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Johannes Ernst

“War in Ukraine: President Macron doesn't exclude sending troops on the ground.” right after hosting a meeting on Ukraine with 25 European heads of state and government plus reps from US and Canada.

Johannes Ernst

“Supreme Court questions Florida and Texas social media laws on First Amendment grounds”
This is interesting, and quite a tough knot. Add the fediverse into the mix, where there is no “social media platform” per se, but where non-social companies might expose fediverse endpoints, and I have no idea where that leaves us.


At least, it wouldn't affect the non US part of Fedi. :blobcatuwu:

Johannes Ernst

Hey @davew, somebody explicitly mentioned you in their registration for FediForum as somebody we should try to get to come. So I'm pointing out that we'll run #FediForum, "the unconference for the people who move the fediverse forward" again in about 3 weeks March 19 and 20, online, in case you are interested.

Johannes Ernst

How do I keep Apple Music from popping up on the Mac on occasion without me asking for it? Does some kind of audio configuration change (like taking out iPods) trigger this?

Andy Piper

@J12t well... maybe that is the thing that keeps breaking my audio settings... 😬

Johannes Ernst

Mouth stuck open!!

“A recent BI analysis of regulatory filings found that Meta has lost a cumulative $47 billion in its metaverse-focused Reality Labs division since 2019.”

Johannes Ernst

Every now and then, the former Bavarian in me insists on something. Today: Griessnockerlsupp.

(Using a Greek-labeled version of the Grieß/coarse semolina of all things …)

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@J12t because they use google tools, and if you don't use chrome, google start giving you a shitty javascript, then people that don't use chrome has a shitty experience and think is the browser...

Wes Plate

@J12t I’m not any kind of expert, but I find it easy to understand since some sites require Chrome.

Matthew Walton

@J12t because it used to be good and the user experience for most isn't bad enough to get them to switch, especially in a world where not everything works in Firefox because people have started treating Chrome like they treated IE6.

Johannes Ernst

Status: getting the backyard hydroponics system ready for this year’s plants. Dropping a few varieties that didn’t grow so well, but planting again peas, various peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, tomatillos, kohlrabi, beets, Swiss chard, a long list of spices, strawberries, lots of lettuce, and probably a bunch of other things that I forgot but will remember when I go through my seed packets.

Homegrown system. Not hard. Fun, and veeerry delicious. Documentation at

Johannes Ernst

“… managers using RTO mandates to reassert control over employees and blame employees as a scapegoat for bad firm performance”

You don’t say.

Johannes Ernst

How can you be both anti-abortion and ok with in-vitro fertilization? Or have we just given up on any kind of even appearance of logic?


@J12t You may be overthinking it looking for intellectual hypocrisy. Patriarchy needs men controlling pregnancy, not women, that’s all it is. Everything else is made up post facto to justify this

Johannes Ernst

The Data Transfer Initiative is having an event in Washington DC in a few days. Registered.

However, I will just be there virtually.

Johannes Ernst

Refactoring is rarely fun, but refactoring HTML and CSS is the worst.


@J12t I've gotta do this with my blog soon 😬. Not looking forward to it.

Johannes Ernst

The nerve.

“Avast fined $16.5 million for ‘privacy’ software that actually sold users’ browsing data”

Johannes Ernst

I wasn't at #fosdem. But I'm hearing that almost all presenters had dropped their twitter handles and replaced them with fediverse handles.
If that group doesn't do it, we would have no hope! But still nice :-)


@J12t I would still have hope anyway because I'm not a fucking traitor. Grow a spine, dude... what, you just vote for whoever looks like they're gonna be in charge next? Pffffttttt

Johannes Ernst

Got a PEZ dispenser in my stocking this Christmas. I notice it is just as difficult to put replacement candy in as it was many decades ago.

Not everything changes at the speed of light!

Johannes Ernst

And that, I believe, is the real reason #Meta is implementing #activitypub: So that they can cross-post across all their apps, such as from #Facebook to #Threads, without running afoul of antitrust law specifically in the EU.

@Sarahp here has a piece on that cross-posting, although she does not mention ActivityPub. (Which they may or may not use for that purpose between their own apps .. whether they do is not really important)

And that, I believe, is the real reason #Meta is implementing #activitypub: So that they can cross-post across all their apps, such as from #Facebook to #Threads, without running afoul of antitrust law specifically in the EU.

@Sarahp here has a piece on that cross-posting, although she does not mention ActivityPub. (Which they may or may not use for that purpose between their own apps .. whether they do is not really important)

Johannes Ernst

This occurred to me when I opened up Instagram in a web browser the other day, and the Threads logo showed up all lonesome in the bottom left corner. One could very easily imagine to have Facebook and Whatsapp logos right next to it.

Michael Vogel
@J12t @Sarahp From what i read in the story it appears to me, that this is a simple "when I post something on Facebook, then post it with my Threads account on Threads as well." This is no federation. This is just the stuff that you can do with IFTTT as well, where you can define rules like "when I post on Instagram, then post this content on Twitter as well"
Johannes Ernst

I'm not sure the #fediverse is used to be scrutinized and commented on by the press, like the ongoing #Techcrunch coverage by @Sarahp and others, e.g. about the recent spam attack:

I'm all in favor of the coverage, however, if for nothing else than having a mirror held up to us so we can see how we look like from the outside. And if it helps bring more capable people into the fediverse to help with these and other issues, it's all the better.

I'm not sure the #fediverse is used to be scrutinized and commented on by the press, like the ongoing #Techcrunch coverage by @Sarahp and others, e.g. about the recent spam attack:

I'm all in favor of the coverage, however, if for nothing else than having a mirror held up to us so we can see how we look like from the outside. And if it helps bring more capable people into the fediverse...

Tofu Golem

@J12t @Sarahp
This kind of spam attack was routine even back in the days of message boards.

I'm not criticizing the people who run Mastodon, just pointing out that it is possible to solve this.


@J12t @Sarahp considering how little coverage I’ve seen of mastodon/the fediverse, the negative coverage is a little disappointing, but probably a sign of progress overall

Johannes Ernst

The International Institute of Welding has been dethroned on Duck Duck Go for the search "IIW".

Now what I'm looking for is on place 3.

/cc @windley @Identitywoman

Johannes Ernst

Changed my Bluesky handle to my home page That was quite painless (for a geek; I filled out their web form and added a TXT record).

They did that quite nicely. We should have something similar for the ActivityPub Fediverse -- yes, I understand that's a bit harder to do but not impossible IMHO.

Akshay | అక్షయ్

@J12t Totally. Changed my Bluesky handle too to my domain painlessly. This + the ability to choose your own algo separate from the network are two great features there that we would hopefully see replicated in more social media networks.

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