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Johannes Ernst

So there's a new Twitter-like mobile app called #Lyrak that promises (Yea, I know) to integrate with the Fediverse real soon.

Assuming it happens, all the innovation happening in the #fediverse is great to see.


@J12t I think it's great that people are realizing if their social media app isn't talking to the fedi they needn't bother making it.

Doctor Popular

@J12t oh, I had thought they were already connected to the fediverse... so I was wondering why I couldn't find any accounts from their server. I hope they integrate soon because the idea sounds awesome.

Johannes Ernst

Silly (or maybe not) question:

So what exactly is social media for?

For some, it is a way to sell ads into an addicted audience. But we are trying to get away from that with the #Fediverse. So if it's not that, what is it for, exactly?

And for you personally: if you didn't have social media, what exactly would you miss in your life? Which needs or wants do you have that would be unmet?

I'd love a broad variety of responses. Reshare?

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Internet Rando

@J12t I was never able to participate in corporate digital social media. Being a Free Software type, I had no interest in building my digital social network on a centralized social media site that had *my network* as a *product* to exploit.

Then the #fediverse came along, and I was able to start building my *own* digital social network out of the people I actually know & want to follow, *without* corporate influence shaping my network.

Social networks can be *social* now, instead of products.

Jeff Sikes

@J12t I would sorely miss the sparks of creativity, the celebration of nerdy triumphs and epic fails, the marvel of a knitted cap made for an underwhelmed cat. More than entertainment, it's a connection with others and their unabashed interests.

Outside of the fediverse, it's difficult for that spark to come through, as it gets drowned out by influencers and ads vying for your attention, looking more and more like actual content these days.

Johannes Ernst

“At their peak in 1996, there were 7,300 publicly traded companies in the US. Today there are about 4,300.”

This is indeed not a good trend. I’m sure if you analyzed ownership, you’d also find more concentration.

Johannes Ernst

Status: "broadband" connection is smoking.

I put "broadband" in quotes because in the middle of this technology desert called Silicon Valley, I have a choice of exactly two broadband providers, and the one that has the less-horrible privacy policy has date rates that were last acceptable maybe last century.

James M.

@J12t can you get Sonic? I use them in Berkeley, and they're consumer-friendly and have good support.

Johannes Ernst

Somehow I missed all the people who usually say "the scientists, they are all lying, do your own research" predict that there would be no eclipse, or it would be next tuesday. One wonders why./s

Johannes Ernst

Playing with @ben's sharing widget by putting it on my home page.

It works. :-)

Johannes Ernst

What about an #IIW session next week where we remind each other what we wanted the #socialweb to be ≈15 years ago before the big platforms took over and it all became non-viable since?

Which parts of the vision are again relevant and can we make them happen this time around now that we have a resurgence of the #fediverse?

Off the top of my head: @evan @chrismessina @blaine @daveman692 @dickhardt @snarfed @jpanzer @jsmarr Who else is here of the old gang?

Chris Messina

@J12t @evan @blaine @daveman692 @dickhardt @snarfed @jpanzer @jsmarr Is it better to go back in time or imagine what would be relevant to today's audiences, given the maturing of fundamental enabling technologies?

Johannes Ernst

The #Threads UI is kind non-obvious. I still haven't figured out what exactly they put where once you select a post further down a comment tree. Somehow they also put the higher-level context into the page showing the lower-level responses. What's the scheme there exactly? Probably reduces the likelihood that people get lost and also spend more time with other parts of the comment tree?

Johannes Ernst

Wild idea:

#ActivityPub over #tor.

Single-user instances for sure. Like hosted from your home on your own #raspberrypi.

What could one do with that?

Emelia 👸🏻

@J12t what exactly would that give you? Would doing p2p be better?

Adam Nelson

@J12t Doesn't this already exist? I thought I'd heard that .onion Fedi servers already exist but they're only visible from other servers connected to Tor, and not many are. I don't know what software supports it, though.

Johannes Ernst

And this is why I’m not a fan of JavaScript. Life is too short for this kind of nonsense.

jonny (good kind)

I have seen a million of these and every time I am still like what in tarnation

Johannes Ernst

Amazon EC2: Pick a device name for your new virtual disk. I say: /dev/sdb and attach. Disk shows up as /dev/nvme1n1.


It also claimed /dev/sda was taken. Only /dev/nvme0n1 was.

Johannes Ernst

Rust developers at Google are twice as productive as C++ teams, according to Google.

Johannes Ernst

There are 17 people on the W3C’s Social Web Incubator Community Group today, and the discussion is mostly about active work documenting things such as WebFinger use and Http Signatures use with ActivityPub.

I’m so happy about this. The fediverse can only thrive if the underlying standards are actively maintained, and now things are actually moving. Took a bunch of work by a bunch of people, but here we are. Onwards!

Johannes Ernst

Disney HoloTime floor. Ohhh .... what an invention! I can see how this works, and it's non-obvious before you see it.

Demo towards the end of

Johannes Ernst

What do you mean, ancient computers with no stack? My first BASIC interpreter didn't have a stack, and it felt really modern! Well, back then. So I passed arrays around and an index. Worked "fine" even for recursion.

But then I wanted to port my recursive generate-a-christmas-tree algorithm to my little cousin's BASIC interpreter, as a Christmas present, and it wouldn't let me pass the array to the subroutine either. That's when things got a bit difficult ...

What do you mean, ancient computers with no stack? My first BASIC interpreter didn't have a stack, and it felt really modern! Well, back then. So I passed arrays around and an index. Worked "fine" even for recursion.

But then I wanted to port my recursive generate-a-christmas-tree algorithm to my little cousin's BASIC interpreter, as a Christmas present, and it wouldn't let me pass the array to the subroutine either. That's when things got a bit difficult ...


Several things there that I didn't know that I needed to know, back in 1995 when trying to make sense of QBASIC's built-in help files.

Johannes Ernst

People dramatically underestimate the proposition that is the #Fediverse.

Just saying.

Brian Dear


Regular folks don’t want propositions. Or grand visions. Or lofty ambitions. They just want something that’s easy to use, easy to understand, and something that their friends use too. We’re not there yet with Mastodon imho.

Charles G.

@J12t I’ve been really enjoying the #fediverse / #mastodon since I discovered the @IceCubesApp but there’s still a long way to make it as easy and straightforward as #twitter is for regular people.

Johannes Ernst

The nice thing about underground wiring is that my neighborhood looks much better.

The terrible thing about underground wiring is that fiber is probably not coming to my neighborhood any century from now.

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