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Johannes Ernst

I really hate it if I need to unpack the cleaning fluid to get stuff off the whiteboard.

Not only is it bothersome and smelly, it means the note has been there for much longer than expected and I wanted to accomplish it much faster than I did.

Johannes Ernst

So Threads is starting to connect to Mastodon and the many other applications in the Fediverse starting today.

It's a baby step, for sure, but others will follow.

Which social network will be the next to follow?

Internet Rando

@J12t Funny story.. Remember when #google decided to federate Google Talk? we all naively thought it was good for #XMPP. It wasn't.


@J12t time to wait for the to work, lol

Johannes Ernst

Everybody is unpacking curl, and baffled at getting HTML back when attempting to perform #webfinger discovery on zuck's account.

So how does it work? I sent a note to to clarify if possible ...

Johannes Ernst

I'm looking for historical examples where a closed, monopolistic network (like, say, Twitter), was supplanted by an open one (say, the Fediverse) and what turmoil ensued.

AOL and the internet is the obvious one, but is there anything else?

Johannes Ernst

Executives everywhere must adopt #ai immediately. It has such great impact on your business!

Just not the impact you were looking for.

Johannes Ernst

Some notes on the Meta/Threads "Interoperating in the Fediverse Data Dialogue" meeting last week.

#meta #threads #fediverse

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flaeky pancako


having massive instances is a mistake.

is anyone discussing limits to the size of an instance?

we need less massive instances and instead easier ways to deploy personal instances to the point that i could run one on my phone as an app.

at best meta should become a vps provider that charges people for hosting services like digital ocean , at least that way you could regulate them to a utility status.

there is a consequence to popularity,

bend your own rules

@J12t really appreciate you writing this up

I wish they'd make a public roadmap, feels like table stakes for introducing yourself to an established community

Daniel de Kay

@J12t Thank you for your notes and insights!

I am wondering what kind of resources pressure will come to the whole Fediverse if it chooses to federate with Threads (or Facebook if that ever comes).

Would this massive amount of users and data coming in through one super node be difficult to handle for smaller instances?

#activitypub #fediverseadmin


@J12t If I were still running @MacObserver — and I’m not — I have no doubt we’d be leveraging AI in significant ways. Outright copying of others, no… but it would almost have to be a huge part of the workflow nowadays.

Bart Decrem :mammoth_gold:

@J12t thanks Johannes! Super appreciate that! Ps we just open sourced the code this afternoon.

Johannes Ernst

I got this little black book yesterday. What should I write in it?

Johannes Ernst

Created a Fediverse account for the Fediverse Developer Network. Not exactly sure yet how we'll use it, and we need some discussion, but as we update, I hope we can use it to publish website updates, event invites etc.

Johannes Ernst

On a train for the first time since #covid started. Not sure how i feel about that.

Johannes Ernst

Which #fediverse software projects have a project lead who is not white and male?

Short of that, which fediverse software projects have key contributors who are not white and male?

RS Media

@J12t why does it matter? In my world, only thing which matters is how one does his or her job. Sex or race does not apply.
Why there has always be someone bringing unnecessary issues up?

Johannes Ernst

“Global fossil CO2 emissions…are expected to further increase in 2023.”

* first stop increases and flatten out
* then decrease
* then decrease further to below the sustainable emission level
* then decrease further to take CO2 out of the atmosphere that we should never have put there.

Oh, and we have about zero years to do that all.

“Global fossil CO2 emissions…are expected to further increase in 2023.”

* first stop increases and flatten out
* then decrease
* then decrease further to below the sustainable emission level
* then decrease further to take CO2 out of the atmosphere that we should never have put there.

Oh, and we have about zero years to do that all.

Johannes Ernst

The Data Transfer Initiative people really seem to think that personal data needs to be kept away from individuals and only be transferred between "vetted" "service" providers.

What if I don't want a "service" provider but I want to be my own? And even if I do find one, what if my chosen service provider is not on their vetted list? (In the #fediverse, that would be very likely if the destination was a Fediverse instance of my choosing.)

IMHO they need to rethink this.

The Data Transfer Initiative people really seem to think that personal data needs to be kept away from individuals and only be transferred between "vetted" "service" providers.

What if I don't want a "service" provider but I want to be my own? And even if I do find one, what if my chosen service provider is not on their vetted list? (In the #fediverse, that would be very likely if the destination was a Fediverse instance of my choosing.)

Johannes Ernst

What are best practices for control of key resources — like domain registration, AWS root account, etc — for open source projects?

How do you avoid that nobody can get at things if they key person gets hit by the bus without spreading root credentials among too many people?


@J12t seems like you could create a password vault that can only accessed by like 3 people. They have to be careful not to get on the same plane tho.

Johannes Ernst

The third-largest state in Germany has an official #mastodon server.


(With an umlaut in its domain name!)

Imho all #governments in all countries on all levels should communicate via the #fediverse, instead of via commercial services. Why should a profit-maximizing feed #algorithm, and an ad placement algorithm get between the citizen and their government in a democracy?

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Arena Cops 🇺🇦✌

@J12t All democratically elected governments of the free world should be active on their own Mastodon instances - it's a matter of credibility, integrity & honesty.

#Mastodon #Freedom #Democracy #FreeSpeech #JoinIn

Thomas Guyot-Sionnest

@J12t I think it should also come with basic ISP services like email. I'm not saying you should be forced to use them but that should come in the basic service level that are in many places now considered an essential service, like power and telephony.

And on the plus side the instances should be fairly easy to moderate since you can't just register a new account if you get blocked (it would be tied to your ISP account).

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