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Johannes Ernst

I was out there yesterday where flowers were everywhere last year, and there was basically nothing. And the ground started getting dry.

Johannes Ernst

What is and isn't acceptable for businesses to do in the #Fediverse?

Lots of opinions, many strongly held. The fact of the matter, of course, is that businesses *are* connecting to the Fediverse, from news organizations to Meta and everything in between.

Would be useful to come up with a set of acceptable things to do for businesses and unacceptable ones. Or maybe a scale.

I want to run a #FediForum session on this next week, and brainstorm with you all.

Join me?

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Mike Macgirvin (dev)
The free peoples of the internet treat both censorship and business as damage, and routes around them. And yes, there are still free people on the internet. If you don't see us, it's probably because we've routed around you.
Darrell Bowles

@J12t The fact of the matter is businesses will do what businesses wil do, and just because or inspite of the fact that mastodon is federated won't stop them. Remember a business can just set up it's own server with it's own rules.

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@J12t I think it's pretty simple. I think companies need to approach the fediverse as a tool for outreach as opposed to promotion. Use it as a tool to advocate for your customers and support their success.

Johannes Ernst

Time zones are the worst.

Other than time zones with daylight saving time changing on different dates.

The ol' tealeg

@J12t would be really interested to track this research. The question is, how?

Joe Ortiz

@J12t I know there are "Post Open-Source" pieces lying around but not as much FOSS. Be interesting to see how this project and research plays out.

Johannes Ernst

I'm observing the community has some work to do to promote the consistent use of Fediverse user handles.

I'm going through the registrations for #FediForum, and note that attendees use all sorts of variations on their handles, including @user@server, user@server, https://server/@user and @user (???)

I would guess that attendees at FediForum tend to be more knowledgeable about the Fediverse than the average user, so it seems safe to say that the world is confused about fediverse handles.

wakest ⁂

@J12t this is a serious problem I wish more people would take notice of. I think its honestly one of the biggest problems the fediverse faces for adoption in the near future

Johannes Ernst

Burn OS to USB stick.

Of course it boots ... if it is Linux.
Of course it doesn't boot ... if it is Windows.

Same machine, same USB stick, same slot.


Johannes Ernst

Apparently woeusb is the answer to the problem. I like the name.

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@J12t @J12t

I cannot stand these articles, where percentages are compared to absolute values, and then the writer makes an issue that the numbers look different

Survey: "Twitter has 27% of US population as users."

Forbes writes, that Yaccarino gives a "Clashing Favorable Traffic Metric" when they say Twitter has 90 million US users.

US population is ~335 million. 27% of that is 90.5 million.

If anything, Twitter underestimated their Traffic Metrics by half a million.

Forbes. Really?


@J12t 30 must be Musk’s lucky number; that’s roughly the same percentage that Tesla stock has dropped this year 🀣

Johannes Ernst

Also, I wonder whether there is a Threat scenario of "compelled transfer" where @DTinitiative -style infrastructure could be used by a powerful actor (say a state) to force users to transfer/copy their data from a more protected location to a less protected location.

Numerous potential examples we can think of, from international to US-domestic.

Chris Riley

@J12t @DTinitiative Hmm. Everything we work with assumes the user has to authenticate with source and destination to process the transfer (see, e.g., and we have another piece in this series coming out Tuesday). I don't see any intermediary replicating the user sign-in function, so I don't think that this is any more risky in the direct transfer context than in a data download scenario?

Johannes Ernst

Waiting in the doctor's office.

What better to do with the time than reading through @DTinitiative 's "third-party trust model
for direct personal data
transfers" report?

Johannes Ernst

The report fundamentally assumes that service providers evaluate each other (sender A and receiver B of a transfer of personal data of some user) on a peer-to-peer basis: A evaluates B, B evaluates A, using a template they provide in the appendix of the report, and on that basis, A decides whether to send data to B, and B whether to accept it. Trust is needed in both directions.

/cc @DTinitiative

Johannes Ernst

So the #EU Digital Markets Act #DMA went into effect yesterday, March 7.

It has that "continuous and real-time access" provision but I cannot find any info by any of the large providers how they are meeting this obligation.

Anybody have any pointers? Or what am I missing?

Johannes Ernst

Hi @EC_Commissioner_Breton, we read that you posted about Apple letting EPIC back into their developer program on Twitter/X, but not here. Suggest you post to both, with the #Fediverse first?

This would be more consistent with the values the #EU is championing.

Johannes Ernst

β€œOne of the architects of the DMA, German MEP Andreas Schwab, has said that Apple’s actions amount to the company effectively asking to be the first gatekeeper to be sanctioned under the new [Digital Markets Act]”

I wonder how this is going to develop…

Johannes Ernst

So why did #Mozilla, when they decided to make a splash in the Fediverse (as opposed to when they undecided and withdrew) not simply "acquire" (as far as one can in the open-source world) #Mastodon? Or at least pay @Gargron a nice salary and add people to his team?

Because they certainly would have more to show for their investment than they do now. And it would have helped the #Fediverse, too.

/cc @ted

Yohan Yuki Xieγ†μ‚¬μš”ν•œγƒ»θ¬ι›ͺ矒

@J12t A good question. The same can be said with Laconica/StatusNet. They didn't invest or acquire.

Like today, Mozilla simply launched their first #Fediverse instance. Made news about it. IIRC, they also had an internal instance they used to communicate with each other during events/conventions.

Today, they did the same, launched (their second Fediverse instance). No investments or buy-out.

My personal take: I think, in a way, that's good. It prevents the possibility of a particular software becoming the "only" software because a big name supports or bought them out.

If, say, Mozilla bought the first Fediverse software, Laconica, it might end up as the "only" Fediverse software. And maybe, ActivityPub wouldn't be born, and neither Mastodon software itself, since everyone would more likely flock to a Mozilla-supported/funded project. πŸ€” (We already are seeing issues with Mastodon software becoming far too popular (and its own popularity is biting the primary flagship server of the software).)

@J12t A good question. The same can be said with Laconica/StatusNet. They didn't invest or acquire.

Like today, Mozilla simply launched their first #Fediverse instance. Made news about it. IIRC, they also had an internal instance they used to communicate with each other during events/conventions.

Today, they did the same, launched (their second Fediverse instance). No investments or buy-out.

Nemo_bis 🌈

@J12t Do we know what their budget was, before last month's layoffs?


@J12t advocating for a corporation to own Mastodon?!

Johannes Ernst

So #Bluesky is doing developer grants, even if very small ones. $500-$2000/project, $10k total. One thing that having a funded project lets you do.

Nemo_bis 🌈

@J12t Nice but 10 k$ is less than #Mastodon GmbH has already paid out to its occasional freelancers.

(This list also includes some stable contractors, I mean the others.)

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