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Johannes Ernst

What good is a Google #news #feed on a keyword search that is not ordered chronologically?

Even the #rss version is ordered by, idk, something, and there's no way I can reorder that I can see.

Johannes Ernst

“Nationally, COVID-19 remains the primary cause of new respiratory hospitalizations and deaths, resulting in about 1,000 fatalities a week.”

A thousand a week. Are we insane?


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Cheers to the one person in line wearing a mask.

Debbie Belair

@J12t Yes. The current herd mentality is nuts. They are high on misinformation and denial.

Maggie Maybe

@J12t The public didn’t care when it was 3000 a week I’m not surprised they still don’t care now that it’s down to 1000

Johannes Ernst

Some people prefer to talk about the "social web" instead of the "fediverse".

If you do, do you just prefer one term over another, or do you think "social web" could emcompass more functionality than what today's fediverse can do?


#socialweb #fediverse

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@J12t I’d never heard the term social web but it’s easier on the mind I guess. It simply paints a clearer picture.

Evan Prodromou

@J12t I started using "Social Web" a long time ago -- we had a number of different groups at the W3C with names like "Social Web Interest Group". I think it's a good name, and more recognizable than fediverse for more people.

Johannes Ernst

What's the best approach to follow research in a particular sub-field of #machinelearning / #ai ? Other than the firehose that is


@J12t been wondering this myself. I like Semantic Scholar’s alerts and recommendations but I’m looking for other methods



You can step back from the hyperventilation and check once a year the neurips proceedings

Johannes Ernst

“Customers sent back nearly 17% of the total merchandise they purchased [online] in 2022”

Ouch, that’s a pretty bad number.

Johannes Ernst

Glühwein! Turns out Trader Joe’s sold it by the bottle when I last walked in.

Kiddo (well, adult kiddo) says my recipe is better. Take this, international commerce!


@J12t my recipe is also much better: "add spices to taste" :)

I had some Cost Plus Glühwein that was OK

Hope you took an opportunity to test your recipe :)

Johannes Ernst

There was a PEZ dispenser just like this on my way to elementary school… eons ago … amazing what the internet has photos of!

Johannes Ernst

The tomato plants are flowering. The squirrels are having a party everywhere. The lemons feel like they might soon burst from all the juice. A bee is trying to pollinate my lilac tree.

It must be Christmas Day in #California. In the age of #globalwarming.

Johannes Ernst

… in which our protagonist, after making the same Christmas cookie recipe for, idk, certainly over 20 years, suddenly discovers an assembly method for his Linzer Schnitten that might actually work.

Johannes Ernst

According to the police in Vienna, Austria, and various other sources, "terrorist actors all over Europe have called for attacks on Christian events, particularly around Christmas".

Having a hard time comprehending this kind of thing. (in German)

Emelia 👸🏻

@J12t there was a german politician the other day stoking anti-Palestinian fears by stating that "pro-Palestinians would use NYE to attack people and launch fireworks aiming to harm", which is obviously bullshit.

Anyone who knows Berlin on NYE knows exactly how absolutely wild and dangerous Germans get with fireworks.

Johannes Ernst

Ice cubes swallowed the photo that was supposed to go with this! It’s not posted and not in my photos either. Hmm…

Johannes Ernst

Is it just me, or is the percentage of #machine #learning papers written by Chinese (or authors whose names, to me, sound Chinese) way out of proportion to authors with different backgrounds?

Johannes Ernst

#Lemmy question.

I just posted . It says it was cross-posted to all sorts of other places.

Where is that defined? I'm the group admin, but I didn't set this up. How does it work?

Johannes Ernst

One of the joys in life is to make something, and people want it.

Case in point: we created FediForum, and watching registrations come in.

Johannes Ernst

“We expect the 12-month mean temperature by May 2024 to eliminate any
doubt about global warming acceleration… the 1.5°C limit [may] already been passed.”

New paper by James Hansen.

#climate #globalwarming

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