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Johannes Ernst

Some notes on the Meta/Threads "Interoperating in the Fediverse Data Dialogue" meeting last week.

#meta #threads #fediverse


@J12t Interesting read thanks. More transparent comm would help to understand their roadmap and next steps

Andy Piper

@J12t thank you for sharing! I hope we can talk further about everything going on, over the coming months. I certainly want to join #FediForum again at the next event, having missed the last one.

Johannes Ernst

Group photo added of those people who wanted to be on the photo. Thanks for the idea, also helps with transparency.

πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²πŸ‡¦πŸ‡² afastaudir8 πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²

@J12t Interesting. I just hope they don’t figure out some nonsense to inject ads on non-Threads stuff...

Johannes Ernst

@afastaudir8 I don't see how this would be technically possible?

flaeky pancako


having massive instances is a mistake.

is anyone discussing limits to the size of an instance?

we need less massive instances and instead easier ways to deploy personal instances to the point that i could run one on my phone as an app.

at best meta should become a vps provider that charges people for hosting services like digital ocean , at least that way you could regulate them to a utility status.

there is a consequence to popularity,

bend your own rules

@J12t really appreciate you writing this up

I wish they'd make a public roadmap, feels like table stakes for introducing yourself to an established community

Johannes Ernst

@lewdmachines I know some Meta people have been reading this post, and that's one of the reason I made the explicit point that they really should share their roadmap publicly including the rationale for the sequencing.

Daniel de Kay

@J12t Thank you for your notes and insights!

I am wondering what kind of resources pressure will come to the whole Fediverse if it chooses to federate with Threads (or Facebook if that ever comes).

Would this massive amount of users and data coming in through one super node be difficult to handle for smaller instances?

#activitypub #fediverseadmin

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