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Johannes Ernst

I don’t know much about the furry subculture.

But the name of their conference, “Further Confusion”, is pure brilliance.

Johannes Ernst

“I think the defining economic reality of the modern platform media world is that all the platforms realized that an infinite supply of teenage creators are cheaper to deal with than media companies or groups of media individuals or powerful creators”

Great interview with @nilaypatel, very worthwhile and #fediverse and #indieweb enthusiastic.

Johannes Ernst

Python constructor invocations with multiple inheritance.


Johannes Ernst

Apparently I can now "write my LinkedIn posts with AI".

I'm sure they will get much better that way /s


@J12t I keep forgetting LinkedIn has posts, I thought it was for resumes

Johannes Ernst

9 years ago people collected user stories for the standards effort that led to activitypub etc. Interesting to read through them, which we got with ActivityPub and today's fediverse, and which we didn't.

Johannes Ernst

What is a good graphic that visualizes how #ActivityPub / the #Fediverse works?

This one seems to be the most commonly used, and while it's not wrong, it looks like it was created to explain one particular aspect (inboxes and outboxes) but that seems more like a technical detail than something that has high-level explanatory value.

Johannes Ernst

"For being a collection of open-source Social Media services, theoretically built on top of an open open-source protocol, we spend an incredible amount of time making sure we disable ways to communicate and allowing ourselves to be governed by not-so-open "rules"".

Sometimes it certainly feels that way.

h/t @m in

Johannes Ernst

One guy is old and maybe boring.

The other guy is clinically demented and his staff is on drugs.

That’s not counting the other mental illness, being in the pocket of unfriendly governments, the fascism, the racism, the sexism, the disinterest in the job, the sheer incompetence and ignorance, being almost as old, and, oh, allegedly about a hundred felonies.

Hard to choose, huh! /s

One guy is old and maybe boring.

The other guy is clinically demented and his staff is on drugs.

That’s not counting the other mental illness, being in the pocket of unfriendly governments, the fascism, the racism, the sexism, the disinterest in the job, the sheer incompetence and ignorance, being almost as old, and, oh, allegedly about a hundred felonies.



Little-known fact: both speed and Xanax accelerate the scabbing over of syphilis sores… or so I’ve heard.


"It’s impossible to know how much of that was fueled by the widespread availability of drugs like Xanax and Provigil. But what’s clear is that there was a breakdown of medical standards and safeguards at the highest levels of the American government....With Trump pushing to return to power on an agenda even more vicious than his first, a full accounting of the misuse of powerful stimulants and sedatives by his staff isn’t just a matter of historical interest."

Chris Hale

@J12t Yeah, not great, and not surprising. But also painting the other guy as “old and maybe boring” leaves out a huge omission to his own presidential catastrophes. That does make it a hard “choice” depending on what your priorities are.

Johannes Ernst

Today’s possibly impossible project. Un-hairball the 3D printer.
Left it printing for a couple of hours without looking and that’s what I got.
Hard to see how I can remove this blob without destroying crucial parts. Some wires went already. The built in heater doesn’t heat the plastic that far away, and the hair dryer I tried isn’t hot enough. Sigh.

Jeff Sikes

@J12t This little tool has helped me out more times than I can count, but not for a 3D printer yet. Worth a shot!

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Ralf Lenz, BOFH Emeritus 🏴‍☠️

@J12t @deadsuperhero

And this is why despite my love for the platform as a user, and *having* both the technical ability and resources to run an instance, I still won't.

Charles U. Farley

@LALegault Eh. Given the number of scrapers that people have built and their lack of interest in consent, I can't say that people mistaking a tool that looks just like a scraper for a scraper is something I'm going to get excited about. People deliberately causing it to have CSAM and then reporting it is inexcusable, but that's not a Mastodon problem; it's an Internet and social media problem.

I used to have a lot more respect for Sean Tilley, but he's jumped to the defense of too many of these consent-free projects, and his conflation of this incident with what people rightly did to some of those projects, as well as the Wil Wheaton thing, just further erode his credibility with me. He doesn't seem to be able to be bothered to understand or at least express any of the nuance involved with these situations.

Wil Wheaton barged in here like a bull in a china shop. That "BlockTogether" list he promoted is a major reason there are so many trans people here in the first place. It drove them off of Twitter. I don't blame any trans person for not feeling his defensive apology wasn't sufficient. And after his account got suspended, he posted something on his blog along the lines of maybe he'd been right to promote the list all along.

Wheaton has left social media entirely, so I think Wil Wheaton's problem is Wil Wheaton.

@LALegault Eh. Given the number of scrapers that people have built and their lack of interest in consent, I can't say that people mistaking a tool that looks just like a scraper for a scraper is something I'm going to get excited about. People deliberately causing it to have CSAM and then reporting it is inexcusable, but that's not a Mastodon problem; it's an Internet and social media problem.

Johannes Ernst

At least I can choose whether this website tracks me. If I can find some divine intervention explaining this dialog to me.

Johannes Ernst

OH on Threads: “DINO — decentralized in name only”. Interesting concept.

Whether it will apply to #Threads or not we can’t tell yet imho but I wonder whether it would make sense to come up with a list of criteria a product/service would have to meet to be DINO or not be DINO.

Sal Rahman



- claims to have engineers "working on integrating with ActivityPub"
- not contributing to other projects at all, nor supporting them financially
- implementing features that can't be federated
- privileging local posts
- strategy involves maximizing MAU of their platform

Johannes Ernst

The Russians apparently managed to record a conference call of the commanding general of the German Air Force discussing delivery of Taurus missiles with his immediate staff. And published the entire recording on Telegram.

Best I can tell, they tapped the hotel room of the general while he was on a trip in Singapore.


One wonder what else they are recording if they can simply publish this call.

Johannes Ernst

The #Mastodon project needs a tech writer.

Fanfares, really?

Johannes Ernst

There was nothing this morning. This one root is almost 1cm long now! Snow peas. #hydroponics

Johannes Ernst

The Social Web Community Group in the W3C is restarting monthly calls. Join us?

Johannes Ernst

This would be a strategically very bad move on part of Automattic.

Take the money and destroy your brand.

Internet Rando

@J12t "you had me at 'take the money'" --Their C-suite, probably.

Sebastian Lasse


I don't know enough about the tumblr transphobia thing but if this would be true it seems like a very bad timing for Matt.

Joe Ortiz

@J12t Especially Matt's transphobic tirade fresh in everyone's minds.

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