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Johannes Ernst

Also, why aren't Wikis #Fediverse-enabled by default? I'd really like to follow certain articles on #Wikipedia, for example.

If you must, it could be following something like but interpreting the actual URL to the article like as the actor's primary identifier would be so much better. Well, either would be better than not being able to follow at all...

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Dave Peck

@J12t You can craft an RSS or Atom link to wikipedia changes, but it's pretty noisy. It'd be nice to have some kind of de-bounce, so you get updates at most every N hours/days/etc.

I'm old enough to remember back when people were playing with "Blikis". It always felt like a natural idea to me: you have a body of thoughts you're working on (notes, longer essays, etc.) and every once in a while you publish an update or new-article notification to your timeline.

Bob Wyman

@J12t For something like Wiki updates, it may be most appropriate to use a protocol like Linked Data Notifications ( to notify people that an update has occurred without distributing the substance of the update or the fully updated page.

LDN is based on ActivityStreams. It would be within scope for the SWICG to define the process for publishing and interchanging with ActivityPub.


@J12t I post the latest GenWiki articles based on the recent changes RSS feed.

Johannes Ernst

I'm attempting to articulate the difference between chat, chat-in-a-group and posting-plus-responses for others to overhear as we do on social networks. (IMHO the clear boundaries between those can only be historically explained because certain products did certain things and that sort of defined the categories.)

I'm playing with "1-on-1 communication", "group communication", and "social communication" as terms. Are there better ones?

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Bob Wyman

@J12t An important distinction arises out of the immediacy of the posts and responses. We expect posts in Chat apps to be seen very soon after they are created. And, we expect Chat responses to be published almost immediately. On the other hand, when publishing in something like an NNTP newsgroup, one expects that some will see posts soon after they are created, but many will not. Responses to newsgroup content are often still useful even when published many years after the initial post.


@J12t I dislike the term "social" because it is so vague and potentialle all-encompassing. A more important difference as I see it is between having a specific intended audience (1-on-1 as well as group communication) versus having a less specific audience or at least not more specific than "those kind of folks" as you do when using a hashtag here on Mastodon. A better word might be "Publication" or "Posting".

Internet Rando


there's "Chatting", and "Posting", seems..

Chatting is generally synchronous, text, voip, audio.. one on one, or in groups

Posting is more asychronous.. reddit, masto, bulletin board systems..

Seems you're simply either chatting or posting.

a recent addtiion is the return of the Multi User Dungeons.. think googledocs, miro boards, or collabora office..

Beyond MUDs, there's LAN games, and MMOs. Oh, and a whole genre of anime about interactions in virtual worlds..


Johannes Ernst

Getting info from Russian intelligence officials. What could possibly go wrong?

Sometimes you can’t avoid thinking much of the world hasn’t progressed beyond kindergarten.


@J12t I did a cursory read but no clue what this is about!

Johannes Ernst

Crossing the Chasm was first published in 1991. Darn.

Johannes Ernst

In preparation for #FediForum and various other things, I'd love to hear people's opinions on:

* what are the next three things we need to accomplish in the #Fediverse? (anything goes, from tech to moderation to funding to ...)

* how would we go about this?

Paul Schoe

At the upcoming #FediForum I hope that people discuss the options to integrate a payment system into the #Fediverse that will allow creators to get paid for the articles, videos, music and other art they present.

Having a payment or micro-payment system might attract many creatives to the Fediverse, which will solidify the Fediverse as the place where cultural discourse occurs.


Emme Ci 🍉

@J12t in the words of Linus Torvalds, the goal is "World domination, fast!"

The best way to go about this is left as an exercise for the reader :)

Johannes Ernst

Some of the values for some of the registrations for FediForum on Eventbrite are really messed up. Entirely wrong values in certain columns.

Now I know most of the people who filled in those values, and I am quite certain they can correctly fill out a web form.

The only other explanation is that Eventbrite sometimes mangles the relationship between custom question fields in their database, which would be ... hmm!

Johannes Ernst

What a nice graph. I had not seen that kind of time-in-two-dimensions chart before.

Johannes Ernst

That would be Bok Choi being germinated in the growing cubes that will go into the hydroponics system as soon as this rain storm is over.

They are just 4 days old since I gave the seeds some water. Also germinating some lettuce (almost as fast) and Leeks, Beets and Kohlrabi. They take longer, apparently.




Are those seedlings destined for an aquaponic / hydroponic grow?

Johannes Ernst

An explicit threat of global nuclear holocaust from Medvedev if their imperialist ambitions are stymied.

How is your Sunday going?

Johannes Ernst

“Die Chance ist jetzt.” Passionate argument in favor of rapid innovation and growth of the fediverse including connecting to other services. In German.

Wäre schön, es gäbe auch eine Englische Version @markusreuter ?

Markus Reuter

@J12t Englische Version ist in Planung für die nächsten Tage.

Johannes Ernst

Anybody know who coined the term "Fediverse" and when that was?

The Wikipedia page was created in 2017.

Johannes Ernst

Took my copy of Mirror Worlds off the shelf today and started re-reading it. If you don’t know about it, it’s one of the seminal techno visions out there, published in 1992 when nobody, including the computer science professor author, had heard of it.

People usually think of it these days as predicting the web, but the vision is really much broader and very much worthwhile re-reading. Eg his view is really VR+social+agents kid of web, not just html pages sitting next to each other.

Johannes Ernst

And of course the other thing people remember about it is the Unabomber whose bomb paralyzed Gelernter, and Gelernter’s hard-authoritarian shift after that experience.
But even if strongly disagreeing with that, there are so many good ideas in Mirror Worlds that even today would be worthwhile providing to the world.
Top sight, anybody? We wish…

Johannes Ernst

Apple has a tool called "Reality Converter".

Finally! What shall we convert it to?

Pepper The Vixen🏳️‍⚧️🦯

@J12t I mean, we can do a lot better than hairless apes, so let's start with a few upgradesx there. Maybe finally push out the Brain 2.0 patch that fixes hypnogogic jerks for good

Johannes Ernst

Today's insight:

All(*) websites and web applications are fundamentally social, i.e. applications that have more than one user.

Even if you have a site on which only you post or publish, you are expecting that sometimes some others read what you put there.

Granted, not the functionality that we usually think of when we think "social media" or "the social web", but social nevertheless.

*) 100% minus a negligible number, e.g. I have a Shaarli instance for bookmarks thats only accessible by me.

Johannes Ernst

“…a whopping 75.85 percent of traffic from X to its advertising clients' websites during the weekend of the Super Bowl was fake” according to CHEQ, a cybersecurity firm that tracks bots and fake users.

John Regehr

@J12t @kaoudis this will be surprising news to 12 people but all of them will be very rich

Johannes Ernst

Putin and Carlson. Musk and Taibbi.

I don't understand why the interviewers don't realize that whatever boost they might get out of interviewing "The Big Man" is likely going to bite them on short order, with the Big Man doing the biting.


@J12t I have never really seen Taibbi as an ally of Musk, but he was certainly riding the benefits of being in his good graces. The twitter files had some interesting info in them and Taibbi using Musk as a resource made sense. Musk just can’t help but burn all his bridges.


Matt Taibbi: "But I never thought that leopard would eat MY face"

Johannes Ernst

What the heck? Why didn’t I hear about this from all over the press?

“In just two years, the number of people facing, or at risk of, acute food insecurity increased from 135 million in 53 countries pre-pandemic, to 345 million in 79 countries in 2023.”

From the Word Food Program.

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