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Johannes Ernst

Looking for a simple Python Http/2 server, for #feditest. Not an entire framework, that would be overkill and confusing. Does such a thing exist? Or does everyone expect that #python apps serve the web via WSGI?


The http.server package might fit the bill.

import http.server
import socketserver
PORT = 8080

Handler = http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
with socketserver.TCPServer( ("", PORT), Handler) as httpd:
print( "Serving on port", PORT )

@J12t Twisted Web does HTTP2 (with Hyper).



Hypercorn supports HTTP/2 with h2 and asyncio with ASGI:

Johannes Ernst

I counted 17 people on the W3C Social Web Community group call today. I'm so glad #ActivityPub standardization is progressing again!
Getting the group restarted during the first FediForum last year was definitely helpful.

Johannes Ernst

So CORBA is 33 years old now.

It used to be a really hot technology. But only 3 vendors left according to .

The strange things is that nothing obvious has replaced it. If any: REST, a bit of protobufs, and Kafka maybe. All not necessarily any simpler.

Bob Wyman

@J12t CORBA-REST V1.0 was just published in September of 2023. There are still some folk working on this tech...



@J12t I haven’t heard it mentioned since I guess the last Bush was president, but maybe Clinton. I think back then I never got around to learning it as it sounded like a Microsoft protocol. Was it?/Is it still?

Johannes Ernst

Tired: reboot your PC.
Wired. reboot your mouse.

Johannes Ernst

I asked yesterday what kinds of people we'd all like to see more of in the fediverse.

Seems news organizations and journalists top most people's lists, but also politicians, local governments, not-for-profits and I guess civil society organizations in general. Plus various niche interests.

I wonder what it would take to create a concentrated effort to "convert" one or two of those categories.

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narF ✌️🩵

@J12t I think it's smart to invite people in groups, based on interest topics. So that the folks they want to talk with all move at the same time.


@J12t In germany there is currently a open letter of several sientists, university personal to asks universitys to put there social media on the fedi instead of comercial platforms.

Bob Wyman

It should be reasonable to argue that a public, democratic government should be compelled to first provide via open standards anything that they publish over propriety systems.

Perhaps we need a slogan, something like **Open First**, to emphasize that governments should prefer open to proprietary protocols.

Johannes Ernst

Who do wish were part of the #Fediverse who currently is not?

People, professions, fields of expertise, ...

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Emme Ci 🍉

@J12t i wish i could federate with Facebook groups: my neighbourhood association, the local boardgames group, the kids' gym... They are all on Facebook groups and there is no way any of them is migrating to another platform any time soon.

Sal Rahman


All the local news providers.

Right now they are all third-party bots that mirror content from those news providers.

People say "don't read the news", but local news is fairly tame, IMO. It's usually the national news providers that try to sensationalize a lot, causing poor mental health.

But local news at least keeps residents informed about their community.

Johannes Ernst

Anybody know of fediverse-related people going to #Davos this month? The #WEF is good at bringing in entrepreneurs (both capitalist and social) pioneering new tech, to mingle with the assorted CEOs and government ministers. (I know, I got to mingle so many years ago)

The #fediverse should be a topic they should discuss there, not just AI which is probably all over the place. They put "misinformation and disinformation" at the top spot for global risk in the next two years after all...

Internet Rando

@J12t Actually, I wouldn't be opposed to keeping billionaires *out* of the fediverse?

I just don't see how people with those levels of financial networkings would ever think twice about lowly proles empowering their own means of information..

Johannes Ernst

"One of the big problems that the world has is that so many of our communication channels from mass media to social media are fundamentally manipulated by interests that we cannot see and we cannot understand, and we would probably disagree with if we knew what they were. And so one of the premises on the societal level that the Fediverse has is that we are building a communication network that at least can’t be manipulated by unaccountable third parties, which is a huge proposition ... "

Johannes Ernst

Quoting myself here: the pull quote that the Plutopia guys put on their website from our recent podcast on the #fediverse

(Is it bad style to quote yourself? But then, I write here, so I'm quoting myself all the time anyway. And I am somewhat impressed that I was so articulate in such long sentences in a live conversation! </end of bad style>)

Johannes Ernst

Interestingly, in the next two years WEF says "disinformation and misinformation" are the world's largest risks.

The Fediverse is a great tool in the toolbox to help with that. Unlike so much media, and social media, it is fundamentally constructed to not be a manipulated channel.

We really need to get those CEOs and billionaires and politicians that hang around in#Davos to understand that, and help finance building it out. After all, they just agreed it's a real problem!

Lucent Maven Katanova

It's still up to us, the people who use the platform, to recognize manipulative people on our platform, and mitigate their manipulation.

Johannes Ernst

The WEF has its Global Risks Report 2024 out and it makes for truly scary reading.

Only 9% of respondents said that the risk of "global catastrophes" in the next 10 years is low or negligible. Far more than half of survey participants say it's elevated or "looming".

Many of us have said this for a long time, but the World Economic Forum is the embodiment of the global establishment, the powers that are, and if they say that, you can be certain it's not a freak opinion.

The WEF has its Global Risks Report 2024 out and it makes for truly scary reading.

Only 9% of respondents said that the risk of "global catastrophes" in the next 10 years is low or negligible. Far more than half of survey participants say it's elevated or "looming".

Many of us have said this for a long time, but the World Economic Forum is the embodiment of the global establishment, the powers that are, and if they say that, you can be certain it's not a freak opinion.

Johannes Ernst

The alarm bells have grown from the size of an asteroid to the size of a small planet.

“Trump team argues assassination of rivals is covered by presidential immunity”


@J12t Don't laugh, this is actually being considered in a court.
Actually, it is yet another delaying tactic to get him to the election before being he is convicted.

Johannes Ernst

One thing I like a lot about the #threads UI is that you can hover over a name, and it pops up a profile.

So if somebody new follows you, you don't have to click through, and lose context, to see a bit about them. And there is a "follow back" button right there, too.

#mastodon should steal that idea :-)

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MooMoo the Cat

@J12t I'm using (Mastodon web client on a laptop) and it does that for me now.


@J12t try it has a similar behavior if you’re ok with using it as a web app

Johannes Ernst

Today's excellent idea already has arrived and it's not even lunchtime.

Every day: sleep enough, brush you teeth, walk your dog, and so forth and so forth ... and don't forget to have one excellent idea!

Johannes Ernst

Realism from AWS:

“You can think of the Large Language Model as an over-enthusiastic new employee who refuses to stay informed with current events but will always answer every question with absolute confidence.”

Johannes Ernst

@gilest so when you write “we” ... who exactly do you have in mind who would use all those easy-to-use “indie website” tools and applications? Because many past hypotheses about that didn’t work out, the people thought to be ideal users turned out to be not very interested.

(I say this as a long-term IndieWeb person who also started a company called Indie Computing in the past)

Giles Turnbull

@J12t yeah fair point. It's not exactly a mass-market phenomenon. There has been a small uptick of interest in alternative / "indie" web publishing in the last year or so (largely sparked by the goings-on at Twitter) and in my mind, I'm thinking of some of the people who've come out of that thinking "I want a website."

I suspect there are people like that. But not very many who care about it enough to get as bothered about it as I am :)

Johannes Ernst

Humanity wins. (The award for stupidity.)

#covid numbers right now in the #bayarea.

Johannes Ernst

Is it safe to promote a #podcast I was on before I had time to listen to the edited version myself?

Well, here it is: "Johannes Ernst and Tom Brown: The #fediverse"

On the Plutopia News Network with Jon Lebkowsky and Scoop Sweeney:

Bob Wyman

We should all:
1. Support renewable electricity
2. Buy electric vehicles
3. Replace fossil-fueled furnaces with heat pumps

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