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Johannes Ernst

We have reached the Unpack The Dremel Cutting Tool stage of the faucet replacement project.

Johannes Ernst

How to talk about the #fediverse so people can understand why it might have value to them.

(Skip the term "marketing" if you don't like it. The conversation is still very interesting)

From a session at #FediForum hosted by @georgiagemo

Johannes Ernst

"Sometimes we [in the Fediverse] can be too serious. need to remember to have fun"

From the notes of a session at #FediForum.

Johannes Ernst

... and suddenly the most followed fediverse accounts are quite different.

Johannes Ernst

What's the easiest way of bulk adding a list of #Fediverse handles to a #Mastodon list?


@J12t import-merge via .csv. The format is simple: two columns --> col 1 is list name, col 2 is handle. Import can be done in mastodon settings.

Johannes Ernst

"Currently, Threads accounts do not see individual likes on their federated posts, instead getting a notification that says โ€˜4 fediverse users from 3 servers liked this postโ€™. According to Mastodon CTO Renaud Chaput, Threads cannot use profile info from fediverse accounts on Threads yet because they are not allowed to do so yet by their Legal department."

h/t @fediversereport

Back Alley InfoSec

@J12t @fediversereport
Can't use it on the front end, but can collect and use it internally, or can't use it at all?

Johannes Ernst

Hey @scott, is there a fediverse account operated by the #Hubzilla foundation, like to follow project updates? If so, I can't find it.

Johannes Ernst

From the #FediForum notes of a session:

"Note taker: Beneficial Anarchy"

Could be the name of a rock band.

Johannes Ernst

All the old use cases are coming back with the re-surging decentralized social web. Just came across one that I last thought about ca 2009.

2008-2024: the lost years.


@J12t ... lost years filled and failed with crypto utopia.

Johannes Ernst

Reviewing #FediForum session notes. One says "Making PR to Mastodon seems futile".

I don't know who made the comment or based on what experience, but Ouch!

/cc @Gargron @andypiper

Tim Erickson, @stpaultim

@J12t @Gargron @andypiper

At an open source conference this weekend and talking to folks about the different experiences that people report about the community. While some folks report a cliquish and closed core team that make it difficult to contribute, others are glowing in their praise about how welcoming and open the community is and supportive of new contributions.

Both of these experiences are probably accurate, but demonstrate how individual milage varies. So many factors.

Josh Brown

@J12t @Gargron @andypiper that quote seems really familiar, almost like I might have typed it, but I have no idea who said it.

Even if it's just one person's experience, though, that's pretty rough. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Johannes Ernst

So Threads turns on the button to enable Fediverse sharing, but then the button has a bug and doesn't actually turn it on.

This kinds of thing makes me feel better as a developer, because I do stuff like that, too, and I don't have a gazillion people in the quality department like they do.


@J12t hopefully they will soon also federate back comments, feels kinda pointless to answer on posts from there ...


@J12t This kind of thing makes me feel bad as a software tester. How hard was this to test?


@J12t strong agree ๐Ÿ˜‚

Now whenever I encounter a bug I feel the joy of my impostor syndrome shrinking over our sweet lil MVP

Especially when I am filing our bugs in Jiraโ€ฆ and Jira has bugs ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿชฒ

Johannes Ernst

Feeling pooped out. Going to an unconference does that to you. Running an unconference doubly so. But it was a good one, so all worth it.


Johannes Ernst

OH at #fediforum

" expected to take place before the next FediForum".

Apparently FediForum is now a measure of time in the Fediverse ๐Ÿ™‚

Jupiter Rowland
@Johannes Ernst This should be a Law of the Fediverse:

After FediForum is before FediForum.

Johannes Ernst

It seems #FediForum has just led to another initative: a Threadiverse working group. Excellent!!

Johannes Ernst

Personal opinion: this #FediForum is the best so far.

Discussions have always been good, but this time they are even more intensely knowledgeable. At least in the sessions I've been in so far.

A sign the #Fediverse is developing rapidly and the people in it really are figuring out more and more details.

Bob Wyman

@J12t Trump also did what Evergrande did. But, he didn't do it at quite the same scale they did. He remains a loser - even in infamy.

Johannes Ernst

Regardless what you think of "Web3" and DAOs, it's interesting to read about the new legal form Wyoming just created.

Johannes Ernst

I wonder what average lifetime of a Fediverse handle is. Compared to an e-mail address, and handles on other social media systems.

I suspect it is much shorter. How much of this might be intentional vs inadvertent?

Examples: disappearing. Moderation policies on a server changing. People trying out the Fediverse and only settling on a place after some trial and error.

What can we do to make this process as smooth as possible?

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@J12t Easier migration would be number one for me. If more or less everything follows you along to the new handle, and perhaps links on the old ha del redirected to the new, then it would practically not matter that people shifted.


@J12t I just moved from to my own instance *yesterday*. The process was not smooth nor straightforward. As a motivated Mastodon nerd, I found the process doable. But it would be impossible for my peers to perform as complete a job as I did.

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