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Johannes Ernst

This is a slightly different answer than I had heard so far: Why Fediverse, Meta/Threads?

"... Meta wants to give users more control over their posts and followers, with easier avenues to engage across platforms."

Johannes Ernst

I declare the growing season open. Germinating some snow peas and some lettuce. By the time they are ready to be transplanted into the #hydroponics system outside, hopefully the cold nights will be over.

Johannes Ernst

Enshittification has come to the Financial Times. What is the world coming to?

Johannes Ernst

My favorite static site generator is in the fediverse @gohugoio and has a nice mastodon logo right on their front page.

Johannes Ernst

Almost forgot to register for IIW in April. Today is the last day of the Early Bird discount.

IIW = Internet Identity Workshop, running for 19 years now! And internet identity is still not solved :-)

Johannes Ernst

Based on the evidence from a mostly inaccessible shelf, I have to conclude that dog hair is, in fact, airborne in my office.

Johannes Ernst

“The world just experienced … the first 12-month period in which temperatures averaged more than 1.5C (2.7F) above pre-industrial times”

Here we are. Not in the 2030s or later. Everything else is likely moving up, too.

Johannes Ernst

Time Machine just saved my bacon.

One of the most useful pieces of technology there is IMHO. I remember when I first saw it: This is backup done right!!


@J12t It is absolutely magic. It’s saved me many times, and more than once with old, but critical, items.

Minty95 :archlinux:

I so agree, #timeshift saved my bacon only last Sunday when an update screwed up something, timeshift --restore and five minutes later was up and running again 👍

Johannes Ernst

The Verge has a great #Fediverse explainer out today:

I took the liberty to quote two sentences from the piece and proposed them as a vision statement for what the W3C's Social Web standards activities vision could be going forward. Because @davidpierce's description of the fediverse is a bit more aspirational than what's implemented on the ground today, but it's a good aspiration, doable, and worthwhile. And IMHO what users expect.

The Verge has a great #Fediverse explainer out today:

I took the liberty to quote two sentences from the piece and proposed them as a vision statement for what the W3C's Social Web standards activities vision could be going forward. Because @davidpierce's description of the fediverse is a bit more aspirational than what's implemented on the ground today, but it's a good aspiration, doable, and worthwhile....

Johannes Ernst

Now that’s the way to do it, took them long enough to figure it out.

“President Biden vowed to tell voters "every day between now and November" that former President Trump and his GOP allies in Congress are the "only reason the border is not secure."”

Johannes Ernst

Perhaps the shortest definition of what an engineer does that I’ve ever come across.

Johannes Ernst

3rd-party scripts in a web page are the 2020's spaghetti code.


@J12t at least spaghetti code can be tasty and nutritious

Johannes Ernst

What would you say the #Bluesky people are trying to build? Why does it matter to them?

What about the #Mastodon people? What are they trying to build, and why does it matter to them?

And what about the broader #fediverse? What are we all trying to build, and why does it matter to us?

Curious what everybody thinks.

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Internet Rando


My rando opinion (whoever I'm supposed to be) is.. Well, we're (us #fedi types) trying to build *our* social networks out of people we actually (want to) network with. We are the community gardens of social media, where each "neighborhood" tends to its own, and shares alike. We are the new growth forest using the mycelium/internet to share our nutirents/stories/experiences with each other. We're trying to shape our digital society in the image of the society we (want to) live in.




For people, it's a fort. Or a warm place, or a playground, or a gallery. Some place to shout into the ether and, hopefully, get an echo.

For companies, it is another place to harvest data, only with a few more hurdles, and far too level for their preferences.

For me it is a petri dish of social concepts and preconceptions, designed to accelerate all the stages of cultural evolution, but especially decay and diaspora.

Mark Shane Hayden

@J12t the #Bluesky vision for the internet appears to most resemble a shopping mall. The architecture is (or rather, will be...if they deliver on their promises, which has not happened yet) open to anyone who can afford the rent and has the skills and acumen to run a metaphorical "retail business" in this mall. The people who participate will have the illusory freedom to pick and choose their services from the retailers (applications, content moderation services, data processing services etc) but the providers run the show.

The #Fediverse is trying to restore the community-centric nature of the early web. Fedi instances are more like community centres, local pubs, that house down the street where all the kids hang out and play street hockey and so on. Some local shops would be there too for sure, but the vision is more about community I think. With #Threads starting to federate and the established dominance of Gargron's servers it will be a constant challenge to maintain that vision but it's still there.

@J12t the #Bluesky vision for the internet appears to most resemble a shopping mall. The architecture is (or rather, will be...if they deliver on their promises, which has not happened yet) open to anyone who can afford the rent and has the skills and acumen to run a metaphorical "retail business" in this mall. The people who participate will have the illusory freedom to pick and choose their services from the retailers (applications, content moderation services, data processing services etc) but...

Johannes Ernst

Turning off all the #LinkedIn notifications, because trying to understand which ones might actually be useful is too much work.

Wouldn't it be nice to have social media that had defaults that are actually good for the user!!

Johannes Ernst

I'm all in favor of more security. But that I have to go through special contortions to access files in my Downloads folder with on macOS seems chicanery.


@J12t is this a Sonoma thing? I haven’t upgraded yet because I’m waiting for GPGMail; if I had to do any such contortions so far it’s been something I could do once and forget

Johannes Ernst

Market timing is really, really hard.
Impossible, say some.

Unfortunately wrong timing kills you for sure.

How does one solve this conundrum?


@J12t Buy into falling markets and sell into rising markets? Tax-loss harvesting? Bogleheads do those and also rebalance by the calendar.

It helps to not read the financial press, which gives a false sense of urgency to everything.

Johannes Ernst

They measured a 162mph wind gust yesterday in the Sierra. Hmm.

In Santa Clara (presumably on a hill top like Mt Umunhum) still measured 98mph.

Oakland airport still 60mph.

How do such wind gust speeds change with the global average temperature? Faster than linear I would assume?

Johannes Ernst

The PG&E outage map had just a few sprinkles on it last night. It’s been growing lots of colored dots ever since and right now it seems maybe 40% of silicon valley is out of power. Hard to tell because I’m not sure everybody gets their power from them. This will take forever to restore and the storm is still going strong, too. So if you don’t hear from me for a while, you know why.


@J12t I hope you weather the storm okay! Sort of puts my complaints about a little wind disrupting the TV signal into perspective.

Johannes Ernst

….and power is back for us. Aren’t we lucky.

Learnings: the new fridge wants to pull so much power when starting its compressor that the inverter shuts down. So the use case that we bought it and some batteries for doesn’t actually work! The previous fridge didn’t do that!

Johannes Ernst

Achievement unlocked: the power is out.


@J12t Look on the bright side, #WFH could get easier if I can get my deepfake face on a low cost virtual assistant to attend meetings for me

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