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Johannes Ernst

I'm looking for historical examples where a closed, monopolistic network (like, say, Twitter), was supplanted by an open one (say, the Fediverse) and what turmoil ensued.

AOL and the internet is the obvious one, but is there anything else?

Johannes Ernst

@misc Hmmm ... right, but given Napster was killed by the legal system not competition if I recall this correctly.

Jesse Baer 🔥

@J12t Yeah it's definitely not analogous in that way.

Johannes Ernst

@duncanhart I didn't know about that, but then, I'm not British. Was that basically the British version of Minitel in France and BTX in Germany? (which I am familiar with)

Tom Brown🏒

@J12t depending on definition of open, there may be some relevant examples in ch. 5 "social context of infrastructure" of the new book how infrastructure works: "electricity, water and transportation systems worldwide all followed this pattern as well, merging fragmented private networks into unified public systems"

Lucent Maven Katanova

Why limit yourself to examples from the internet?

Johannes Ernst

@katanova I don't think my question had the internet in it?

Ruth Mottram

@J12t encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia?

Johannes Ernst

@Ruth_Mottram Did Encyclopedia Britannica still operate as a network at the time, or just a traditional publisher?

Leon Cowle

@J12t @stefan The Catholic Church and The Gutenberg printing press! (Seriously)

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