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Johannes Ernst

I can report that in 2024, the California hills are still very beautiful.

It helps that the sun was out today.

Johannes Ernst

Change is in the air.
So welcome!

Johannes Ernst

Irish legal proposal: “All recommender systems based on intimately profiling people should be turned off by default.”

Now there’s an idea.



The advertising arms race on the net has just led to everyone blocking or ignoring ads. Time to push the reset button.

You can't get us to buy more stuff by showing more ads.

Johannes Ernst

“We are about to see the biggest reshuffling of power on the internet in 25 years”.

Bold statement by @anildash in the #rollingstone commenting on the changes brought by the #fediverse and many other tech trends.

I agree. It’s extremely exciting!!

Johannes Ernst

If you were to demo the #fediverse to somebody who had never heard of it, and only had time to show one single feature, what would you demo?

I don’t mean a demo that focuses on #mastodon or #lemmy or #firefish or any other software, but that focuses on the special value that the network, the fediverse, brings.

One that gets the coveted “wow” in response to the demo. Thoughts?

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Adam Piggott

@J12t "See here in my home timeline? That person is on Mastodon, this one's a news bot, then someone posting long-form blog posts from their WordPress account, this one posts photos on their Pixelfed. All different people posting different things, right into my home timeline. Have you spotted any adverts yet?"

Joanna Holman

@J12t @gombang for me it wouldn’t be a feature, it would be showing them the helpful people here who often give me more insightful in depth answers than I got on Twitter

Jeff Sikes

@J12t Showing a single feed with followed accounts from the federated versions of YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit, all in one place. And without ads.

Johannes Ernst

“Let’s go build that” might as well be the motto of our subculture.

Johannes Ernst

“There is a renaissance of interesting people who want to work and think and create in [the fediverse] and it feels to me more hopeful than it has certainly in the past 15 years.”
@Jbat in podcast with @mike.

Johannes Ernst

@Jbat : "We need an at-scale generative consumer platform. It used to be the internet. And it could again be the internet."

Oh yes :-)


Johannes Ernst

@Jbat: "Federation is really really important, because it allows innovation to occur where it should, at the edge, as opposed to a centralized, at-scale platform".

On @mike's podcast:

Johannes Ernst

@Jbat: "Imagine a little AI agent that scans all of your e-mail, any picture, all policies of health providers ... and figures out how to navigate all of that ... for you"

"... for that to work, this agent needs your permission" and the establishment is terrified of it.

Hmm. This is fundamentally why I started Dazzle!

On @mike's postcase: link is

Johannes Ernst

@johnbattelle on @mike's podcast:

"We are at this moment, where it seems there is an incredible amount of opportunity ... it's very exciting"

"... but we have to get over the extraodinary inertia of the system we've built overt the last 30 years.... this unholy amalgam of steroidal capitalism and essentially oligarchic companies that have created a governance system based on their terms of service and licensing agreements ... which will ensure the world we can imagine won't happen."

Johannes Ernst

On his podcast on decentralized social media, @mike rheotically asks:

What if the web wasn't just links between web pages, but it also had links to people? Good question!

This was fundamentally why I created LID -- Light-Weight-Identity -- a protocol for user-centric digital identity almost 20 years ago! (2004).

It's lost to tech history, but perhaps these days it's time to dig it back out, as so many other good ideas from back then suddenly become viable.

Johannes Ernst

What if #meta is implementing #activitypub in #threads because they want it to interoperate with #instagram?

I don't think this idea is as insane as it sounds if you think from a heavily regulated product point of view rather than a technical point of view.


@J12t long term this is exactly what I would expect. Not crazy at all.

Emelia 👸🏻

@J12t wouldn't that mean Instagram becomes federated?

Ashley Fletcher

@J12t If regulations are keeping Threads and Instagram apart couldn't they just as equally apply to them connecting via federation?

Johannes Ernst

Maine: “no Secretary of State has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access based on Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment. I am also mindful, however, that no presidential candidate has ever before engaged in insurrection”

That seems to cover it!

Johannes Ernst

The site has been migrated to a new Github organization: (Fediverse Developer Network), and is open for your pull requests.

In case you have documentation about your #fediverse #application or other insights that you think could fit nicely into the documentation we are assembling there.

/cc @fedidevs

Johannes Ernst

This opens up possibilities, even if it were to take manual fixes. Wow!!

Andreas G.

@J12t I was just about to make the joke that the COBOL language is missing. But it is there 😳😄

Johannes Ernst

“If you ask the universe how to get from point A to point B, it will inevitably answer:

“What’s wrong with point A?””

Point indeed.

@neuvel in Until the Last of Me.

Johannes Ernst

Batelle's 2024 predictions are interesting. Including why, in his view, the fediverse matters.

Hint: it's not decentralization.


@J12t ha. He invested early in Livefyre where I worked and implemented webfinger, OIDC, AS2, etc over the years. iirc we met briefly right when I joined in 2010. I wonder if he knows the thru line

Johannes Ernst

From a cover letter:

"I am writing to express my eagerness and bravery in taking on the challenge of ...<job description>"

Bravery, huh.

Fenn Martyn

@J12t The "bravery" part originates from having the gall to send that in as a cover letter

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