accounted for less than half of America's GDP. Today, it's 90%.”

Johannes Ernst

All browser incognito modes are not the same. Would be nice if there was a systematic analysis somewhere.

Johannes Ernst

"implicit feudalism" indeed. On-line everywhere.

Even in the fediverse. I hope we can do better here over the longer term.

A term from @ntnsndr's new book.

Evan Prodromou

@J12t @ntnsndr thanks for the link! I just pre-ordered my copy. Cannot wait.

Johannes Ernst

Techcrunch: "Startup Investors Have Fled The Metaverse".

I did not expect that. But then, I didn't expect that a giant social media company renames itself into this market and then sort of ... peters out?

I wonder what those numbers look like 12 months from now, given Apple.


@J12t I think "meta" is a larger term than XR. I think its interesting tech and hope Apple brings good things to it, ideally targeting standards like WebVR so it's not all exclusive.

Johannes Ernst

@ben has a great piece on why the Fediverse is -- well, should be! -- so very important for media and news organizations.

Of course, we had @cubicgarden doing an excellent Q&A on the BBC's Mastodon server at the last FediForum. I wonder whether we could somehow get a whole bunch of news organizations into the same (virtual) room at the next #FediForum in March, and figure out together what it will take to get broader adoption.

People want news in the Fediverse!

@ben has a great piece on why the Fediverse is -- well, should be! -- so very important for media and news organizations.

Of course, we had @cubicgarden doing an excellent Q&A on the BBC's Mastodon server at the last FediForum. I wonder whether we could somehow get a whole bunch of news organizations into the same (virtual) room at the next #FediForum in March, and figure out together what it will take to get broader adoption.

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@J12t @ben @cubicgarden @tchambers Agree 100%, any organization now has the chance to not only own its messaging but also become it's own data sovereign. It's a huge deal but it's also an esoteric concept. The meat and potatoes of why media organizations (and others) haven't adopted Mastodon is because it's broadcast resistant. Threads integration may change that to a best of both worlds situation.


@J12t @ben @cubicgarden the problem is, the BBC has earned a lot of mistrust.

Johannes Ernst

In other news, nobody understands multi-threaded programming.


@J12t I always try and avoid it if I can.

Lucent Maven Katanova

Oka, so you've got lots of different blocks. You know what the shape of the block is, but you don't don't know what number is on them until you flip it over.

You're trying to arrange the numbers into pi, ensuring the edges of adjacent blocks line up. You already know what the digits of pi are, and the blocks fit together in a limited number of ways.

You enlist a bunch of friends to place the blocks on a number line to make the digits of pi.

Johannes Ernst

“The light seal, which keeps outside light from leaking in, comes in more than 25 shapes and sizes”

Only Apple would do anything like that.


@J12t only Apple consumers would think something like that.

A year ago, 2/7 the price, but yeah Apple is so uniquely special the world should collapse into them.


@J12t consider also it means you can't easily adjust & share the headset. But that's par for Apple, an expensive gadget for every category, for every person.


@J12t I'm sure it's going to be a great device for accessing licensed characters and scenarios, though.

Johannes Ernst

Nothing grows in the winter, they say. Todays harvest. #california

Marius Scurtescu :verified:

@J12t no such thing as winter in most of California, never was

but yes, looks great!

Johannes Ernst

I have yet to come across a single instance where #classical #music performers deviate (and often directly contradict!) the dynamics or phrasing written down by the composer and that deviation improved matters. Doesn’t matter who the performer is or the piece. (YT is great with sheet music video!) Somehow nobody would ever dare to deviate from the written notes, but phrasing and dynamics is disregarded all the time… consistently making it worse. Count me baffled.

Johannes Ernst

“Sempre con passione” … what the heck do you think that means? Slowly fall into depression ain’t it!!

Not picking on any performer in particular … too many do it.

D. Schmudde

@J12t do you feel that this is common with conductors as well?

Johannes Ernst

Survival of the fittest in neighbor’s front yard. Who will win? Biology or plastic?

Johannes Ernst

#Artifact is shutting down. I thought it was a good idea, but the product as they built it never worked for me.

Lawrence B. Almeida

@J12t Curious to know what wasn't working if you'd care to elaborate?

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