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Johannes Ernst

RIP Z80. May your opcodes live forever in our hearts.

> Z80 Product Line: Z85C00 End of Life.

(The Z80 was the second microprocessor I ever wrote Assembly to target – the 6502 being the first.)

#computers #retro

Johannes Ernst

@jackwilliambell I learned assembly on a Z80. Hand-translated assembly that is because I couldn’t afford buying an assembler … but I had a disassembler! Which I got by typing it in (yes!) in hex that was published in a book!!

Johannes Ernst

We've got new Dot Social podcast episodes coming with fediverse leaders, starting with @mike's conversation with Meta's @rklambo and @pcottle, two key people building #Threads. That one releases on Monday, followed by episodes with and @molly0xfff. Be sure to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Here's more info:

#DotSocial #Podcast #Fediverse #Flipboard #Federation #MastodonMigration #ActivityPub #Meta #Threads #MetaThreads #BridgyFed #Web3

We've got new Dot Social podcast episodes coming with fediverse leaders, starting with @mike's conversation with Meta's @rklambo and @pcottle, two key people building #Threads. That one releases on Monday, followed by episodes with and @molly0xfff. Be sure to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Here's more info:

Johannes Ernst

Hey @dmitri "Data Spaces (Wallet-attached storage)" -- have a link?

Johannes Ernst

There’s a bird outside that’s making an incredible ruckus every night these days. How do I figure out what’s going on??

Johannes Ernst

#ChatGPT is useless for me. I've been trying to use it for Web search where I'm not certain how to express what I want to look for in some easy search terms. But it doesn't get what I'm saying either. The words match, but the meaning does not.

Johannes Ernst

There were two other sessions on the #Fediverse at Internet Identity Workshop this week. One by me, on Identity in the Fediverse and one by @dmitri on Data Portability.

To my surprise, many attendees were not or only very marginally aware of the Fediverse. We need to communicate what it is and why it matters much more broadly than we have so far, apparently.

Johannes Ernst

Gave an improptu summary of the UBOS project and architecture and key differences at #IIW today in a session on Personal Data Stores. Others talked about #solid, #tbd/decentralized web nodes and more.

Johannes Ernst

Talking about FediTest and Fediverse testing @feditest at Internet Identity Workshop today. Thanks @kudrix for the photo! #iiw #activitypub #fediverse

Andy Piper

@J12t @feditest @kudrix with this and also PubKit, suddenly interop and testing options are looking much brighter! 👏🏻

Johannes Ernst

During college, when my EE internship placed me in a manufacturing line job that was somewhat repetitive (not very repetitive as repetitive goes though), on the second day, I distinctly remember I felt like my brain was dying. It was not a good feeling.

So can confirm.

Fortunately, my manager saw sense and made me write some Turbo Pascal instead the day after.

Johannes Ernst

The #IIW agenda wall today is effectively full. i was looking for a slot to talk about #FediTest and basically failed.

Wow, unconferences!

Johannes Ernst

An entrepreneur -- who doesn't yet want to be publicly identified -- ran a session here at #IIW why he's pivoting his company out of the #SSI Self-sovereign Identity / #VC Verifiable Credential space after years of trying to make a business there.

It was extremely interesting and I hope he will publish his lessons learned both for the #identity community and any new technology market really that has similar challenges.

P.S. Much resonated with my reasons why I never got deep into SSI myself.

Johannes Ernst

About to run a session on identity and the open social web / fediverse at #iiw. Lots of unsolved problems.

Johannes Ernst

In an #iiw session on the Content Authenticity initiative.

@scouten starts off by showing the famous made-up picture of the pope in the gigantic white puffer coat.

Johannes Ernst

Internet Identity Workshop number 38 #iiw has started.


And somehow the internet identity problem is still not close to being solved. Still fun though.

Bryan Whitehead

I’m glad I’m not a web developer. Supporting 11+ browsers seems like a nightmare. 🫣

Johannes Ernst

If you believe the attack by #iran was mostly for show, consider the bar graph here:

I think it clearly disproves the thesis.

Lucent Maven Katanova

Thanks, this sheds light on the likely expectations that the action was undertaken with.

I retract my theory that it wasn't intended to do significant damage.

My theory was based on the perspective that Iran was aware of how built-up Israel's defenses are against other rocket barrages.

It seems silly to me for a neighboring country to see them so well-defended against aerial bombardment, and think "yeah, this is the way to go"

Johannes Ernst

Journalism elder statesman @dangillmor is retiring.

Just kidding. He is only pretending to retire, as he outlines here.

Johannes Ernst

Interesting pov on the decline of social media traffic to “conservative” sites as a result of meta de-emphasizing news content. No idea whether it’s accurate, but worth pondering.

Raphael Lullis

@J12t without reading the article, I will take a shot at explaining it: "Conservative" news are now being spread via messaging groups: Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord, et caterva.

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