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Johannes Ernst

I used to run a site called

Thankfully, the internet archive exists:

There were so many!

Johannes Ernst

The hosted Jitsi service that many people in the Fediverse appear to prefer over, say, Zoom is operated by 8x8, a NASDAQ-traded public company.

I wonder how this makes Jitsi somehow more acceptable to the Fediverse than Zoom. Yes, I understand that Jitsi has an open-source implementation, but if you use a commercially-operated freemium service like that appears to make very little difference re privacy etc.

What am I missing?

#Zoom #Jitsi #Fediverse

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Julian Lam

@J12t the folks at #NLNet seem to like using #Galene, a single executable meeting server software. Seemed pretty stable too!


@J12t I'd rather support a company that is making FLOSS

I want to avoid proprietary blobs, even in my browser

I paid for a jitsi instance from 8x8 until they insisted my email address be visible in the conference room

I still pay for and use a BigBlueButton instance from a 3rd party provider

I know multiple people who run their own instances of jitsi or BBB

specific to zoom, it had time limitations, insisted on installing a proprietary client and other service issues that disqualified it

Klaus Vink Slott

Being open source is what makes a difference to me. So "if" the company behind gets caught doing bad things™, I could just take the code and run a new hub for myself and friends.

Johannes Ernst

NDAs to cover Fediverse alpha testing ... that's not the way to go.

Pointless anyway as it shows up in server logs.

'nuff said.

Johannes Ernst

Proton is a rare, very successful example we could learn from to make the #fediverse sustainable. Read how they do things and their reasoning why.

Johannes Ernst

One thing I want to talk about at the upcoming #FediForum is:

Testing the Fediverse, and the FediTest test suite that I and some others have been working on. Hopefully we'll be able to do a show-and-tell of work-in-progress and get some feedback.

Join us online March 19 and 20:

Johannes Ernst

About the E series of resistors: “For unknown historical reasons, eight older industry values (shown in bold) are different from the calculated values”

That’s pretty funny.

Gabe Wachob 🐵🐴👨‍💻👨‍🎤🐮

@J12t It was eye opening when I realized you couldn't get any random value of resistor.

And further eye opening when you realized that 5% tolerances were the traditional "good enough" standard for most uses..

Which led to the further eye opening that a lot of analog electronics is the art of "good enough", as opposed to software which (at least I thought when I was younger) was the art of right vs. wrong.

Johannes Ernst

#Fediverse Hive Mind: anybody have a recipe how to mark up #html pages so that when they are shared in #mastodon, they show up nicely in people's feeds with pictures and title etc?

Julien Deswaef :tw:

@J12t Mastodon reads Opengraph metatags. That's what you need to add to your html code, if I understood your question correctly. You'll have a nice preview card generated in Mastodon when someone pastes a link to your webpage.

Johannes Ernst

Hey @greg, we are wondering over in the Fedidevs General Matrix group how you settled on what appears to be a hierarchical account id scheme, e.g. vs Any insights you might be able to share?

Johannes Ernst

One of the world's largest miracles is if your code works on the first try.

Johannes Ernst

Hey @Flipboard, your sign-up for new users appears to be down.


@J12t Hi Johannes, thanks for flagging! Would you be able to message us to explain the steps you took before you hit that error message, and which device you're attempting to sign up on?

Johannes Ernst

Another interesting thing that @Flipboard is doing is creating a hierarchical topic space in the #fediverse by concatenating topics into user names.

In plain speak: more than one user handle for the same account but different topics.

Example: there is @Semafor, and, probably more. Not sure yet exactly how the convention works, but it's needed just like blogs often have sub-RSS feeds in lower-level topic categories.

Julian Lam

@J12t @Flipboard That's an interesting approach, and one that has some appeal to me.

Just how important are handle aesthetics? It is certainly nice to have @ but how much extra metadata can we stick in there before it becomes unwieldy?

#nodebb right now exposes categories as cid.2@whatever but would cid.2.tag1.tag2.uid1.uid2@whatever be an antipattern? lol

Greg Scallan :verified_red:

@J12t @Flipboard @Semafor unintentional side affect. The names are based on the magazine name. Many curators create multiple magazines with the name representing different topics. These are all groups (similar to how peertube has different channels per user as groups).

Johannes Ernst

Congratulations to @Flipboard and @mike to going all-in on the #fediverse making 1000+ “social magazines” followable from #mastodon and all the other fediverse software. This is actually a big deal.

Lesser Abe

@J12t @mike @Flipboard This is great. How would I go about following these magazines from my mastodon app? Looking at the links from the medium post I see the option to open in the flipboard app or browser.

Johannes Ernst

Mozilla is "scal[ing] back its investment in its Mastodon instance" in addition to a bunch of other projects.

Who is surprised? Mozilla, for years and years now, has started projects, made big promises, and then killed them again. Remember the phone? Persona? IoT? These are just the ones I'm remembering.

And now they chase AI instead. Send help.

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@J12t wouldn't be surprised if the intelligence communities are trying to make Mozilla disfunctional because it interferes with their profit margins and as an Institution increases the chance of a Black Swan Event in tech.

Mike Welch

@J12t they are getting as bad as Google when it comes to killing products!

Ian Littman

@J12t tbf is tiny, at ~1300 total users, with an active user count half of the instance I help admin. Vivaldi's instance is more than an order of magnitude larger.

So their Mastodon instance would be subsidized indefinitely if any work got done on it at all, and there are better stewards for that size of user base.

I don't like the AI focus to be clear, but in the scheme of things to cut, this one unfortunately makes sense.

Johannes Ernst

Just returned from a #VisionPro demo. Trying to figure out what I make of it.

Other than what has been said by so many so often:

I think it's better to think of the #Apple headset not as a product yet, but as an experiment. The kind of experiment you get if you spend a billion dollars (or whatever it cost them, maybe more) on world-class engineering. But an experiment nonetheless.

An experiment whose outcome is unclear to me at this point. So my impression is a decisive maybe ;-)

Johannes Ernst

You can now get #patents for #AI-generated applications. What could possibly go wrong?

for word in ...:

Johannes Ernst

So gets todays’s prize for setting the #fediverse on fire with his #blueskybridge. Oh dear.
Two observations: 1) there are many people in the fediverse who clearly have been hurt in the past and are afraid of being hurt again. I totally sympathize. We need a roadmap to make the fediverse safer for them than it currently is, because I don’t think it’s as safe for them as they think it is, Ryan’s work notwithstanding. (Cont’d)

Johannes Ernst 2) as us geeks, we need to do a better job at explaining just what exactly the guarantees are that the fediverse makes to its users with respect to privacy, control over content propagation to other systems, and what it doesn’t. Also, what a malicious, sneaky actor can do today (and that’s lots!)

And then we need to fix what needs fixing to align user expectations with reality, because there are … gaps, as we can see from the discussion.

Johannes Ernst

From the former president of Mongolia. I think I like him.

Johannes Ernst

Is still alive? Last press release is from 2018.

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